As a direct answer to the posed question: Kerry.
Yeh, Lieberman's laid back attitude and thoughtful statements have always appealed to me--the anti-dean as it were. But, alas Joe has little cash and even less flash so he is in it for ...the deal making?
The next set of primaries will probably solidify JFK's position as front runner.
I would note that although I would vote for Kerry over Bush, if one desired success for our president, a vote for Dean would indirectly help Bush immensely. But I surprise no one with that tidbit.
I personally like Bush. I think he is a nice guy and his values are simple and clear. It must be nice to be unencumbered by cosmopolitan subtleties. The people he has surrounded himself with are another story. There is much I might change but nice guy or No, Bush is the head honcho and is ultimately responsible.
Dean's candidacy, sans his "I have a Scream" speech, is still troubling. It seems to alternate from emotional outbursts where he "honestly voices his opinion" to dissembling explanations designed to inform us of what was actually meant by said outbursts. He seems mean-spirited and petty. Just one person's subjective judgment but given only this it does not point towards a person with international leadership abilities.
Just an irrelevant aside: Bush and his administration are credited with destroying the Atlantic alliance but America's unilateralism has always existed. In case anyone is interested below is a link to an article (9 pages) in the Wilson Quarterly by Jed Rubenfeld entitled "The Two World Orders". It offers an elegant explantion towards the two different types of constitutionalism envisioned by America and Europe. The theory explains a lot and, like any good theory, may be used to help predict further actions by both.
P.S. Anybody given any thought to a 2008 presidential bid by Senator Clinton?