I really cannot stand most musicals. They break into song just at a point where the story maybecomeinteretsting and the songs, for the most part, I find lame.
Two exceptions.
1. I LOVE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. They are a hoot andIlive for the librettos. With G&S youknowyoure gonna get some neat musical comedic tricks on the songs and the songs just do the right job to entertain.
2The PRoducers was funny in its entire premise and the music was complete silliness. I loved the production number"Springtime for Hitler" that made fun of Buzby Berkely.
The rest of the musicals , maybe I can watch "Fiddler..." once every three years or so, are just tinnitus with lyrics and a waste of my time (IMHO)> SO Im not urban enough or am missing something in my upbringing. I just dislike the usual mix of lyrics and script,(And the use of lyrics AS script).