War! The fear mongering is here, again!

Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:11 am
Setanta wrote:

The only way to make the Persians surrender would be an air campaign of such magnitude that enormous civilian casualties would result. You have, of course, already stipulated the stupidity of such a program. I would also ask you where you think we could base the resources to carry out such an air campaign. Iraq, the Gulf states, Afghanistan--i don't think so. It would invite terrorist attacks on a grand scale. I feel fairly certain that Turkey would not cooperate, and i feel just as certain that the former Soviet states in the region would no cooperate. Do you think it could be done from carriers alone? Do you have any idea what it would cost to do the operation that way, without even considering our casualties?

Yes, I have a very good idea of the resources required to do that, but that has never stopped us in the past. Yes, I think continous bombardment of Iran would eventually result in them surrendering and I think our casualties would be very low. That very scenario is why they want the bomb. One A-bomb takes out a carrier group. Without it, they have absolutely no defense against a carrier group working a hundred miles away. As long as the US can sit a carrier or three offshore and run bombing missions at will with minimal risk, there will be some in the US who see that as a valid option. As for a country willing to let us use their facilities I'm sure Israel would offer up some airfields and I'm not so sure that the US couldn't buy off some former Soviet states. They did for Iraq.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:15 am
Don't doubt for a moment that the Revolutionary Guard has thoroughly studied that war.

They can study any war they care to however that is not going to slow us down one little bit and yes we can take deep bunkers by hitting one spot over and over with earth penetrating bombs without nukes being needed.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:18 am
LOL I can see what we would do to any nation that was stupid enough to attack a carrier group with nuke and getting a nuke to a carrier group would be an interesting task indeed.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:23 am
Iran has surface to surface missles. If you were trying to actually hit the carrier you would run into extensive anti-missile defenses, but if your goal is to explode the bomb a mile away, it is a lot easier. That was the typcial scenario we used when discussing nuclear war on the water during my Navy days. Close works for hand gernades and nuclear bombs.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:47 am
engineer wrote:
Yes, I think continous bombardment of Iran would eventually result in them surrendering and I think our casualties would be very low. That very scenario is why they want the bomb. One A-bomb takes out a carrier group. Without it, they have absolutely no defense against a carrier group working a hundred miles away. As long as the US can sit a carrier or three offshore and run bombing missions at will with minimal risk, there will be some in the US who see that as a valid option. As for a country willing to let us use their facilities I'm sure Israel would offer up some airfields and I'm not so sure that the US couldn't buy off some former Soviet states. They did for Iraq.

I'm sorry, but are you saying this would be a good idea? What do you think would be going on across the Middle East? What do you think China will be doing while all this is going on?
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:53 am
None of those scenarios take into account the cost of such a mission, the cash cost, the political cost and the international relations cost. All of them would be very high. As for the former Soviet states, the ones we bought off for the invasion of Afghanistan were bought off at a time of high international sympathy for the United States, and in what i have already described accurately as an historically classic case of ultimatum, rejection of ultimatum and invasion. That would not be the case for a protacted air assault on Iran. Furthermore, the Taliban was not a group which could reasonably threaten the former Soviet central asian states. Twisting the Persian tail could have grave consequences in the future. Once again, none of those scenarios offer a guarantee of a permanent destruction of their nuke program short of all out war with unacceptably high civilian casualties in Iran. It's a stupid idea from start to finish.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 10:55 am
Setanta wrote:

It's a stupid idea from start to finish.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 11:56 am
A mile away so you are giving them large hydrogen bombs and not fusion bombs in the 50 k range?

I do not have my copy of the effects of nuclear weapons with me but I question the great harm a stand off explosion of a mile or two would do to a carrier group.

You are also giving them bombs small enough to fit on missiles and missiles able to track a fast moving carrier group?

All this with them knowing that they would crease to be a nation shortly after they did any harm to naval ships using nukes?
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 12:45 pm
A mile away so you are giving them large hydrogen bombs and not fusion bombs in the 50 k range?

We studied deployment of tactical nuclear weapons and a mile away on the ocean is just fine. Great blast radius and superheated steam. Good stuff there.

Here is the projection of the blast radius of the Hiroshima bomb. Note that within one mile - complete destruction. Even within two miles would neutralize the threat.
You are also giving them bombs small enough to fit on missiles and missiles able to track a fast moving carrier group?

Sure. Exactly how fast do you think carrier groups move? 10-15 knots, maybe less if they don't have somewhere pressing to be. Surface to air missiles move faster than the speed of sound. They don't have to hit the ship like a torpedo does, just get to the formation. As to size typical a-bombs are easily small enough to fit on warhead - they are small enough to fit in backbacks. I've seen a nuclear tipped torpedo. We're not talking ICBM sized warheads here.

All this with them knowing that they would crease to be a nation shortly after they did any harm to naval ships using nukes?

Only if they did it agressively. If they were being attacked from the sea and took the only defensive measure available to them, much of the world would not regard a nuclear counter-strike from the US as warranted. Everyone agrees you don't strike first but I think many people would think using nucs in self defense is not out of bounds.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 01:34 pm
From the WSJ


Without doubt, Iran has long wanted nuclear weapons—to deter American intervention in its and neighboring territories; to threaten Europe and thereby cleave it from American interests in the Middle East; to respond to the former Iraqi nuclear effort; to counter the contiguous nuclear presences in Pakistan, Russia and the U.S. in the Gulf; to neutralize Israel's nuclear deterrent so as to limit it to the attrition of conventional battle, or to destroy it with one lucky shot; to lead the Islamic world; to correct the security imbalance with Saudi Arabia, which aided by geography and American arms now outclasses it; and to threaten the U.S. directly.

Although this is an opinion piece, you'll note that this explanation for why Iran seeks nukes is comprehensive and quite objective. It doesn't shy away from Israeli nukes or US presence in the Gulf. You'll also note it does not include "to save the Palestinians from Israeli oppression," or even "to help the Palestinians secure their own state," or "to help the Palestinians to overrun Israel."
Iran's ambition to be a nuclear power in the Middle East has nothing to do with the plight (real or imagined) of Palestinians.

This speculative opinion piece is comprehensive in little more than flights of right-wing, paranoid fancy, certainly. In terms of objectivity, holding the opinion that Iran has long wanted nuclear weapons to "lead the Islamic world," seeing as how the very idea of "the Islamic world" is largely an invention of that paranoid right-wing mind that is completely oblivious to the fact that Islam isn't a monolithic entity; and to "destroy Israel with one lucky shot," seeing as how 'one lucky shot" of an atomic bomb would, at most, destroy a good deal of a single city, is hardly objective. It is speculative ****-shooting along the lines of what the posters are doing on this thread in regard to the feasibility of a militaristic response to Iran's supposed nuclear ambitions, only more notionally simplistic and jejune in regard to venturing as to why Iran might have nuclear ambitions in the first place.

What this "explanation" fails to expand upon in its given reason that Iran would want to neutralize Israel's nuclear deterrent is Iran's antagonism towards Israel. Iran is antagonistic towards Israel because it sees the latter as being ruled by an illegitimate regime, the "Zionist regime." As I've explained elsewhere on this thread, one of the reasons it sees this regime as being illegitimate is because of its treatment of the Palestinian peoples, one's imagination notwithstanding. One may argue how sincere Iran is in this justification for their antagonism towards this regime. One cannot argue that it is one of their stated grounds for their antagonism towards that regime. And most certainly one cannot argue that their antagonism is against "the Zionist regime" itself, a regime which has just recently confirmed that it places "Jewish" ethnocentric nationalism above the human rights of the Palestinian peoples in Israel and Palestine.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 04:47 pm
I wish you guys would keep your rhetoric straight.

"There is no Islamic World,'"

Until the Islamic World is united in condemning Israeli apartheid


Until neo-cons want to conquer the Islamic World


Until we have to monitor our words and deeds unless the Islamic World should grow it's disdain and hatred for us.


Until the Religious Right in the US wants to see the Islamic World and it's Korans burn in he'll fire.

I'm glad you're so sanguine about the effects of a single nuke hitting Israel. "It won't obliterate the country it will be lucky to"just" destroy part of one city!"

Never mind the effects of radiation spreading across a small nation - that includes, by the way, the Palestinian "homeland."

Never mind that it would utterly wreck the Israeli economy.

Never mind that it will force Israel to devote it's entire national will to a vengeful war.

Nope, such an attack wouldn't be so bad. It's just those Zionist bastards who want to make such a big deal about it.

Meanwhile cynical Leftists such as yourself endless bemoan the hideous impact of Israel's oppression of the Palestinians.

It's not often that Setanta and I are on the same side of an issue, but Good Lord you are desperate to connect Iran's desire for nukes to the Israeli's treatment of Palestinians.

As Set as already noted, it is quite remarkable that you are so willing to take the Iranian theocracy at its word. They say they want the nukes because they hate the Zionist Entity. They hate the Zionist entity because of the way it treats their good buddies the Palestinians. Man you are gullible!

You can be relied upon to sneer at anyone's expression of belief that Israel and America is sincere in their motives and noble in their purpose, but let the Iranian Mullahs, who have ordered the murder of their people, sell you a line of **** and you whip out your wallet and plop down your credibility.

Is someone out there giving you ideological drones endorphin squirts when you mindlessly argue one of their sanctioned points?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 05:10 pm
Predictions are always a dicey proposition.

One can predict that Iran will never actually use a nuke, if obtained, but if Israel and the US prevent them from ever obtaining one, the prediction remains untested, and the seer can maintain it would have been so.

In any case while the fear of Iranian's actually using a nuke is legitimate, it's not the only reason for preventing them obtaining one.

As engineer has noted, with a nuke, Iran will be able to get away with all sorts of mischief, and the West will have to pull up short from spanking them. I understand why the Iranian theocracy would want to so hamstring the West, but I'm not a neutral observer. I'm convinced Iran is up to no good, and I want the West to be able to spank them if they got too far. I really couldn't care less whether or not is logical that the Iranians are seeking nukes. It was logical for Hitler, the Soviets and the North Koreans to seek nukes.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not a citizen of the world, I'm a citizen of the US with historical and cultural roots in the West. I'm not about to sit back in the perceived safety of my living room, sipping Cab and trying to impress my friends with "Who are we to tell the Iranians what they can and cannot do?"

I want America to dominate the world. It's good for me, my family, my friends and just about everyone I know. I'm comforted by the fact that unlike other dominating world powers, we have considerable influence over how it's done.

And you know what? Most of you would agree with me the minute you perceived your ass and the asses of your family and friends were threatened.
Unfortunately, many of you feel so safe, you can't perceive real threats, unless a gun is pointed at your head.

When that happens, 99.99% of you will find your inner neo-con.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 05:18 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Predictions are always a dicey proposition.

One can predict that Iran will never actually use a nuke, if obtained, but if Israel and the US prevent them from ever obtaining one, the prediction remains untested, and the seer can maintain it would have been so.

In any case while the fear of Iranian's actually using a nuke is legitimate, it's not the only reason for preventing them obtaining one.

As engineer has noted, with a nuke, Iran will be able to get away with all sorts of mischief, and the West will have to pull up short from spanking them. I understand why the Iranian theocracy would want to so hamstring the West, but I'm not a neutral observer. I'm convinced Iran is up to no good, and I want the West to be able to spank them if they got too far. I really couldn't care less whether or not is logical that the Iranians are seeking nukes. It was logical for Hitler, the Soviets and the North Koreans to seek nukes.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not a citizen of the world, I'm a citizen of the US with historical and cultural roots in the West. I'm not about to sit back in the perceived safety of my living room, sipping Cab and trying to impress my friends with "Who are we to tell the Iranians what they can and cannot do?"

I want America to dominate the world. It's good for me, my family, my friends and just about everyone I know
. I'm comforted by the fact that unlike other dominating world powers, we have considerable influence over how it's done.

And you know what? Most of you would agree with me the minute you perceived your ass and the asses of your family and friends were threatened.
Unfortunately, many of you feel so safe, you can't perceive real threats, unless a gun is pointed at your head.

When that happens, 99.99% of you will find your inner neo-con.

That was very well said. I join in that, with great enthusiasm.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 05:55 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not a citizen of the world, I'm a citizen of the US with historical and cultural roots in the West. I'm not about to sit back in the perceived safety of my living room, sipping Cab and trying to impress my friends with "Who are we to tell the Iranians what they can and cannot do?"

I want America to dominate the world. It's good for me, my family, my friends and just about everyone I know. I'm comforted by the fact that unlike other dominating world powers, we have considerable influence over how it's done.

An attack on Iran will cause people who today bear no animosity towards my family, my friends and just about everyone I know to decide that they want me dead. I would rather have Iran with a nuc than thousands of people who consider their dead relatives sufficient cause to kill mine. If you want to dominate the world you better use a soft touch or those you dominate will work tirelessly to remove you.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 06:00 pm
this may have been brought up already, but...

how is attaching a bomb to a scientist's car and detonating it in public that much different from flying an airplane into a building?
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 06:07 pm
Obviously we disagree.

By the way, whether we bomb Iran or not, Islamists want very much to kill you me and our familes. The fact that we may not live in prime target cities should not offer us a position of safety from which to preach.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 06:08 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
all Islamists?


more reason to fear brown skin, eh.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 06:51 pm
I question your figures for a small nuclear blast and will dig out my book on the effects of nuclear weapons.

In fact if memory serve me correctly troops was place in trenches within a mile or so of such blasts in the 1950s and all survive it.

Google atom soldiers to get more details.

Of course the marching them into and though ground zero afterward did tend to increase cancer and other problems latter in life for them.

So if soldiers can survive within a mile a carrier task force should also survive nicely.

Footnote if anyone get to Las Vegas take a tour of the Nevada nuclear test site. You will need to apply a few months ahead of time as they do a background check on you and you need to be a US citizen.

Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 07:26 pm
Here is an interesting link that give the effects of nuclear weapons base on a special circular slide rule released by the US government in 1962.


No a task force would not be wipe out from a tactic nuke at one or two miles range.
Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 07:35 pm
how is attaching a bomb to a scientist's car and detonating it in public that much different from flying an airplane into a building

The people on the planes or in the towers was not working on weapons of mass destruction for a government that is likely to employ them.

Other then that it is the same situation!!!!!!!
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