So your verdict is, that Satan does know what was in the scriptures. He requested on at least two occasions for Jesus to perform what was written in those scriptures, however, Jesus confused him with his replies, refusing to pull rank and consequently, Satan was left standing with knowledge but not proof and somewhat confused of the answers. So, Satan is still trying to work it out and in the meantime, much like politions wanting to win, power, has throughout the years "used" men to change those scriptures to add his evil into it, so that even those that believed/believe in Jesus would follow those words including slaves, creating hatred between black and white for instance, trying to destroy this World so the majority goes to him and he wins
Even movies, batman, he's the hero, there is a villan and the hero wins and people remember those movies, kids do and so they favor the hero but then some kids favor the villan, do they become villans? Bully kids at school, as they think that the villan is tough? Is Satan using man in every way shape and form to win?
The dreams you have, is that really Satan still fighting against God to win you? Is it him that stops you from sleeping?
Is Satan that powerful........ Or as the Earth still stands is God.... Or the predictions of this World as we know it finally ending at some stage, mean that Satan will win, but God will take as many with him as he can including those that have sinned that at the end ask for forgiveness, as he never gave Satan the power of knowledge of what he knows, therefore, he knows that ultimately in the end Satan won't win...
Then why so many thousands of years later are we here..... Why take so long for this battle? If man changed the "Bible" and man likes to create war, where the good stand up and die to protect the battles and man made the rules, making some animals extinct, making rivers poluted, the air, are all those people of power the evil ones?
There should be a movie about all those questionables, it would make a lot of money. Why has there never been one? Why does man ensure that Jesus and his stories of love, help, and his death only appear on TV.. Instead they use villans to show the evil against the good.
Rambling but see how no one really knows the story, or what the future holds.