@JP Cusick,
Well, JPCusick, although I think you've been living in the 19th century all this time, I do compliment you for choosing this modern venue of an internet forum to get your ideas across and discussed.
JP Cusick wrote:I do say you make a right connection between abortion and Child Support and Custody laws because all these are degrading and insulting to children and are even expressions of hatred for babies and children.
That's your opinion, but it's not reality. What is degrading to children is that an unwanted child is treated as such: unwanted and more often than not neglected and abused.
JP Cusick wrote:Obviously abortion wants to kill the baby, so Child Support and Custody laws mean that the baby / child is a burden and liability which has to be paid for.
Obviously a baby is a born human being capable of living on its own.
You cannot abort a baby, but within the legal means it is possible to
abort an embryo and fetus up to the 12th week of gestation.
JP Cusick wrote:As like a Man gives a Woman a brand new car then she says "thank you", but a Man gives a Woman a brand new baby then she declares that he needs to pay her for having that burden.
That's a very bad example and I don't even want to go down this road.
JP Cusick wrote:And I do not mean this as a gender dispute against Women since many Men too believe in abortions and that babies are a burden and those Men are just as ignorant and barbaric as are those Women.
I tell you what's barbaric: child abuse is barbaric, and the number of
children in our system (child protective care, foster care etc.) is staggering high due to child abuse, neglect and/or both. The numbers would be by
far higher were it illegal to abort. Ignorance is on the side of people who
close their eyes to this subject.
Just for the record: I have never aborted and I actually adopted a child within the foster care system, and once I had some insight in the social service/foster care system, I became an avid advocate for pro choice as I do not believe that children should suffer in a manner they do, just because they're not wanted.
I'd rather have the mother an abortion before she starts abusing her child.