The point is the double standard.
There are two people who have sex and two people who did not exercise their ability to use birth control. They are equally responsible.
To one we say-- sweetheart, you made a mistake and are pregnant, but it is still your choice whether you want to become a parent or not. It is a big decision with lots of responsibility. Your financial well-being and career plans are important to us so we will respect your decision. You made a mistake but you don't need to go through with it if you don't want. We are here to support you with sympathy and concern whatever decision you make.
To the other we say-- sorry buddy. You made a mistake are now you are going to be a parent. Don't expect our sympathy. If you didn't want to have kids, you shouldn't have been having sex. Now stop whining and buck up and be a parent whether you want to or not.
You can argue the politics. You can point out that this difference is a necessity of biology or whatever.
But to ignore the double standard between how we treat young adults based on their gender takes willful blindness.