Quote:This is getting into one long, misogynistic dirge. These guys think they understand women. Misogyny doesn't come more fundamentalist than that.
Sorry, but you notions of sex...are not less, misogynistic, then mine are....
Even if, what you said is true, and you let the women be in control...Then you were doing nothing...
And they were using you as a peace of meat, just like I said men do at strip clubs...
It is just the polar opposite....You should have more self respect for yourself...That having sex with women, just to please them...
That is not at all them treating you like an equal...Even if you enjoyed it! and if you did not...It speaks for itself...
If what you say is true...they really did not care about you at all, to put you into that position...
And I would not have sex with someone, just to please them, if I did not want it myself...And the 2 of us, were becoming one flesh...
If I wasn't crazy like that myself, back in my earlier days...And women did that to me...
I would tell them to go **** themselves...If they looked at me like that...
Just like a strong women should say to a man who does it to them, and sees them as just another ass...