Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 05:28 am
There are many fine Christians who are not religious bigots, and it is important to remember that we can be just as fallible as Christians. Many Christians are good people, and no one is a bad person just for being a Christian. With the exception of the lowlife Christian bigotry portrayed in this thread.

No, that is where you are wrong! There are many fine Christians in this thread! And no bigotry at all...If there is, Please cite them for us, to see!

No one has a problem with you, and what you do, or believe...I have a problem with you, because you are hateful, in thinking Spendius and I, are hateful just because we are Christian! And I have a problem with your buddies parading around in here like 12 year old girls because they are hateful...and do the same kind of hate, you accuse Christians of doing...

When Spendius, is not even a Christian...

Be sure that they keep voting me down, just because, and not explain it...And be sure all you guys vote each other up to +4....Because until you explain why...Everyone of yours and their posts, will be voted down to zero, and collapsed, so I do not have to read it...And it is because your hateful...Not about anything else!
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 07:11 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
No one has a problem with you, and what you do, or believe...I have a problem with you, because you are hateful,

The guy's a fascist. The only reason he's bothered about gay rights is because he happens to be gay. If he wasn't he'd be the most homophobic bigot on A2K.

His avatar is attention seeking and he's narcissistic. He is the worst type of bigot because he's in denial about how intolerant he really is. He probably believes all the crap he spouts.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 07:11 am
Your worse than an atheist. At least they don't use the Bible to justify whatever it is they wish to justify. Either infractions of the Christian moral code which are not against the law or the claim that the scientific method has pre-eminence over all other ideas.

Christians know what they are up against with atheists. They don't with you. You only look like a Christian and talk like a Christian when selectively quoting from a book that can be selectively quoted to prove anything.

I have no idea what "saved" means. Having an easy conscience during one's last years is my idea. That's eternal. And it is hell for some. What's an abortionist going to think of himself when he gets to that stage? It's all hid away now and there's no necessity for it to be so. Except the shame. That we have never seen an abortion performed on TV tells anybody with any sense all they need to know. Show that and see the opinion polls lurch alarmingly. Alarmingly for the USSC most of all.

Surveys show that most divorcees regret getting divorced. With hindsight.

And what casual sex has done to young women can only be judged by those who knew young women when they were chaste and getting a hand inside a jumper but outside a bra was considered to be scoring.

I can't imagine how any young man would marry these young women I see today. The young women I knew in the old days were very much admired by my father's generation. "I was born too young", they sometimes said. Now the fathers are staggered by what their sons are faced with. They might say--"jeeze- only just got there in time".

That's what you get when you turn the Pope off.

It has my very best wishes.

And thumbers (Just like Tom Thumb) vote me down for a different reason than they do you.

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 07:51 am
I can't imagine how any young man would marry these young women I see today. The young women I knew in the old days were very much admired by my father's generation. "I was born too young", they sometimes said. Now the fathers are staggered by what their sons are faced with. They might say--"jeeze- only just got there in time".

That's what you get when you turn the Pope off.

OK, and when have you seen me do that? Or say such a thing?

I would never let my Father say such a thing...Even if he is my Father...

And I would never look at a girl as just another notch in my belt...Matter of fact, I have said, I am single, and not looking, because I know of the only one for me, and the situation...And would not lie to myself, or another female...

Who says that I turn the Pope off??

Just because I do not agree 100%, does not mean I turn him off...

But in retrospect...You saying you listen to the Pope, and not embracing the ONE thing needed, to signify it all...Is more damaging than anyone else...Other than people, who are totally against him...

Because it means nothing...You are saying you support something, which you really do not...If you did, you would go to Church, and do the sacraments, rather than spout to others, how/and why they MUST do it...

And thumbers (Just like Tom Thumb) vote me down for a different reason than they do you.

What is this other reason?

And if it is what I think it is...Am I not right, about them doing it, to be hateful, then?
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 08:28 am
Hey Found...

You never answered me...

Do you like really hot stuff? Such as peppers?

If you do, what is the hottest thing you have ever eaten?

Mine was the Red Savina Habenero...

Actually, What is your take on this, too, Izzy?
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 08:39 am
It's night time in Oz mate. It's just gone 3.30pm over here, and they're about 11 hours ahead of us, so don't expect to hear from her for a bit.

I love spicey food, and so does my little boy. I was singing its praises last night during the match, which we lost.

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 08:56 am
Sux mate!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:03 am
LMAO!!!! that was one funny ass video...

The dude walking looks like this guy from an American band...

And he even walks on top on the hood of a car too!!

But when they show him up close...they don't look to much alike...

Did you like my video last night, of Logic in college? Go back last page bout half way down if you missed it....

Just kidding with you logic mate! Just a joke, with your post of me being mad, It wasn't me in the video!! Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy Mr. Green

Oh ****! I get it now, one is a parody of the other right? Prolly the American from England??

Or are they both from England, and the other one is a parody, or something? Have you ever even seen or heard of this band? They are called the Verve...And the song is called bitter sweet symphony...

Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:04 am
I would never let my Father say such a thing

You're on a real ego winger. You want your old man to only say what you want. As you do with the Pope. No doubt God is in the same boat.

And I would never look at a girl as just another notch in my belt...Matter of fact, I have said, I am single, and not looking, because I know of the only one for me, and the situation...And would not lie to myself, or another female...

And girls too. How do you know they don't just love being thought of like that. They sure do dress like that is exactly what they want to inspire. Why do married women get all dolled up for social occasions? They are most alive when they know every guy in the room has a hard on for them. You're trying to trap them in your own fantasies.

Do you think girls care whether you don't lie to them. They can make their own minds up about things like that. Your reassurances are not worth a blow on a ragman's snot-rag. Auberon Waugh said that the more insistent a man was about his honesty the faster he counted the spoons.

Who says that I turn the Pope off??

You did. As it suits you. Everybody agrees with the Pope on 99% of stuff. It's mostly law. The Pope is infallible. As one might expect. The idea of the Church is to make an organisation so large, its labours so distinguished and its authority so final that it may satisfactorily use its great prestige to compel recognition of its teachings. Anybody who objects to any part of that is not relevant to the Church despite protestations to the contrary. Dressing up in the 99% is just a disguise and atheists don't stoop to that.

Going to church and taking the sacraments are reinforcement. Spectacular ceremonials and rituals to bolster faith in the Church. I don't need my faith in the Church bolstering. And I don't say that others should do those things. Or not do. I am aware that if I go against the Church's teaching I am being subversive in some way. You won't find me trying to justify it.

My posts bother unbelievers. Yours can't possibly.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 09:31 am
You're on a real ego winger. You want your old man to only say what you want. As you do with the Pope. No doubt God is in the same boat.

Nope, I honer thy Father and Thy mother...And do good to them, and you will be well all the days of your life...I listen to the Bible...Unlike you, who treat it as a toilet...and tell others what they should do, but don't do it yourself...Even if a man is your Father, if he needs to be rebuked...then it is a good thing...

And girls too. How do you know they don't just love being thought of like that.

Any self-respecting person would not, like it...Women, and girls are no different...I am not for feminism...But I am not for maninism either...I am about equality...

They sure do dress like that is exactly what they want to inspire. Why do married women get all dolled up for social occasions?

They might like it...But deep down inside, I bet they do not like to be treated like a piece of meat...Would you?

They are most alive when they know every guy in the room has a hard on for them. You're trying to trap them in your own fantasies.

Not at all...I am not about trapping anyone...Giving them the freedom, to be happy, if they want to be with me, and me with them...and treating them as an equal, is much better indeed...Then just totally flattering their ego's and basically lying to them...Just to please them, if you do not actually feel that way about them...

Some of the **** that you say Spendi...Is way out there...You do live way to much in the past...

Even the Bible, and Church...Are about equality...

Do you think girls care whether you don't lie to them.

Yes I do, think they do...

They can make their own minds up about things like that.

Yeah, but you're the one who perpetuates that kind of stuff...And why they feel like they are held down...And why there are feminists....

Your reassurances are not worth a blow on a ragman's snot-rag.

I will ask for your opinion...When You are a female...And we are in a relationship...Till then, and actually never...You do it your way, and I'll do it mine....

The women I meet, and chose...to be with, are happy because they chose me, and I chose them, and they are happy to be themselves, and I am happy to be myself...We do not ever have to pretend we are something we are not....If you like living like that...Best wishes to you!

Auberon Waugh said that the more insistent a man was about his honesty the faster he counted the spoons.

And you do not believe what you are doing, is dishonest? I can not think of any great woman, ever, who would enjoy a man doing that to them, rather than being completely honest with them, about everything...As they are a person just like you and I!

You did. As it suits you. Everybody agrees with the Pope on 99% of stuff. It's mostly law.

So Do I!

The Pope is infallible. As one might expect. The idea of the Church is to make an organisation so large, its labours so distinguished and its authority so final that it may satisfactorily use its great prestige to compel recognition of its teachings. Anybody who objects to any part of that is not relevant to the Church despite protestations to the contrary. Dressing up in the 99% is just a disguise and atheists don't stoop to that.

Do you mean like this???

"Going to church and taking the sacraments are reinforcement. Spectacular ceremonials and rituals to bolster faith in the Church. I don't need my faith in the Church bolstering. And I don't say that others should do those things. Or not do. I am aware that if I go against the Church's teaching I am being subversive in some way. You won't find me trying to justify it.??"

At least my position, is clear enough to see, whether I take the Church, serious or not...As if, you do the most important thing or do you not, do it?

You seem to think that a middle ground is best??? Why???

If it is so correct, then do what it says to do...If it is only important enough to back for social reasons...Then tell people you are an atheist...And you do not do the Sacraments....And You're a hypocrite for telling others that they should.....

No one is asking you to perform a miracle, they just want you to be honest, or stop doing it...

My posts bother unbelievers. Yours can't possibly.

Your wrong indeed! Go back and read this thread in its entirety if you do not believe me....That is not being humble now is it Spendi?

But it still makes no sense, as you are a unbeliever?? So what is the purpose to your preachings? And you tell Christians what they need to do? But yet your not actually one of them???
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 10:07 am
My posts bother unbelievers. Yours can't possibly.

Let me see if I can find one! Oh yeah! My posts seem to highly bother you... Idea

Look at that, found one! 2 Cents
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 10:15 am
The Vindaloo vid is a parody of the Verve. They are both English as well.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 11:04 am
Your posts don't bother me in the slightest Spades. They are simply jumping off points for one of my flights of fancy.

The night beasts eating my cabbages bother me.
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 11:57 am
Have you tried slug pellets?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 12:30 pm
That is what I thought...They are way to much alike...But I had not realized this, till I watched both...And seen that the beginning of the Verve's video was almost the exact same thing...Then when I listened to it...I could tell he had a British accent...

Is it the same guy? after watching it, he does look a lot alike, but I could not imagine, he made a parody, about his very own song...

It has probably been 3 or 4 years since I watched that video...

What does Vindaloo mean, then?

Have you ever listened, or like Oasis?

I used to listen to them all the dang time, and was mad they broke up, because Liam, and Noel could not get along...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 12:38 pm
Your posts don't bother me in the slightest Spades.

If they do not bother you in the slightest...Why do you feel the need, to tell me, what I should be doing?...And why I am dangerous?...A loose cannon?...And how I nitpick what I like to listen to, from the Bible? And how I am wrong for "going against the Pope" Which I do not do? I do not believe 100%...But more than 99% like you said...

Honestly there are maybe 10 things I disagree with out of thousands and thousands....That is way less than 1%...

OK maybe more than 10...But a lot less than 100...

So how am I any different than you? Or others?
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 12:55 pm
The guy's a fascist. The only reason he's bothered about gay rights is because he happens to be gay. If he wasn't he'd be the most homophobic bigot on A2K.

Is this one of your know it all facts or is this just you spewing hate?
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 01:00 pm
@reasoning logic,
I thought you'd like him.

No I'm just making an observation based on what he's posted so far.

I see you're parroting him already, it's not difficult to press your buttons.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 01:19 pm
he'd be the most homophobic bigot on A2K.

I just see you spewing opinions hoping that people might think they are true but you and I both know that we could not tell what kind of character he would be if he was heterosexual. That's just you believing he would be the most homophobic bigot on A2K
Reply Mon 25 Jun, 2012 01:25 pm
Why do you feel the need, to tell me, what I should be doing?..

I'm not doing that. I'm testing your ideas. And not as thoroughly as I could do.

You can't put ideas into the public domain and not expect them to be tested. Only dictators and silly old poison down thumbers do that.

So how am I any different than you? Or others?

You, and they, preach those things and you haven't thought them through. Are they to do with sexual relations?


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