I listened closely to this speech, but didn't once hear the speaker refer to oralloy or even anyone who shares his opinions.
In any case he is one Jew with experience of the Holocaust. His position on Israel and the Palestinians hardly represent those of all Jews or even all or most Jews with experience of the Holocaust.
Clearly he is entitled to his own opinion on this matter and in that he is a British MP, his opinion carries more weight than most other Brits, but it, in no way, imbues your position with moral weight or authenticity.
Laying claim to friendship with Yassir Arafat hardly supports the soundness of his judgment. No doubt the malevolent little weasel Arafat turned on all of the charm he could muster when in the presence of a Jewish MP who shared his ill regard for the Israeli government.
The gentleman is a leftist. That much is certain.
That his ill grandmother was shot in her bed by Nazis has no bearing on the morality or legitimacy of his political positions concerning Israel.
There are actual Holocaust survivors who share oralloy's opinions, but I'd wager you're not prepared to accept that their past provides them with absolute moral authority on this issue.
In any case, unlike Infrablue, I don't see how the Palestinian issue has anything to do with Israel attacking Iran's nuclear capabilities.
Do you believe that if the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was resolved, Iran would not be seeking to develop nuclear weapons?