Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 12:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No, we've got a really weird anachronistic system. We really on being bloody bolshie to keep hold of our freedoms, they were hard fought, and the fight's still ongoing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 12:51 pm
And that is part of your problem.

Traveling can help widen your experience, and give you a different perspective on past events.

I have also been to Israel, and to Auschwitz along with 30 other countries.
If I was financially able right now, I would still travel around the world.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 12:59 pm
Since this thread is about Rush Limbaugh, I thought I would post this article for those that would like to have him remover from the airwaves...


(CNN) -- I despise Rush Limbaugh. I despise almost everything I have ever heard him say. I wish that he were no longer on the air. That is why I write today to defend him against those who call for him to be silenced

Rush Limbaugh has a right to his views. Just as important, his fans have a right to hear him. Those of us who disagree with him have a right to fight him, but we must do so on our own. Using the government to support our view is constitutionally intolerable. Trying to bully him off the air is wrong.

Some call for the Federal Communications Commission to pull Clear Channel's broadcast licenses if they keep Limbaugh on the air, because they believe that Rush Limbaugh does not "serve the public interest." This is inaccurate and not permissible under the Constitution.

This op/ed is well written and informative.
While I dislike Rush, and stopped listening to him about 15 years ago, when he started getting crazy, the attorney that wrote this piece has it correct.

And here is a link to the op/ed calling for the removal of Rush from the airwaves...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 01:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
So, where is your "authenticity?" I want proof; evidence.
I don 't have to prove anything, C. I.
U r the one asserting the allegation
that: "Even many Jews spell it the way I did. . . . "
I asked u how many
and HOW u knew those spellers were JEWS.
The claims r YOURS, not mine.

Don 't expect me to prove YOUR allegations.

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 01:40 pm
You want proof, but won't provide yours? LOL
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 02:09 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You want proof, but won't provide yours? LOL
I have nothing to prove.
I am not alleging anything; U r, not me.

I have noticed, over the years, that U have a lot of trouble
in FOLLOWING ALONG with the argument posted in the threads.
U appear not to understand what u r saying,
unless u r pretending to be stupid.

R u pretending to be stupid, C.I. ??

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 04:19 pm
What did I allege? I made factual statements about myself. What is there to prove? You made statements without proving them; you alleged.

You wrote,
Really ?? How many?????

Please reveal HOW U KNOW that those spellers were JEWS, if u will be so kind.

Did u ASK them ?

Tuchus - (General)

1. This is a list of English words of Yiddish origin, many of which have entered the English language by way of American English. Spelling of some of these Yiddish language words may be variable (for example, schlep is also seen as shlep, schnoz as shnozz, and so on). ... ...Source...

2. buttocks, rear end, butt ...Source...

It's for you to prove Jews do not spell it this way.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 05:08 pm
If you dont vote than shut the hell up. You dont have the right to bitch if you havent voted.
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 05:25 pm
mysteryman wrote:

And that is part of your problem.

Traveling can help widen your experience, and give you a different perspective on past events.

I have also been to Israel, and to Auschwitz along with 30 other countries.
If I was financially able right now, I would still travel around the world.

Or, perhaps you have a problem with understanding that everyone does not have to subscribe to the same values, as long as no one is hurt. I do not care for travelling, since I have no interest in seeing how foreigners live. If you care to see how foreigners live, or whatever, fine. I don't proselytize to you; please don't proselytize to me.

If I do not want my experience widened, that is my choice, not your choice to stand in judgement of my choice of limitations. You may not subscribe to it; that is your choice.

I certainly would not go to Israel, since it is a foreign culture that I do not appreciate. I certainly would not go to Aushwitz, since I do not appreciate something so horrific. Come to think of it, I only appreciate travel between Boston and Washington, D.C. In my narrow view of the world, that is civilization. Just my opinion.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 05:29 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

If you dont vote than shut the hell up. You dont have the right to bitch if you havent voted.

I thought I said, I don't have to vote. I didn't say I did not. I vote Republican in national elections, since the Democrats have become too aligned with all sorts of minorities, be they racial or life-style, in my opinion. I also do not believe in abortion. Killing a fetus, so a woman can do a Pontius Pilate, is really not nice, in my opinion.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 06:00 pm
So, as a right to lifer, do you only have interest in American women who's pregnant? What about all those starving children in Africa? Do you care for them? Why are you so interested in controlling other people's lives when you really don't care who they are?

If you want to prevent abortion, you should go to Vietnam where they perform most of the abortions in this world. India still practices infanticide. Africa has millions of starving children.

Get a (*******) life.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 07:17 pm
Uninformed of WHAT ??

The English language for one, Om. You are really ignorant when it comes to the workings of the English language.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 08:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
What did I allege? I made factual statements about myself.
What is there to prove? You made statements without proving them; you alleged.

You wrote,
Really ?? How many?????

Please reveal HOW U KNOW that those spellers were JEWS, if u will be so kind.

Did u ASK them ?

Tuchus - (General)

1. This is a list of English words of Yiddish origin, many of which have entered the English language by way of American English. Spelling of some of these Yiddish language words may be variable (for example, schlep is also seen as shlep, schnoz as shnozz, and so on). ... ...Source...

2. buttocks, rear end, butt ...Source...

It's for you to prove Jews do not spell it this way.
I am IGNORANT of how thay spell anything.
I can show u the error of your ways,
but it occurs to me that I shud avoid being a bully.
I 'm not going to keep hammering away at it.
I don 't wanna be an on-line bully.
Its better just to ignore your continual errors. Thay don 't really hurt anything.

U appear not to be able
to follow a train of thought.

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 08:53 pm
You don't want to be a bully? LOL

You wrote,
Really ?? How many?????

Did u ASK them ?

Why do I need to "ask them?" People with Jewish names working for a Jewish company is pretty simple to conclude they are Jewish. Is that too simple a concept for you?
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 09:54 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You don't want to be a bully? LOL

You wrote,
Really ?? How many?????

Did u ASK them ?

Why do I need to "ask them?" People with Jewish names working for a Jewish company is pretty simple to conclude they are Jewish. Is that too simple a concept for you?

So, if Florsheim was a "Jewish company," does that mean they sold Jewish shoes? Can the feet of Gentiles feel comfortable in Jewish shoes? Or, do Gentile feet, wearing Jewish shoes, feel like the shoes are acting/feeling superior to their feet?

Just taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion!

Did your Jewish co-workers realize you had such a biased view of the company you all worked for? I hear that some people of color refer to restaurants as "white," meaning that only white people go there. So, were you really just a non-Jewish employee in a "Jewish company," or possibly you were a "Gentile token" in a "Jewish company." The way to possibly tell would be if you were treated better in some ways (aka, pandered to) than the Jewish employees. Mind you, I am not putting any pejorative meaning to your referring to Florsheim as a Jewish company, since many Gentiles would not be caught dead working for a "Jewish company," since it would be humiliating to their friends back at the "club." Unless of course, it could be rationalized to all that they were getting the better end of the deal, so to speak, by being given a handsome salary, and perquisites.

By the way, I have heard the term "front Gentile" referring to a non-Jew hired specifically to meet and greet the "buyers" from out of town, so the buyers can be wined and dined by a fellow Gentile that they would have more rapport with. But, that was not you. So, it might just be that Florsheim wanted a "smart Asian." I call that positive discrimination.

So, I think it is so educated of you to brand a company Jewish because the owner(s) would be Jewish by religion. I will have to remember this the next time I shop. Perhaps, I have been ignorant all along when I shop at an Asian owned market for tea or cookies or canned fish?

So, I must be a Jewish poster, and you are a Japanese-American poster. Can I also be a white poster? I think your pigeon-holing a company, based on who owns it is really so European. Perhaps, even old-fashioned New World.

Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 11:24 am
Just taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion!

Logical conclusions are far beyond you, Foofie. You are the deliverer of foofieisms.
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 11:35 am
Just taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion!

Only its not a logical conclsion. The problem with yo is that because CI poses an obvious conclusion based upon reasonable data, yo are now trying to imply theres a sense of racism. I know ci and hes one of the elast racist and bigoted(Corse he doesnt sfer fools too well bt thats a minor shortcoming)

I do work for many lawfirms where the partner names of the firm are like "Goldstein, Rothstein, Solis-cohen and Fitzgerald. Its name is composed of a majority of Jewish partners. SO FUCKIN WHAT???

You think Omalley and Obrien is a firm fonded by two Irish guys?
When many foirms were fonded they were done so in order TO attract business from their native fraternal population. Thats a fact of history, its not racist.

I think that once we get off this PC schtick andlearn to celebrate all our heritages and get off this "Its racist to discuss the obvious" " Then youll be a man my son.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 12:14 pm
You wrote,

Just taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion!

That's not a logical conclusion; that's YOUR conclusion without much common sense.

There are many businesses in the USA and elsewhere with ethnic restaurants and bars with names such as Bombay, Tex-Mex, Yoshi's, Murphy's, etc., etc., etc. In today's world, just because a business might have an ethnic name, doesn't mean the owner is of the same ethnicity. In many of those businesses, even the workers might be of another culture, and many are. Times have changed since the time I worked for Florsheim Shoes. BTW, my bosses name at Florsheim was Harry Revkin. Other workers at Florsheim also had "Jewish" names including Morgitch.

Also, many Hebrew names have been Germanized, so trying to identify "who is a Jew" becomes almost impossible. I have two different friends with the last name of Brodsky; one is Jewish and the other not. Our friend's daughter married a Cohn, but he's not Jewish.

You don't understand much of anything, do you?

Businesses cater to everybody without regard to race, gender, culture, or anything else; they just want to do good business. No different with Florsheim Shoes. They used to have a good product that was popular with many Americans. I still meet many of them on my travels.

Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 12:44 pm
So your a racist. You are against minorities. Dont you realize that the U.S is made up of minorities. Where do you live if you dont know this.
Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 09:56 pm
Foofie wrote:

cicerone imposter wrote:

You don't want to be a bully? LOL

You wrote,
Really ?? How many?????

Did u ASK them ?

Why do I need to "ask them?" People with Jewish names working for a Jewish company is pretty simple to conclude they are Jewish. Is that too simple a concept for you?

So, if Florsheim was a "Jewish company," does that mean they sold Jewish shoes? Can the feet of Gentiles feel comfortable in Jewish shoes? Or, do Gentile feet, wearing Jewish shoes, feel like the shoes are acting/feeling superior to their feet?

Just taking your viewpoint to its logical conclusion!

Did your Jewish co-workers realize you had such a biased view of the company you all worked for? I hear that some people of color refer to restaurants as "white," meaning that only white people go there. So, were you really just a non-Jewish employee in a "Jewish company," or possibly you were a "Gentile token" in a "Jewish company." The way to possibly tell would be if you were treated better in some ways (aka, pandered to) than the Jewish employees. Mind you, I am not putting any pejorative meaning to your referring to Florsheim as a Jewish company, since many Gentiles would not be caught dead working for a "Jewish company," since it would be humiliating to their friends back at the "club." Unless of course, it could be rationalized to all that they were getting the better end of the deal, so to speak, by being given a handsome salary, and perquisites.

By the way, I have heard the term "front Gentile" referring to a non-Jew hired specifically to meet and greet the "buyers" from out of town, so the buyers can be wined and dined by a fellow Gentile that they would have more rapport with. But, that was not you. So, it might just be that Florsheim wanted a "smart Asian." I call that positive discrimination.

So, I think it is so educated of you to brand a company Jewish because the owner(s) would be Jewish by religion. I will have to remember this the next time I shop. Perhaps, I have been ignorant all along when I shop at an Asian owned market for tea or cookies or canned fish?

So, I must be a Jewish poster, and you are a Japanese-American poster. Can I also be a white poster? I think your pigeon-holing a company, based on who owns it is really so European. Perhaps, even old-fashioned New World.

Well said, Foofie,
but as to your comment that:
Foofie wrote:
" By the way, I have heard the term "front Gentile" referring to a non-Jew hired
specifically to meet and greet the "buyers" from out of town, so the buyers
can be wined and dined by a fellow Gentile that they would have more rapport with "

I 'm not too sure that it 'd be clearly known nor obvious.
I 've been taken for a Jew a few times, tho I am not.


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