Jodie, that's old-fashioned... You know, where the Woman does "everything" within the home.. I can appreciate what you did, it was there written in your words, you went to a lot of effort, alot. But, no one appreciated any of it...
Kids are different these days, even in their 30's. I bet when they were children, you spoilt them wrotten and I bet you've carried that on as well with your husband.
It's hard to appreciate when it's always there.. does that make sense? So your words will be left on deaths ears.
My sister-in-law always has Christmas lunch with her family, dinner with ours which ends of being left overs. That's not fair to my parents either and it's being going on for 25 years. This year, I decided to do something to give my parents the opportunity of having a "family" Christmas lunch.. I invited them and my fiance's parents and his "Step-Dad" the oldies had the best time, all sitting around eating 3 courses of a proper Christmas lunch... I got all the thanks I needed, just by watching them enjoy themselves and then I made my sister-in-law, brother and family come up here for "left-overs" and enjoyed opening all the presents with the family including cleaning up... Alot of prep went into that as well, including what you went through, decorations, cleaning, preparing food, cooking and cooking and cooking and cleaning up
You are tired of ALL of it, over and over and over.
But, see you have been looking after them all, all of your life... You are tired and want someone to look after you.. You probably couldn't fathom the thought of being sick and no one took over, nor would I..But, then I have "balls" and I don't mean that nastily rather, if I'm sick I talk, insist on the help, let it be known that I can't possibly do it all, same with prep and cleaning before the big day.. I can imagine that you probably didn't ask at all.
You have to have a voice to be heard.
Year after next, make yourself heard. By all means do the lunch but that's it..Your husband knows how to use a BBQ, he knows I am sure how to turn an oven on... Sit him down and talk to him, communicate.
And, if I was you, I'd start right now... Let him know you've played housewife for TOO LONG and it's Jodie's turn, time out... Things have to change and change now around that house... And, you need a night out here and there, once a month even, eating out... And, when it's your turn for Xmas, you need his helping hand and support in "speaking" whilst your family are there, such as "come on you lot, give Mum a break, lets do the dishes" and plan that BBQ .
If you don't speak no one is going to listen.