First of all, I want to thank you, vikkor and everyone else who's had something constructive to say to me.
I don't agree with everything but I've thought about the things you've all said and continue to think about them. When I post something that refute/contradicts what you've said, that doesn't mean I haven't given a great deal of thought to changing both my attitudes and actions. It just means I'm fleshing out my own thoughts. A lot of this stuff I've never gotten talk to anyone about before.
Also whether or not I actually do change myself, I still think "Can life have meaning if your dreams are unattainable?" is a legitimate thing to ponder. And whether imagined or real, I've felt and continue to feel that my dream of being a father is unattainable.
I think I miss my Dad more than my mom. I love mom too, but Dad's memories are the strongest. He gave me so much in the brief time I knew him. I could never find words strong enough to express how much fun and TRUE satisfaction/enjoyment I experienced hanging out with Dad learning about things like photography, flying, jet engines, history, humor, life, ect. Everyday I think of something I wish I could tell him, something I wish I could ask him. It's been 20 plus years of this.
I guess that's why I want to be a dad. I want to do that stuff again with someone who sees everything I show them with an awe because it's the first time they've ever seen it. I've even had names picked out, boy and girl for quite awhile. I know I can't ever be a child again but that was the happiest time of my life. I want to give my son or daughter something awesome that doesn't just stop all of a sudden out of nowhere.
I've actually found something that will be quite time consuming to fill my free time until I move. I've met some people with some pretty nice equipment and we're going to work on a project. I went to school for something other than what I really wanted to do. I felt the degree I ended up getting was more "practical" and it is semi related to what I used to like to do for fun. Never tried doing something quite like this before so a lot of it will be learning experiences in working under a time constraint and trying to be as efficient and effective as possible. Could be a complete mess, who knows. But it should be a lot of fun ...I think I might actually be exited about something. If we keep things tight we could have it done by early May.
"You have these idiotic fantasies--that other people walk happily into the sunset with lifetime partners..."
Mary Poppins is LITERALLY walking off into the sunset. She's off in California on a beach somewhere. I'm not "idiotic", I know ALL people have problems through out the course of their lives. But some people (like Mary Poppins) have ridiculous advantages in life that cause their problems to carry much less weight. Because of these advantages they have a much higher likelihood of overcoming these problems.
"Similarly, you see all other people as having parents who willingly foot bills for college tuition, or for car repairs, or anything else their adult children require--"
When Mary Poppins moved out, her parents loaned her over $2,000 to buy out her half of the lease. I can't think of one person I knew that went to school with me that didn't have some sort of family help with expenses. I'm not saying that parents should "Be ATMS for adult children in their 30's". I'm just saying that ANY extra help affects outcomes. The building I lived in caught fire and I lost a lot of my belongings 3 years ago. I had nowhere to go!
Much more than financial help, I see all my friends and the other support they get from their families. Mental support, emotional support, friendship, a feeling of "oneness". I'd give anything to talk to dad about Mary Poppins and just say "Dad, I just don't know how to process this". It's just a desolate feeling not having someone to talk to during both the good and bad times. I didn't go to either my high school or college graduation because there was no point. No one was there. I had no one to call when I was excited because I got a job doing what I wanted to do.
I wish I could ask dad what to do with all the really nice things Mary Poppins gave me because looking at them makes me angry, but I can't throw them away. I want to ask dad what I should do with nice really nice leather bound journal she bought me because she wanted me to start writing again, that has a note inside that says "write something everyday, even if it's nonsense. Your nonsense is always the best anyway
"You feel too inadequate to even be friends with men, or date women, around your own age."
I have friends my "own" age. I'm not attracted to women my age. I'm just not, sorry. I think women (generally speaking but not all) are attracted to men older than them, and men (generally speaking but not all) are attracted to women younger than them. It has to do with evolution. It has to do with biology. Plus younger than me is a pretty wide range anyway, it could mean anything.
Just because the 'philosophical arguments' I've been proposing have had a negative energy to them or just because they have furthered my self defeating behavior/thinking doesn't make them any less valid. Admit it, I've made some strong arguments that even if you haven't agreed with have made you think.
I do need exercise. This is really bothering me. I used to lift weights 5 days a week. It's just so hard to start back up. I haven't exercised in like 4 years.
My hair is just bad, there's nothing you can do with it. It's thick and bad. My eyes make me look sad or angry or tired or whatever even when I'm neutral or even happy. Without the hat, I'd have to be non stop laughing and smiling 24 hours a day to convince people I wasn't upset. I'd have to overcompensate with brimming optimism 24/7, I could never be real. With the hat on people focus on my mouth which is less jarring.
vikkor was wrong about the math equation by the way and I hope you also can see the reasoning behind what I was saying there. You can call it a "philosophical argument" if you choose but it's simply a fact of life.
We as human beings have a built in imprint that tells us all to procreate in order to pass our genes on. We all know we will die, but if we have children, in a way we (and all our ancestors) can live on! This is a pretty huge biological imperative that we all carry. I'd say this most definitely ties into the "meaning of life" type questions and thinking.
Those two desert islands prove that women have a higher chance of procreating. Barring some other medical issue that impedes it, women (I believe that would mean ALL women) have the ability of passing their genes on. Men on the other hand MUST compete with the other men on the island in order to pass their genes on. Men don't have a guaranteed biological factor to rest on. Remember, even on the island with only one man and 100 women all those women still had the very real possibility of having a baby after nine months and passing on their genes. On the island with 100 men and one woman, 99 of those men will not pass on their genes.
Do you see what I'm saying? Women can CHOOSE not to have offspring, but at least that option is ALWAYS available to them.
You see??? The playing field is very clearly unequal. Women have a much higher chance of finding 'meaning' or satisfaction in life IF you consider how strong a biological imperative the entire human race has to procreate.