@reasoning logic,
I am sorry mate...I made a long post out....And my computer fell...And I do not feel like quoting it all over again...I saved it also...But it did not save for some strange reason....
Do you or him know whether or not this God was there before Islam or Christianity?
Second...Does he know if the way he feels is an absolute truth?
Third...It is all or nothing mate...If he does not accept words as truth, then why would he think that thou shall not murder is morally correct to follow if he has not tested if it is true?
fourth...You tell me mate...Where is the line acceptibly drawn as to whehter or not you follow it or not? To me, if you follow any of it, then you can't say you are finding your own moral absolutes, by a different way...Or say that you are doing things that religion did not...Cause it is not correct...
Last...Then why would a non-absolutist agree with anything that it claims? Why would he even think thou shall not murder is moral? If some is correct it all is? If some is not? None is?