OmSigDAVID wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
How are thay referred to in China, Oristar ?
oristarA wrote: Ri ben ren (日本人)。
Will u translate that for us, literally, Oristar?
Is it in any way a description of their nature or their quality, good or bad??
I remember maybe in the 1970s or 1980s, I went to Taiwan, for their Oct. 1Oth celebration.
At some point, we were required to wear large identity badges
bearing our names and our countries.
We were waiting in line for a long time, during which
(looking at the several Chinese characters on my id. badge),
I asked what thay meant.
I was told that it meant that I was from America.
I asked what each of the characters meant individually,
and it was represented to me that thay meant: "the Beautiful Country". I was surprized.
Can u tell us whether the consensus in China
is forgiveness for the atrocities of the 1930s, for the most part,
or is there a lot of residual resentment and ill will toward the Japanese now ?
Indeed, America, in Chinese Pinyin it refers to Mei Guo (美国), which means "a beautiful country."
Ri ben ren (日本人): ri refers to "sun"; ben means "root, base or fundamental"; so ri ben (日本)means "a country where the sun is based or from where the sun rises. Ren, points to "people".
The anti-Japan sentiment in China has been rampant for decades. To show their contempt, the folks of China often refer to Japan as "xiao riben" (small Japan).The following poem is a typical example that was written in March this year when Japan was hit by earthquake and tsunami :
My Motherland, have you forgotten?
Weeping for you, my motherland.
Several days ago,
The Earth made her fury felt,
And gave a hard kick at small Japan's heart.
The fair blue sky roared,
And tore into pieces Japan's pride.
O, the judgment of God against the evil!
O, the justice punishing the devil!
But yet, Mother,
You reached out the hand of aid;
You sent out the first rescue squad!
You're the first to donate;
Ten thousand ton of gasoline,
Ten thousand ton of diesel oil,
All freely given,
To the demon!
I'm weeping for you, Mother.
(The original Chinese version:
(The English is my translation for this thread in a hurry. Editing will
be appreciated. Of course, a good editing will also be dangerous and hurt the feeling of innocent Japanese people, for it may deliever wrong message.)
The poem was widespread on line then in China.
I ridiculed it:"What a rubbish! If Japan's quake was a kick at its heart, how many kicks has China got in Wenchuan earthquake? We've lost a hundred thousand while Japan only lost a thousand."
Some Chinese people, among them are the high educated, hold visceral hatred against "small Japan". A moderator (doctor most likely with PhD degree) of an important website in China, cried: the sino-Japanese relationship will never be harmonious, unless Japan agrees to give China a chance to destroy it once...bla bla bla. Such violence fanatics would smear all who said most of Japanese people were innocent as traitors of Han or SB (a derogatory term in pinyin refers to stupid asshole).