Did I make a professional fool of myself?

Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 05:34 pm
My job is to give out samples at Sam's Club, although I work for a separate company contracted by Sam's to sell their product. At the: bottom of the totem pole would be us. Then there's the Lead, and then the Retail Mgr. Anyway, I purposely skipped too many meals this week, wanting to go from a size 8 to a size 6. Yesterday, I skipped breakfast and lunch and at 4:50 ish, I got dizzy. I wasn't supposed to leave my cart, but I did to get water. My Lead caught me and said that could get me wrote up. I told her I'm gonna pass out. She then proceeded to send me home early and told me she's gonna need to report to the boss that I didn't finish my day.

I apologized profusely and she told me I'll need to explain that to the boss. Y'kno, the stuff about it's nvr gonna happen again and the whole situation. She told me I could call since our mgr left for the day. The short of it is, I made the call and I'm forgiven, off the hook, w/e. Nothing bad happened. I'm still on the schedule and even got more hours added in the middle. What I can't understand is WHY I still feel like shyt and how I could get it to stop. I fvcked up and I hate that.
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 05:56 pm
Sometimes that last part is it. If you mess up, it rankles for a while.

I can't stand when I mess up. Bothers me more than it should, to the point where I probably spend too much time/ effort on avoiding messing up. Messing up now and then isn't the end of the world.

Just kinda remember how much it bothers you and then try not to let it happen again. It should fade eventually.

If you do something extra-good/ beyond the call of duty, that can help things along.
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 05:58 pm
I'll just be glad not to get into trouble as is lol. But I have learned my lesson lol.
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:52 pm
You skipped breakfast to get from an 8 to a 6?

Skipping breakfast is not a way to do that, even if doing that were somehow a great goal, which it isn't. Stop with stupid semifasting and learn about nutrition.
Learning about nutrition is not reading an article or two. In the meantime, while you are reading for a few years, eat moderately.

On making a professional fool of yourself, that is not the primary question - you are messing up with your nutrient needs to get to 6 - but the result is that you caused a ruckus.
Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 10:42 pm
a ruckus? Holy crap I'll need to bounce back from that when I get back to work Thursday.
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2012 01:26 am
I've tried eating nutritious foods along with exercise but nothing seemed to get my stomach fat away. The only time I lost weight was when I had food poisoning from an indian place and I didn't eat proper for 4-5 days. I'm not saying food poisoning is a sure fire way to lose wieght but I found the so called stringent methods to be no less effective, especially juggling work and other things into the mix. I guess what I'm saying is what are the best methods for losing weight without it being detrimental to ones health and that works for all lifestyles?
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2012 01:46 am
oh, you poor babies.
Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2012 01:48 am
Thanks for the advice.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 02:13 am
So concerning Wednesday, when I felt like I was gonna pass out at work. I worried like hell. I mean, I'm on the schedule for the next 3 weeks, but we get our schedules 4 weeks in advance. I'm not on the week 4 schedule. I checked it on the internet this morning. idk what to do or what to say. It seems like I could never get it together. I'm so sorry things happened the way it did and I did everything I could to ensure that I don't pass out ever again. In fact, I stopped dieting the lazy way and felt back to normal.

I screwed up. I was gonna get more hours dropped in this week, but I didn't, bc of Wednesday. Now I don't even have ne hours 4 weeks from now. Even though she kinda forgave this incident, idk.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 02:43 am
Think about what you are asking here....."did I **** up by choosing to take care of my physical and emotional health?". This is a damning indictment against modern civilization.

As for the job...it is a very sucky job. Hopefully you are working on getting something better.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:06 am
I chose NOT to take care of my health lol. But I've since learned my lesson and feel back to normal. Now this is the first real job I ever had in my life. $10/hr. Benefits. Everything. Now I'm just confused about my schedule.
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:12 pm
I just checked and I'm on the week 4 schedule! whooo hoo!
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 03:49 pm
That made me smile..

be well.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 04:17 pm
Sorry I was sarcastic. I've been very crabby this week. The good news is I'm even crabby at myself.
Crusty, your question is a good one.
I can only speak for myself - and my own metabolism over a bunch of years.

There are a lot of threads about diet and nutrition here, with, naturally, a lot of arguments going on. One of the last best was one with a good long article in the New York Times; it was a Sozobe thread, I think. I'd recommend the NYTimes in general re food and health except that if you read more than twenty articles a month, any further articles would be charge a fee. (I've gone from someone who read maybe 200 articles a month to something like 16. Grrrr).

Basically, losing weight is much harder for some than others, and there are reasons for that having to do with metabolism mechanisms (I'll call them mechanisms, haven't taken biochem for a lot of decades).

I think both Sozobe and I are not keen on diets, much less diet fads. I'll back off on none at all, for people dealing with a great deal of weight. From what I pick up currently, it's far far better never to gain a lot of weight in the first place, re results of dieting.

I've long been a proponent of losing weight very slowly. Very.. slowly. That is what has worked for me, making dietary changes but not depriving myself of satisfying meals, my metabolism getting used to a new set point. But two other a2kers, failures art, and JPB, neither of them dummies, have written convincingly about their own purposeful efforts, enough to make me listen. Both of them were changing their styles of eating for the long term, and they did fast weight loss.

On stomach fat - dunno, that may require more specific exercise patterns; for me it went away with various changes in eating. (I don't avoid fat, use a lot of olive oil, but stopped with a lot of whitebread/cake carbs a long time ago now.)
The scaryiest fat seems (various articles) to be the fat the clings around internal organs.

Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 09:43 pm
Yes, I've heard about the 2 types of body fat. I can't remember if it was the yellow one was bad or the brown one was bad? Either way, one of them is hardest to burn off. My metabolism has slowed down the past 8 years but I'm still eating like I was when I was a teenager (which is not good). At my heaviest I was 98 kg but I managed to drop back down to 74 kg (which was a good weight for me) but then christmas undone that. I'm currently hovering around 80 kg. It doesn't help when there are heaps of family birthdays around the festive season and when your family goes overboard with the food. But then there is the other problem of loving food too much. I have a love hate relationship with it... But mostly love...
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 04:14 pm
I found the threads I was talking about that are worth watching - and there are probably plenty of others related to food and exercise that you might like.

Here's a long ongoing thread related to keeping attention to what you eat -
Everything Eaten Yesterday

Here's the thread I thought was started by Sozobe - but no, it was started by Jespah, discussing a fairly startling recent New York Times article -
The Fat Trap

Here's the thread by JPB to jump start her own change in eating behavior.. She's had very good results to date, making me question my own strong take that losing weight very slowly is absolutely always best.
The Journey

Failures art also has made major changes in lifestyle and food, lost weight fast (to me), and started a blog to catalog his changes -
New Blog: Fitness and Wellness
He also had a thread on becoming a pescatarian, and then later, posts or threads on vegan cooking, as he had switched to that.

Me, I've lost about 45 pounds over about six years, gradually eating differently: far less red meat, far less meat in general though I still eat it and like it; more fish; less starchy carbs but not none at all; more whole grains. Way more vegetables, and somewhat less fruit than I ate before - not for health reasons but because of availability and expense issues here in New Mexico. I use a lot of herbs and spices, but then I always did. Have eliminated most canned foods with all their additives. Have mostly stopped with desserts but I when I have some, I enjoy it and don't feel guilty. I make most of my own food, but that's partly because I enjoy doing that and have the time to, partly for economy, and partly for control of what I eat compared to what is in restaurant or store food. (I'm not anti restaurant, I love them, but some are definitely better than others.)

Edit - I still love food.

Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 02:52 am
Thanks for putting those threads together. I'll read them as soon as I get the chance. I like your story. Slowly losing weight seems to me a good way to go. I also heard dropping your sugar intake helps, that includes fruits so not having access to so many fruits is a good thing. And I've definately heard about eating lots of animal fats is not good at all. But I concur when you say "I still love food".
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