Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 02:44 pm
The problem with not pointing out what the evil "fascists" are doing, Izzy, is that you allow the impression to stand that the US has some inherent right to interfere in other countries' politics/way of life, that the US has some inherent right to commit terrorist acts against these countries.

That's particularly odious when all the US is doing in this is attempting to steal the wealth of other nations, to bend the people of these countries to their will.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 05:55 pm
Rush is just an ass that will say anything to be heard, why he still has a platform to say it on is still a mystery to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 06:10 pm

Certainly, he helps to conserve something that is fundamentally conservative, that being, rank stupidity.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:28 pm
farmerman wrote:
you dont think that Rush's periodic idiotic rants arent planned?
OmSigIdiot replied: Yes, I DON'T,
JTT wrote:
Still trying to advance this ludicrous notion, eh, OSI?

Why didn't you simply answer "yes"?
Obviously, because that is the rong answer.
The right answer that I don 't.
That is Y I said so.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:32 pm
DrewDad wrote:
I don't think that Rush actually adheres to what he spouts on the radio.
I dunno. Is there something in particular
that has led u to that conclusion ?

DrewDad wrote:
He's a performer, and he knows it. He plays the "angry, outsider, white male" very well. He intersperses it with bits of Bozo the Clown.
I agree that he is a performer,
but that does not necessarily move him to be a hypocrit.

Bill Buckley had some shows too.
I am 1OO% confident that HE was no hypocrit.
(Obviously, Bill was smarter than Rush.)

Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:37 pm
(Obviously, Bill was smarter than Rush.)

When it came to the English language and how it worked, Om, he was like you - dumb as a sack of hoe handles.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:45 pm
DAVID wrote:
(Obviously, Bill was smarter than Rush.)
JTT wrote:
When it came to the English language and how it worked, Om,
he was like you - dumb as a sack of hoe handles.
Its not that, J.
Its just that u r hopelessly confused
and your opinions count for nothing because u r unable to reason.

Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:51 pm
You've been proven wrong so many times and all you do is run away, OSI. Your "logic" when it comes to language is laughable at best.

Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 08:56 pm
I'm of two minds about this.

Rush was waaaaay out of line saying what he did, calling that woman a slut.
On that there can be no debate.
He was 100% dead wrong using that kind of insulting language.
He was also wrong when he said she needed to make sex tapes.


I do NOT think he was wrong about religious institutions not having to pay for birth control.
I do not think that anyone should be forced to pay for birth control if their religion opposes its use.
If someone doesnt agree with that policy, and especially if they know that policy in advance, then they have no right to complain about the policy.
Why should any school, of any type, be forced to pay for the lifestyle choices of its students?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
If you want to have sex, then its up to you to provide your own birth control.
I dont think that a school should have to pay for it.

But, I do think Rush was wrong about everything else he said.
Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 09:03 pm
I do not think that anyone should be forced to pay for birth control if their religion opposes its use.

Really, MM? Do you think that a church organization, in its health plan, should be able to refuse to cover, say, blood transfusions for its employees.

Do you think that people should be forced to pay taxes to a government that uses that money to commit terrorist actions against other countries?

Do you think that people should be forced to pay taxes to a government that uses that money to launch illegal invasions against other countries?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:26 am
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 12:35 am
mysteryman wrote:
I'm of two minds about this.

Rush was waaaaay out of line saying what he did, calling that woman a slut.
On that there can be no debate.
He was 100% dead wrong using that kind of insulting language.
Agreed; even worse, he accused her of being a prostitute.
He is vulnerable to litigation for slander per se.
Legally, no one is a prostitute unless she has sold personal sexual services.

mysteryman wrote:
Why should any school, of any type, be forced to pay for the lifestyle choices of its students?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
If you want to have sex, then its up to you to provide your own birth control.
I dont think that a school should have to pay for it.

But, I do think Rush was wrong about everything else he said.
WHOEVER pays for it, birth control is a WONDERFUL INVESTMENT, tending to keep down
undesirable populations that will place demands on
the schools, police, criminal courts, prisons, welfare and hospitals,
costing HUGE amounts of money EACH.

He shud know that. I think he does.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 07:33 am
You run again, OmSigChicken.
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 09:34 am
JTT wrote:
You run again, OmSigChicken.
I 'm willing to play with u sometimes, J.
I 'm not mad at u.
Its just that because of your being mentally disabled,
I expect nothing from u; I cannot respect your mind
because u r crazy (unless u r a hypocritical, trouble making troll
who does not believe what he posts),
but I am willing to play with u occasionally,
as it does no harm. Were u asking anything,
or commenting about something ?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:05 am
Well, then, let's restrict access to chemo for lung cancer patients. After all, they're just trying to avoid the health effects of their bad behavior.

Or maybe we shouldn't let motorcycle riders get casts, skin grafts, and cognitive therapy.

Mountain climbers, too.

No knee replacements for joggers.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:10 am
mysteryman wrote:
Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

I hope you don't have any home or auto insurance, and that you have turned down any medical insurance offered to you.

Check your credit cards - make sure there is no hidden insurance coverage - and if there is, be sure to send a letter to the carrier to let them know you won't be making any claims under the coverage.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:13 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
A conservative is a man who rigidly adheres to the filosofy
that the Founders set forth

that really doesn't make any sense. The "founders" were not conservatives, they were revolutionaries. They advocated change.

The thought that they imagined the U.S. remaining stagnant over the centuries is truly odd.
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:22 am
I'll add that the reason birth control is fully covered under insurance plans is that it's a decision by the insurance company.

They would much rather provide birth control than they would pre-natal care, costs of the birth, costs of stays in the NICU, etc.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:32 am
I'll be interested in reading your response to drew dad.

To follow up on that and to give a real example. Aren't Mormon's against tobacco products? Whey should Mormon's have to pay insurance coverage for chemo for someone with lung cancer who smoked for thirty years? Shouldn't they have to pay for their own actions as well? Where is the line drawn and whose religious beliefs are going to be followed and who will make those decisions?
Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 10:54 am
and what about treatment for diabetes/heart disease/kidney failure/vision loss related to obesity? they'd all be denied coverage using mm's assessment

and any costs related to care of children - people chose to have children - no coverage for them for anything
0 Replies

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