Why not? We've had a thread with this title on GWB - the obvious, and portentous target. And we've had one on Howard Dean, that never did seem to go anywhere fast, despite Dean's repeated verbal fuckups.
That was - in my humble impression - because what Dean primarily did was just shoot his mouth off - and then try to somehow (ineptly) repair the mess. Thats something different from deliberately and continuously reinventing yourself, what you said and did, out of sheer opportunism - the pure and personal urge to just always be on the profitable side.
Now who would be the master of that? Right - John Kerry. The man who was a hero in Vietnam and when he came back - and then checked in his spine at the cloakroom when he entered politics. So he gets his own thread.
I already explained at length why the utter vacuous vanity of Kerry's campaign thus far has exasperated me - not just cause he
annoys me, but because I feel he
doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell to win against Bush - beyond what Bush might himself do to **** up. We even
had a little discussion about it. But this thread isn't borne so much out of strategic ponderings, but of the amazement with which almost every week I seem to read something about Kerry that makes me think, as a blogger wrote, somebody just please help this man out of his misery! I won't go dig for all the stuff thus far, I'm trusting there'll be enough more coming up ...