Sometimes I have a penchant for using highfalutinisms.
You also have a penchant for shifting your ethnic/racial identity when you choose to do so .
One advantage of the internet is that it is color blind. People can interact by text without knowing the race (or age or gender) of other people and without revealing their own. That makes us free of all that stereotyped crap and various prejudices and preconceived ideas that can, and do, affect our real life interactions. Everyone can relate to each other here simply as
individuals, or
people, without any cultural baggage about race, in a very equal and free way.
But you persist in dragging this racial stuff into every thread, by alluding to your own racial identity, no matter how irrelevant the topic, and trying to pigeon-hole other people here on what you know, or think you know, about their race.
What's your hang-up about race, JG? Why do you keep waving a racial flag?