Breslin's Nonsense
hobitbob wrote:Draft Dodger President
Jimmy Breslin
A Dodger Not A Warrior
February 15, 2004
There can be no dispute that George Bush attended some drills in the Texas Air National Guard in the first four months of 1972. By then, there were 56,000 dead Americans and the air losses in Vietnam continued. It isn't difficult to count Bush's days on duty in the Texas Guard because he wasn't present so many times. Only 26 days. If George Bush had been a milkman, children would have starved.
A bogus analogy. A milkman needs to deliver his milk everyday. A pilot does not need to fly every day, even in a regular Air Force squadron, to maintain his currency. Many staff officers in the regular Air Force fly a couple times each month to stay proficient. That is the strategy for the entire Guard, to maintain a minimum level of proficiency so as to maintain a reserve pool of pilots at the cheapest cost, maximizing the combat punch of the tactical air force.
It's a good thing lefty columnists like Breslin do not command the fighter force lest they operate it like a dairy.
Breslin wrote:
He believes he is a warrior president. He is not. He is a war dodger. He confuses himself with George Patton, and proudly passes a National Guard record around all over America.
Breslin should tell it to the Taliban and Iraq. Bush conducted very successful wars against Afghanistan and Iraq at a very cheap cost in American lives. Also, the cockpit of a fighter jet is not a very good place to hide from a war. That's why all those lefties departed for Canada instead of clamoring to find a fighter cockpit to hide in.
Breslin wrote:
There was a cheap argument between the hack flacks in the White House and the Pekingese of the Press over whether Bush attended a dentist one day. Yes! He certainly was in the dentist's chair.
Give him the silver Medal for Molars!
Here is a classic example of the Left moving the goalposts. First, they claim that Bush never showed up in Alabama. Now, when the evidence is indisputable that he did attend drills in Alabama, they ridicule the fact that he showed up. It's an intellectually dishonest argument.
And by the way, anyone who volunteered to put on the uniform in the 1960s was taking sides in a time when anyone in uniform was routinely villified and abused. Even security cops in grocery stores received insults from the Unwashed Left, as if they had anything to do in Vietnam.
Breslin wrote:On George Bush's last paid day in the Texas Air National Guard, on April 16, 1972, the air war in Vietnam had turned furious, Richard Nixon had ordered large strikes against North Vietnam, the first since 1967.
None of these strikes were made in F-102s, the jet Lt. Bush flew.
Let me point out that none of the F-4 pilots sitting alert in Ramstein AB, Germany on April 16, 1972 were involved in the air strikes against North Vietnam. Does that mean they were dodging the war? The C-130 pilots in Vietnam did not participate in the strikes against the North. Were they avoiding the war?
The fact is that even in a large war, the majority of people serving in the military never see combat. However, even if you are sitting in the reserve, you are contributing to the military effort.
It's fallacious reasoning to pick out a battle and argue that if you weren't in it, you were dodging it.
Breslin wrote:
On Bush's last day, front pages had a photo of Maj. Gale Albert Despiegler, just captured after being shot down over Quang Binh, North Vietnam. Despiegler would be in the same prison with John McCain, who was to spend 5 1/2 years of torture in a Hanoi jail. McCain tried suicide twice.
Does that mean that any pilot who was not in the Hanoi Hilton was dodging the war? That would include the majority of the pilots who actually fought in Vietnam. Most of the pilots who flew into Route Pack Six were not captured. Does that make them war dodgers?
This is another piece of cheap rhetoric, waving the bloody shirt.
Breslin wrote:
In their name today, George Bush is in command of a war, something that he knows absolutely nothing about, and because of this many are being killed and many, many more wounded.
Where did Bush claim to be fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of Maj. Gale Albert Despiegler and John McCain. This is flatly untrue.
If Bush doesn't know anything about commanding in war, how did we win? Why did we suffer such low casualties if he didn't know what he was doing?
This is a classic example of the fictional parallel universe in which the Left dwells, a dark place where the light of reality does not intrude.
Breslin wrote:
Bush was far from the fight on April 16, 1972. In the war he evaded, United States fliers raided Haiphong with eight-engine B-52s that fly slower than the speed of sound and dropped enormous amounts of bomb tonnage in long patterns. This made the B-52s vulnerable to surface-to-air missiles. The jet fighters, smoked lightning, flew near the B-52s to attract the fire from the ground. The North Vietnamese fired 200 missiles and thousands of rounds of anti-aircraft shells.
Bush did not fly B-52s. He flew F-102s. Breslin seems to be arguing that Bush should cross-train into B-52s to fight in Vietnam. He did not fly F-4s either.
F-4s did not fly close to B-52s in Vietnam. That is an obsolete WWII tactic. It simply would have made it easier for commie radar to see the bomber mass through the jamming. Instead of highlighting the force they are protecting, they are roaming in the middle distance to head off enemy fighter threats. Fighters flying escort even in WWII did not attempt to draw fire from the ground.
I point this out to demonstrate that the Left simply makes things up as they go.
Breslin wrote:
United States communiques said that four American aircraft, a Navy jet and three Air Force fighter bombers were downed in raids against military targets around Haiphong. Another United States communique said the pilot of a Navy Corsair was rescued at sea, but the two crewmen of an Air Force F-105 Thunderchief were missing.
Still another United States communique said the pilot of a Navy Corsair was rescued at sea, but the two crewmen of an Air Force F-105 Thunderchief were missing. The communique also said a helicopter and a medical evacuation helicopter were shot down north of Saigon.
Bush was not in the Navy and so never flew a Corsair. He did not fly 105s. He did not fly helicopters. He flew F-102s. Breslin seems to be arguing that if anyone did anything brave in Vietnam, everyone else in the military who was not directly involved is a war dodger.
Breslin wrote:
Whether this was part of the communique about four planes missing or was about two more losses, is unsure. What we're sure of is that, on April 16, Bush was training to lead his country in war by packing his bags in Texas and moving to Alabama, and that pretty much ended his fighting career although he did wage war on cavities in that dentist's chair at Maxwell Field, Ala.
What matters is that Bush was in the National Guard in Texas through all the days from Jan. 1 until April 16 because he was dodging the war in Vietnam. At that time, if you were in the Guard, you were not called for Vietnam.
This is a shameless lefty lie. Guardsmen were called up for Vietnam, fought in it, and died in it. Four Guard fighter groups were activated and deployed to Vietnam. Detachments of F-102s, the jet Bush flew, were deployed to Vietnam.
Breslin wrote:
Some people used National Guard, or college, or marriage, or conscientious objector, or moving to Canada to evade. Bush used the Guard. Today, National Guard troops are being activated and sent to Iraq. In Bush's time, the Guard was safe as an apartment in Paris.
More lies. Bush's squadron was called up in every war from WWII forward except for Vietnam. If you visit the TANG museum in Austin, you can see the enemy weaponry they brought home as trophies and view the photos of their aircraft in action.
Flying a fighter is far from being as safe as a Parisian apartment. The reality is that flying a fighter close to the ground, close to other aircraft, and carrying explosives is unsafe. My experience, which is typical, is that you will lose one friend per year in accidents, usually training accidents at the beginning of your career. That is confirmed by the experience of the TANG, which lost six pilots during the career of Lt. Bush's contemporaries, including one during Bush's tour.
I'd be interested to know how many people in a Parisian apartment Breslin thinks collided with another Parisian apartment and burst into flames. How many Parisian apartment dwellers set a knob wrong and were hurled into a mountain at 450 knots? How many Parisians launch air to air missiles from their bedroom windows? Would that be considered unsafe? How many Parisians broke their spine bailing out of their apartments when the jet engine they keep in the kitchen threw a compressor blade? How many Parisians had to deadstick their apartment in when they lost hydraulics?
Breslin's Paris argument demonstrates the Left's comprehensive ignorance of the military, of tactical aviation, and of the character of Bush's TANG service.
Breslin wrote:
And now, he sends people to get killed in Iraq. That he has no right to do this doesn't seem to enter his mind. He dodged the war, rebuffed any chance to go to war, and yet shamelessly, preposterously, without any idea of what he is doing, and without an ounce of personal uneasiness, sends young people to die in a war.
Actually, Saddam's violation of the many UN resolutions does give us the right to enforce them. So does Saddam's attack on former President Bush and the WTC in 1993.
Bush did not dodge the war. It's not like he faked an illness to get a draft exemption and then went skiing for a year. Anybody in a fighter cockpit anywhere in the tactical air force could have been activated and deployed to Vietnam. Had the Soviets deployed bombers to North Vietnam, you bet that F-102s would have been activated and sent. And contrary to Breslin's nonsense about rebuffing any chance to go to war, Bush volunteered for the program that deployed Guard F-102s to SEA.
As far as Bush not knowing what he is doing in war, why do we keep winning wars under him? If he didn't know what he was doing, shouldn't we be losing? After all, we conquered Iraq in a month with a few dozen dead. When Iran and Iraq fought, it took eight years and a million dead before they called it a draw. That's an example of not knowing what you are doing in war.
This argument demonstrates the ignorance of history of the Left. Nor is this ancient history but the current history anyone could pick up if say people like Breslin read their own paper.
Breslin wrote:
Has there ever been a president who seems less bothered by young dead than George Bush?
Is there any Lefty who seem less bothered by irresponsible rhetoric than Breslin? Come to think about it, slander is the preferred tactic of the Left. This is an example of the same.
Breslin wrote:
The picture of him playing soldier suit on an aircraft carrier, the helmet under his arm as if he just got back from a run over Baghdad, marks him as exceedingly dangerous. The guy could actually believe he is a warrior.
If you have been trained to fly an F-102 fighter interceptor, you are a warrior. When Bush landed on the aircraft carrier, it wasn't his first time in a flight suit. It demonstrated that he supported the military as opposed to loathing it, the preferred position of the Democrats as exemplified by Clinton. That needed to be reversed dramatically.
Breslin wrote:
We have a commander in chief who made sure he missed all action for his country and now, without knowing what he is doing, plays war with other people's lives. Look at our casualties every day in Iraq since Bush declared the fighting over, sometime last year.
This is not a play war. Those six hundred attacks the Iraqis made on our aircraft patrolling the UN No Fly Zone were not pretend attacks. Those foreign jihadis hoping to murder American infidels in Iraq are not playing around. If it wasn't easier to fight infidels in Iraq, they'd be making their way to America to murder more people drinking coffee in their offices.
I've looked very carefully at the casualties in this war in the Mideast and I have notice that none of them are stewardesses with their thoats slit, none were families taking their kids to Disneyworld, none of them were pulverized by a building falling on them, none of them were bathed in aviation gas and set alight. In short, none of them were American civilians murdered in America.