@Joe Nation,
You and CI have an interesting concept of freedom and "affecting" others.
There are a lot of actions and position taken by people and institutions that "affect" me. If they are religious in nature, I have a legally protected freedom from them? What about non-religious activities.
If the Catholic Church was somehow able to force people to use contraception or prevent them from using it, you might have a point, what they are "advocating" is the freedom to not fund practices with which they have a fundamental moral objection.
There have been faith and conscious exemptions in laws for many years,because lawmakers have, for the most part, recognized and honored the First Amendment. This Administration has chosen to ignore this prescedant.
Upon what is your notion of "freedom from religion" based?
The the First Amendment protects the exercise of religion and prohibits the establishment of a State religion.
I can see how the freedom to exercise religion could be interpreted to include the freedom to not participate in a religion, but that's not involved here. No one is being forced to be a Catholic, or abide by Catholic doctrine.
The courts have ruled more than once that certain practices that are violations of public policy can be restricted, despite the fact that they are founded in religion, but it's a very big stretch to consider it a matter of public policy that employees be reimbursed for the cost of contraception.
The only non-Catholics that are being "affected" by the Catholic Church's position in this matter are those who may be employed by the Church. Surely these individuals were aware of who their employer was and it wouldn't have taken much research to determine what the Church did and did not countenance.
They are not slaves to the Catholic Church and may leave their employment at any time.
I've yet to see evidence that there is a legally protected right to have your employer pay for the contraception methods you utilize.
It's certainly not the case that as a practical matter, if one's employer doesn't pay for contraception, one is effectively prohibited from it's use. Most health insurance will not cover cosmetic procedures and yet millions of Americans, find a way to pay for them. The cost of contraception is a tiny fraction of the cost of these cosmetic procedures.
Lots of fiery, righteous rhetoric from the Left, but very little sense.