Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 07:10 pm
I have to be honest, I have not watched it yet mate...Because my sleep has been bad...But I do intent to watch the video mate...

I understand and you have been honest with me, The night is still young and I can read your reply tomorrow morning when I awake.
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 07:11 pm
@reasoning logic,
Thank you mate...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 12:48 am
@reasoning logic,
This is not about you but about how me and you both get reality wrong at times.

Do you believe we all get reality wrong at times? Do you believe we all do not get reality wrong at times, or are you uncertain if we all do?
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 01:03 am
@reasoning logic,
Hey Logic, Do you remember these?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 01:14 am
@reasoning logic,
They definiatly put alot more effort into 80's commercials...
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 01:48 am
Do you believe we all get reality wrong at times? Do you believe we all do not get reality wrong at times, or are you uncertain if we all do?

I understand that we get reality right and wrong at times.
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 02:23 am
@reasoning logic,
Before you came to understandings Did you think we all got it wrong? No? Or unsure?
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 02:36 am
@reasoning logic,
Am watching the Truman show right now...Pretty good movie mate...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 02:44 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I am curious mostly to Atheists as to if Jesus did come in the second comming and said to you. I am Jesus, what will I have to do to prove to you I am the savior and God in the flesh....

What would you ask Jesus to do for you to prove he is the savior??

First of all the Bible says that when Jesus returns we will not be just walking down the street and have him walk up to us and start debating the validity of his deism claims... It seems Jesus is not as confrontational and his obsessively religious earthly counterparts. The Bible says (at a time which only God knows) Jesus will descend from heaven in the clouds... and raise the dead in Christ first then we which are alive and remain unto his coming will be caught up with them (the risen dead in Christ) too meet the lord IN THE AIR....

If you were somehow whisked away from you homes, work or the local bar or club to some place high in the clouds... Would there be any doubt?

The reality is that most self proclaimed Christians do not even read what is written with care and study... In other words they listen to their preachers word rather than actually researching the very words of the Bible itself.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 (KJV)
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them [the newly risen dead in Christ] in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

It is interesting to note that this day is not actually a "resurrection" day. A resurrection day is when all are dead but some will be alive too at such a time.

1 Corinthians 15:53 (KJV)
For this corruptible [the dead in Christ] must put on incorruption, and this mortal [those who are alive] must put on immortality.

The Bible speaks of the dead IN CHRIST being risen that day. A good question might be at this point, but what about the dead who were not IN CHRIST? The bible clearly stated that at some point all will be risen and judged even the dead who were NOT in Christ. From this one might assume they (the dead not in Christ) will in the future after this initial gathering day be raised on a resurrection day. Because at that point in time the Bible implies that all will be either given grace and freed from judgment or dead and the former earth passed away.

Those on the gathering day will be raised in grace while those on the judgement day will be raised, well, in judgment...

So the Bible says...

The first coming (erroneously thought to be his birth) is for grace the second coming is for judgment of those who did not qualify for the grace. It is interesting to note that all old testament people will not be eligible for grace but judgment only... Every jot and tittle, so to speak....

Those judged will go on to live in paradise on the new earth and those with grace will live in heaven and be the light of this new earth.

Study this till you understand what I am saying here...

Romans 8:1 (KJV)
There is therefore now no condemnation [judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 02:50 am
I actually knew everything that you have said here and do not need to study it...I have studied the Bible, and know what it says...

I asked the question because atheists always ask for proof...So I wanted to know what they would want Jesus to do if he proved himself for them...are you an atheist? I am more interested in what you would ask him to do to prove he was Jesus...Rather than describing what revelations has to say...

Are you saying that according to the Bible everyone will know it is him, and we will not need proof? I would agree with that...But my posistion is not based upon proof...
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 02:56 am
If God wanted us to have proof he would have left Jesus here. Seems possibly you are forcing the issue while forsaking an accurate biblical message.

This message of grace (good news) is for comfort not fear of God.

Are you worthy of this grace while subjecting others to fear? None of us are worthy...
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 03:13 am
Is it possible you are stereotyping me? Why do you think I am subjecting people to fear? And why do you think that I have to believe that everything the Bible claims is the exact way it will ultimately happen?

Why do you think asking people what they would want Jesus to do for them is not also for comfort? Do you think that if Jesus exist he does not care about you?

I agree that none of us are worthy to stand in Gods presence...

However I do disagree with you that I subject people to fear...

If you would like me to answer your questions...Please take the time to answer mine...

Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 03:18 am
If God wanted us to have proof he would have left Jesus here.

Are you absolutely sure that God would have done this? They did not believe it the first time? Why would they believe it now?
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 03:40 am
Perhaps I am stereotyping you If so I am sorry.

Seeing a ghost does not always provide a deep feeling of peace if so angels first salutation would generally not have been, "Fear not."

If one believes one verse and throws away the rest and someone else believes another verse and throws away the rest then God is the author of confusion. It is either wholly the word of God or not. If that is the case it is no more holy than any other hit or miss book on faith and prophecy. I subscribe to the latter although I myself do find parts of the Bible worthy of consideration.

The nature of the relationship of religion and persecution are unmistakably intertwined. The nature of most religion is more often than not fear based.

I might also say it is easier to die for a cause than to live for one. A torturous death is a sign of a powerless God not a reason for more faith...

Hope these answers are okay for now. Sorry if I doubted your premise, if I am wrong I will be the first to admit it. Perhaps in this case I am wrong... Notice it was not an all out accusation toward you but stated in a way that left room for doubt on the validity of my own speculations regarding your motives.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 03:44 am
After Jesus death people in droves believed which seems his death was needed to free the holy spirit from hell fire chains. This is why Perter who Jesus seemed to think was the most worthy human prototype on earth was yet incapable of not denying Jesus. The story speaks of innate human depravity and spiritual newness on the advent of Jesus's death and Pentecost.
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 03:52 am
Hope these answers are okay for now.

If you come back mate, plase answer my questions when you get some time...
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 04:03 am
I thought I just did... Confused
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 04:17 am
Yes you did...Next time will you please quote me...When you make your replies to me? So that I know what you mean more clearly, and do not have to try to break down your interpretations of my questions...
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 04:27 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

Yes you did...Next time will you please quote me...When you make your replies to me? So that I know what you mean more clearly, and do not have to try to break down your interpretations of my questions...

Yes I will quote you next time, been up all night it is 5am in the morning, my bad... Smile
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2012 04:32 am
Yeah, 5:30 a.m. here, been up all night...too...Don't have the strength to take what I have said, figure out what you mean, break down a translation of it, interpret it, reply to it...

It would be easier for me if you quote me, so that I can see your interpretations...And answers...and faster for me...And much more clear...Thanks mate... Smile Welcome to the thread...

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