I'll hold you to that
in the meantime.
Which program is the most important for making comics? Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator or Quarkxpress? What cat breeds are commonly found in and/or native to Greenland? Why do many cartoonists find it "necessary" to give cartoon characters love interests? What effects would time travel have on wireless devices? Why did they get rid of cache files on Google? Or if they didn't how do you access them? What types of villains should streetfighters fight? Why do some Asian Americans object to affirmative action? What are some good web forums to go to to discuss Greenlandic culture and language? Please help. What is the big deal about drawing "funny animals"? What are the best web forums and message boards out there to discuss African language and culture? What are the best free professional translation sites out there besides Proz.com and Translatorscafe . DO NOT DISCUSS SEX WITH ME GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!