Not understanding your point. Illegal immigration was a small problem back then. And they didn't get 30k worth of benefits.
We have 20 MILLION illegal aliens in just the last decade and they DO get extensive benefits. .
There are a lot of illegals in my state. Go to Wal Mart at night on a weekend and there are 100s of them with heaping, overflowing carts all standing in line with their Obama illegal alien benefit card in their hand. They eat better than I do. Of course I only get to spend my own money.
My neices are all nurses. The number of illegals that give birth each day in the hospitals where they work should astound you.
I wonder if they bought mandatory Obamacare? LOL
Did you know that we are all paying teachers to go back to college for a year? A year of college for every existing teacher so they can learn to deal with SOL. I wonder what that's costing us.
This problem wasn't the same back when those questions were answered.