Ha, and you should stop insulting kids considering how much of a troll and an immature twat it makes you look like. im sticking to what i want to stick to. people at mcd's need to realize if your going to a messy fast food restaurant, you need to dress correctly... its so simple... for example: "Who the hell wears a $300 dress while eating a sloppy Joe?" so same thing... only thing different is that they were at mcd's so im sure your one of them dang trolls that disliked my reply. i think its time to grow up. you might be older, but you need to act like your age...
"manager gave them the ketchup but he wouldn't have if he knew what they were going to do with it?"
it don't matter... it was given to him, answer is : shut up.
"they might have come from somewhere else where their clothing was appropriate?"
well maybe they need to learn where a nice restaurant is compared to a sloppy restaurant.
"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard of."
that extra "of" was not needed... please return to your elementary school. maybe they can fix this low grammar level of yours
"You say you came here for answers, not to give them"
i also came here to not have my business not to be butt into.