Quote:Exactly how am I predictable?
Maybe because you do nothing but continue to whine and repeat the same bullshit.
If you want to understand how to improve your close inter-personal relationships, stop talking about "women" and start looking at
You've gotten tons of feedback in this thread about how you come across to other people--and the consensus is you are very immature, both in terms of your thinking and your emotional reactions. Do you realize how many people in this thread have asked you your age or told you to grow up? Even Hawkeye just told you you sound like a 5 year old. How come that's not sinking in with you?
You don't learn how to drive a car by reading a book about how to drive or by talking with people about how to drive. At some point, you have to get behind the wheel, with an instructor, and actually practice driving. And you have to learn how to handle various weather and road conditions, unexpected events, and how to maneuver the car under a variety of circumstances--and all of that takes practice driving and it improves with practice. And it requires that you have a car to use.
At the moment, you're like a person who is looking for a manual on how to drive, and fantasizing about what kind of car you'd like, when you've only had one or two lessons behind the wheel, and you don't even have any car at your disposal.
Lets get real. You lack experience in dating relationships, and in other social situations as well. You have trouble even interesting women in going out with you. You are socially anxious, inhibited, and awkward, and not just with women. You have to start drinking just to be able to post in this thread. You didn't know how to act or converse with your girlfriend's parents at a Thanksgiving dinner and you remained mostly silent. That's not just "shyness"--you are 33 years old and you don't know how to handle basic social situations. Do you wonder why women might not be turned on, or interested in getting to know you better, when they meet you? To use the driving analogy, they know you don't know how to drive, you don't have a car, and if they want to go for a ride, they'll opt for a guy with a car and enough driving experience to be able to avoid a collision.
So, you need to start at square one and deal with your general social anxiety--without hiding under a hat, drinking excessively, or doing anything else to avoid confronting and reducing that social anxiety. As long as you are socially anxious, your main focus is going to be yourself, and not getting to know the other person, because you're so damned self-conscious. You've got to learn how to relax enough to be able to converse with greater ease, and to focus your interest on the other person. Again, to use the driving analogy, you're too afraid to even get into the car and that's why you can't learn how to drive it. You're too afraid to put the key in the ignition. And, instead of dealing with your own irrational fears, you're talking about cars in general, how other people have better cars than you do, how cars are dangerous, etc. You don't understand that driving lessons involve learning how to control the car, and it's that sense of control that reduces the anxiety and fear of cars. But first you have to reduce your anxiety about even getting into the car--or, in terms of our discussion in this thread, your anxiety about meeting and interacting and becoming involved with people--and I do think you need a therapist to help you do that, you obviously can't do it on your own. Someone who went 6 years without dating, needs help.
And, once you've reduced your social anxiety, so you are confident enough to relate like an adult, rather than a gawky, awkward, inhibited self-conscious adolescent, you'll be better able to interest people--including women--to want to get to know you better. And you need to date as many women as you can to simply get the social experience you need. To go back to the driving analogy, you can't just learn how to drive only one make and model of car, you need to learn how to adapt to any car you might get into. So, stop insisting that you want only a BMW, or a particular hybrid, or the latest model convertible, for your driving lessons, and be willing to get into any decent safe car so you can learn how to drive, and learn how to enjoy the experience of driving. Try to date any woman who seems nice, and has
something about her that is attractive--a date is not a lifetime commitment, you'll only be spending a few hours with her, and then deciding if you want to spend another few hours with her. And, when you meet someone who does seem nice, don't beat around the bush--tell her you'd like to get together, and ask for her phone number, or ask her if she'd like to get together for dinner, or a movie, on a particular night.
Let's get this into some perspective. All you want out of a date is some pleasant company for a few hours, and the experience of getting to know someone and letting them get to know you--anything else that might happen, or grow out of that, is a bonus, so don't demand or expect too much. Count yourself lucky that you've found someone who wants to go out with you, and just enjoy the experience, because no matter how the date turns out, you're gaining the social experience you need, and you're learning how to feel comfortable in the company of the opposite sex and that's the experience that you, in particular, need. The only way you will learn anything about "women" is to actually spend more time with them. The only way you will learn about, and come to understand, the complexities of relationships, is to become involved in more of them.
And, asking that woman out for a date is a little like asking her to go for a spin in your car--so you've got to make the car/yourself look good. If the car/you looks broken down and neglected she might not want to get in it--it would be unappealing, it might seem unsafe. So, fix yourself up-- start exercising, stop drinking, get enough sleep, eat properly, get your hair styled--make yourself look good, as well as you possibly can look. You're affected by how she looks, so don't you think she's looking you over too? To go back to the car analogy, if you don't have the most expensive biggest newest shiniest car to impress her, then get the dents out of your old buggy, wash and wax it, and make it seem like a great little car to ride in--fix yourself up.
And, once inside that car, she wants some good company, not a depressed self-pitying mess whose thinking is relentlessly negative and rigid. So, start working on becoming the kind of person
you can like and admire, and enjoy being with, because at the moment you don't even like yourself. Stop whining and complaining about what you don't have, and start focusing on what you do have, and what you need to develop, and start doing instead of talking. In other words, become someone who is good adult company, someone who doesn't think and act and react like a 15 year old. If you're not acting and sounding like an adult, she'll hop out of that car as soon as you stop for the first light--and you'll make up all kinds of absurd reasons for why she did that, instead of realizing the truth has to do with you, and the way you are. If you want her to hang around long enough to discover all the good things about you, you've got to bring yourself up to speed, and start thinking and reacting like a 33 year old who understands his shortcomings, how they hinder him, and actually tries to correct them.
If you just continue to whine, and repeat the same bullshit, you probably can kiss your "dream" of marriage and children goodbye--in fact, you will have thrown that dream away because you were too passive and lazy and frightened to do what you had to do to obtain it. If you want that dream, work for it, and that involves doing a lot of work
on yourself, so that you can attract the kind of person who wants to share that dream with you.
The fact that you have absolutely no interest in any thread on these boards, except this one thread, which is devoted to
you, also says a lot about you MichaelJ. Not that you're overly self-absorbed...