Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 06:59 am
@reasoning logic,
Be specific in what I do not understand and explain it in a coherent way

Believe me I've tried, but I'd probably have more success teaching the cat to hang glide.

I'm quite happy to accept when I'm wrong, and have done in the past. Although these infractions have been pointed out by people who have shown some judgement.

I don't doubt you're studying human behaviour, but I don't think you're necessarily that good at it. I'd rather be honest than ihabit some prozac filled, saccharin drenched, travesty of reality.

I'm never going to take anyone seriously that disputes RT is a propaganda channel, thinks Max Keiser is an intellectual, gives David Icke serious consideration, and expects me to spend half an hour watching a clearly distubed woman with a megaphone ranting about how America is still part of the British Empire. And then, expects me to counter the ravings of a lunatic purely because I'm British.

I know you're going to insist it's because you've got an open mind, the same way you posted rants by members of the KKK, but it's because you can't tell **** from Shinola. Until you can actually do that, I'm not going to give much credence to anything you post, and when you start pontificating I'll continue to challenge you.

Then again you know best, I'm just a jealous sociopath, and you're the fountain of all knowledge.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:01 am
@reasoning logic,
I try very hard not to distort the truth because understanding things correctly is something I enjoy.

Evelyn Waugh, after some years in California, for the money, said that what he liked about Americans was they didn't expect you to be listening to anything you said. He thought it was very polite of them.

Obviously, I immediately conjured up in my imagination a social evening of the sort he might be expected to be attending as a Hollywood script-writer of some fame and where he must have discovered this advance in the etiquette of human intercourse. Woody Allen has a scene somewhere of a cocktail party in NYC where everybody is talking and nobody is listening. They all know they are only networking.

It struck me rl that your remark is an ideal one for such occasions and I assume that you are habituated to such statements by attending such functions are are thus to be commended.

Let's face it. If one did listen to it and analysed it with reason and logic one might have so much with it one might get oneself tittering and having so many tears in one's eyes that one couldn't read the book I'm on about religion and science in Ancient Greece, which was getting nowhere and had to be replaced by something a bit more practical. No easy matter when dealing with long settled customs and cultural practices. They had atheists you know. **** hot ones. That was never seriously considered.

For example, there's a scene in the Odyssey when a drunken suitor throws a hoof at an antagonist. So whats a hoof doing at a banquet. Could hardly have been an ashtray. A torch stand maybe. No cigarettes, no electricity, no lingerie. Gulp!!

We grind them up for Hoof and Horn garden fertiliser. That's because we have pounding machines of 200 h.p. which, at the touch of a button, can render a truck load of hooves from the knacker yard into powder and conveniently bagged for home use on various plants either indoors or outdoors. Go look at a cart-horses hooves and try to think what an Ancient Greek could have done with them except as ammo.

What those listening to you want to know is what things are you understanding correctly, how you are understanding them so and why you enjoy this odd quirk of yours.

Bearing in mind that if I don't ask these questions it shows that nobody is listening to you and then you are talking to yourself. They are questions which spring immediately to the mind of even an ordinary, average listener.

There is a remark one sometimes hears to the effect that anyone who thinks they know anything at all about Quantum Theory doesn't know the very first thing about it.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:10 am
So the fact you 2 do not get along, really has nothing, at all, to do with me, and you want me to take your side over his, which I will not do...That implies more about you acting "in some sort of way" sociopathic...And not about Izzy being a ******* Idiot.

The way that I do things where I come from is point out to others where they could have said what they intended to say in a nicer way, that is only taking the side of being kind towards one another, it is not taking sides with one person over another.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:12 am
@reasoning logic,
So posting videos by the KKK is a gesture of kindness. Thanks for pointing that one out.
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:13 am
Then again you know best, I'm just a jealous sociopath, and you're the fountain of all knowledge.

At least you can be reasonable sometimes. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:19 am
So posting videos by the KKK is a gesture of kindness. Thanks for pointing that one out.

As I said it before, I post many bazaar things for many reasons, If I talked to you and found that you have something of value to share, I would share it with others. does this mean that because I think you are antisocial you would not be able to share any truth in what you are saying, regardless if what some of what you are saying is incorrect?
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 07:48 am
@reasoning logic,
What are you haggling over this time?
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 08:34 am
He's trying to get my last post off this page and consigned to the archives which start at the previous page.

If this archive is ever found after things have settled down a bit, like the electrician's tool box in A Canticle for Leibowitz, it would be interesting what the then experts made of it and what disputes they had over the correct interpretation of it as a picture of our times and where the fatal error lay.

We either last for a very long time or we don't. Like Dylan said--"we're going all the way till the wheels fall off and burn". Which is exact science. If we don't there was a fatal error. Historians are in dispute about the fatal error in the Roman civilisation. I would argue that there isn't one. It's been a job creation scheme.

It's a case of blaming the workman for the tools. And everybody knows how stupid that is. And how slowly tools evolve. Only a fool would blame the physicists at CERN for not finding the Higgs Boson yet after all this time and so much of the tax of the hard-working and hard-pressed families up and down the land having been collected with threats and distributed with great generosity amidst fanfares and bunting and dancing in the street.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 08:51 am
I bet Setanta has never thought that there might not be a decline of the Roman Empire as Mr Gibbon so painstakingly claimed in his most interesting masterpiece. Just a few temporary stresses and strains as befits an operation of such monumental proportions as this one is.

I'll allow that Gibbon might well have been aware that there was no decline but didn't think that could be sexed up as good for the literary classes. ( Now known as the Paperwork Party. Or was until it split into Democrats and Republicans. Not that that it kids me.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 09:13 am
@reasoning logic,
I try very hard not to distort the truth because understanding things correctly is something I enjoy. I am not sure if you thought that I may have intentionally made it out to be a longer in months than it was when Ryan asked to be called by name.

I did ask you to call me by name...You can call me Spades if You would like, too...I just don't like the XX...

I have only called you by name on a couple of occasion that I can remember and if you prefer to be called FS or Found Soul I will be more than happy to call you that.

I have done the same, but it is because I thought you liked that, Found...

If you want me to call you Found Soul, or FS, I will be happy to do it, also...

I am sorry, if I upset you, that I called you Kel...And did not ask you....

Have a good night...
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 09:47 am
Come on Spade. This is not a wittering session in a ladies whist drive.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 10:08 am
I've just watched areport on News24 about the ancient games, which was quite informative. I kept imagining dismembered hooves flying about, which added a bit of verisimilitude to the whole thing, so thanks for that.

What's the weather like where you are? Are you one of the lucky souls due a visit from Caroline Spelman? That's something to feast your eyes upon.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 10:32 am
Come on Spade. This is not a wittering session in a ladies whist drive.

Sorry, but me saying that to Found...Since she is my friend, And since she said it to Logic, to make a point...Who I also take, is her friend...

I felt it was appropriate for me to do it...And say it to her...

I am sorry if you feel that all I am saying, is silly and boring...

Her feelings matter to me...

And you should be able to understand anyways...After all, You tell women what they want to hear, and do what they want you to do, just to please them... Idea 2 Cents

I can't help you out, if your a mananist...And feel that is a weakness...I have...I am not...one, and am more about equality, both ways...
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 11:01 am
And you should be able to understand anyways...After all, You tell women what they want to hear, and do what they want you to do, just to please them..

Only when I'm on downtime.

Bugger equality. Looking up trouser legs crossings does nothing for me,
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 11:10 am
Only when I'm on downtime.

But you still do it? Right? I try to do it, "ALL the time" That is why it is called equality...And why I am not for feminism, nor maninism...

Bugger equality. Looking up trouser legs crossings does nothing for me,

Sorry to hear that! Sounds personal! I will leave you be! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 12:46 pm
I don't think he was trying to help Spades when he brought up his seeing a psychiatrist, he was doing it to put pressure on Spades to conform. To think in the same way as RL, for he is Reasoning Logic after all, he must be right, everything he says is so reasoned and logical.

Considering the amount of psychobabble RL throws out it was hardly a revelation that he'd seen a psychiatrist, he just confirmed what was obvious anyway. Let's not forget he's an American, a country with 20% of the world's population that consumes 80% of the world's painkillers. They go into psychotherapy all the time for any old gripe, and then they think that gives them the right to pontificate on how the rest of us should follow suit. Not only that they start spouting psychobabble, because after such a profound moment of self awareness they 'know' the truth.

Logic said:

That is because we live in one of the most sociopathic and drug addicted countries in the world and it seems that the God delusion only makes it worse.
Prescription drugs are the drug of choice here in America and pharmaceutical companies are able to make huge profits when they have an entire nation hooked on drugs.

And Izzy, Logic is right here...There are many people out there (I think you know what I mean, without me saying it) Who are a lot more interested in putting coin in their pockets, then actually spending the money, and finding cures for people...To cure them...They are using ban-aids...Rather then actually looking to stop the bleeding...Because Most pain-killers, are publicly traded cooperation's...

That is why that number is alarming, and staggering...

There are people out there, with fucked up agendas, and looking to pull from peoples pockets, rather then actually help them, and cure them...

But I do not think it is God related...That is a grab, at best...It has no relevance to me...Since we allow people to have freedom of religion, and even irreligious...So that 80% includes everyone...

I do not believe more people who believe in God, take painkillers than anyone else, here...And if they do, it is only because, there are more religious, as a whole, than not...

There are a lot who are hooked on painkillers...And it is of every kind of breed...

And it is for different reasons...

Such as being lied to, and taken advantage of...

But, if what you are saying, is true, and Logic is saying, I need to see a shrink, because he has, I agree with you...100% Wink Wink Very Happy 2 Cents
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 01:01 pm
I'm aware that the drugs companies wield a lot of power where you are, and that you pay over the odds compared with the rest of us.

I get loads of spam offering Canadian drugs, and when I was on holiday in Mexico I noticed how all the Americans rushed to buy Mexican pharmaceuticals.

And it was just Americans, none of the Europeans bothered.

I don't think it's got anything to do with religion either. Someone is clutching at straws, if you go looking for something, chances are you'll find it.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 01:28 pm
A lot of drugs, not all by any means, are used by people who have lost confidence in their own body's capacity to throw off invaders.

Some drugs are used by people to provide mental states which are not easily reachable by any other means. Or to avoid unwanted mental states which are not easily avoidable by other means. ("easily" being the operative word.)

Things which do nothing can be marketed as drugs.

One think you miss izzy is that the Americans who rush to buy drugs in Mexico are just those Americans who went to Mexico. They are not typical Americans. One can only assume that going to Mexico with the cost, the trouble and the risks, is an attempt to ward off unwanted mental states at home.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 01:34 pm
if what you are saying, is true, and Logic is saying, I need to see a shrink, because he has, I agree with you...100%

Ryan I am not telling you what to do but rather hoping that you would at least consider what I share with you. I will be honest with you, I do not expect you to take my advice because it would not be psychological for you to do so.

Please try to understand what I mean by it not being psychological for you to do so. It is very normal "psychological" for the brain to believe in gods, ghosts, UFO's and so forth but it is not psychological for people to believe they are a prophet, but it is probably normal for you to believe this because of your neural network. I will be honest, I do not see you being any different than someone who believes in a god but does not see themselves as a prophet.

Just because our minds believe things to be a certain way does not mean that these ways are true, but they do seem true to us.

I myself have seen a psychiatrist once in my life because me, my wife and 15 year old daughter were having problems, I thought that my daughter should be respectful but she did not think that she needed to be. It was very confusing for me that my daughter would be so disrespectful towards me.

What I needed to learn was that not all things were as I thought that they should be, kids go through stages in their lives that can be very hard to understand for a parent. My daughter is very respectful towards me today and she is a good mother and wife to her kids and husband as well.

People where I come from put down psychologist and psychiatrist but I think that they do it because they have been misinformed.
Reply Sat 30 Jun, 2012 03:21 pm
@reasoning logic,
I thought that my daughter should be respectful but she did not think that she needed to be. It was very confusing for me that my daughter would be so disrespectful towards me.

She might have thought you were a bit of a gump when she was 15. Or an arsehole. Then when she did biology and found out about DNA she realised that if you were a gump or an arsehole, or both, and they do go together a bit, she was herself half gump or half arsehole so she treated you with more respect thereafter.

There are other explanations of course as you might expect.

Basically you went for advice out of impatience looking fror a quick fix. What was her attitude to your procedure?

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