You mean a Ki-51, they had a variant nose that looked very similar to a spit.
The fact that the art is fucked up in this picture and you say that the Corsaor would pull up. It would if the artist wasnt so ionyerested in framing the picture with all the "painterly" elements. Its like those Audubon prints that show the flamingo or stork with these wildly contorted necks. What Audubon did was to kill the bird and then lay it out on his elephant sized sketch papaer so it would fit.
ARtists do lots of dumb things that can annoy those that like accuracy. Im a bit of a stickler in planes and warbird art. Another A2Ker I know gets annoyed at sailing ships where the sails act incoherently (like where a sea is clearly being whipped by wind going off starboard t=et all the sails are fore and aft).
I still say that Corsair's gonna get wet as its shown in THAT painting.