hjlands wrote:
I summit that the white eyes were the savages by the way they tried to exterminate a whole race of people because they were different.
I believe that if the Native Americans collectively told the Europeans that they would all go to South America, then there would have been no confrontation.
It all came down to the land and the Manifest Destiny that the Europeans believed was their destiny, I believe. The buffalo had a nasty habit of stampeding over railroad tracks. The two cultures were just incompatible, I believe. So, since there was no way to reconcile the totally diverse world views, hostilities manifested.
I wouldn't think of Native Americans as savages, nor of Europeans as savages. They were just fighting over turf. What exacerbated the situation, in my opinion, was the racial aspect, in that the Native American appeared quite different than the northern European that came during the 16th - 19th century. If Native Americans were all tall, blond, and were eager to assimilate into the European culture, there would have been no problems, in my opinion.
When all is said and done, I believe many problems between groups are only partially solved, until one or the other group gives up and assimilates into the dominant group. Trying to out produce the other group with more children just leads, in my opinion, to wars that thin out the population of the less dominant group. History seems to prove that, in my opinion.