Got ya...
Quote:Sure, so you became a non believer... But then you saw an article? And went and looked at the tree? Yes? And it changed your thoughts back to believing?
No, I was raised Catholic....When I was 10 years old, and about 3 days after I made my communion, is when that image in the tree appeared....It was very prominent then....That webpage picture must be what it looked like in 09' that is 17 years after it first appeared....It looked a lot more Christ like than it does in that picture....His face did not look like a dog back then....Even if it is a miracle....It will not remain forever....and the tree has probably faded quite a bit from then....So it does not surprise me, if it does not look exactly as Christ does today....Just go back and look in the picture of the left arm, right side in picture, and look at the feet, and look how it looks like a foot on a foot just like on the cross....
I was not able to find a link or article for years....The last I looked for it was probably in like 04 or 05 and could not find one....That website I put up, was put up in 09 I think it said....I doubt you will ever find one with a pic from what it looked like in 1992 and clear enough to see it....Basically you would have to see it in person, to understand it fully...Even though I know you can kinda see it by looking at it now, 20 years later....
That is not what changed me from a doubter to a believer....I was Catholic till I was 17 or so....then denied God existed....and basically did whatever the Hell I wanted....
After a very traumatic, and graphic, vivid, and strong epiphany.....Which I am not honestly going to go into detail about....I converted back toward Christ....
First, I felt God protecting me, and could feel his wrath and anger....and all I was doing was begging and prying, day and night....
I searched every major religion I could grasp....and think of....and tested them all....
Not one answered my prayers, till I sought after Christ again.....
When I was praying for about 3 hrs straight one day, on my knees...
I was praying to Christ....As I was doing so, I saw the Holy Spirit of God come thru the top of the door, and I knew by the presence alone, it was God that was with me....There was no doubt, and no way to deny it....
So I was crying, and praying, and begging to it....Not really knowing what was gonna happen....
I saw it come thru the door, and in seconds it hit me, and when it hit me, it knocked me over, I was instantly on the ground....When I rose back up....it was leaving, and I could hear, and see God....then talking with God, I knew it was the Holy Spirit that was there....I did not know much about the Christian faith....Only what I searched to know....When I was talking with God, (the Spirit) he would tell me things that not everyone knew...but I did not understand what was happening....I started having dreams, but did not know why etc....So I decided to embrace Christ more....and pry for him to tell me why....I started to read the Bible, and have more and more prophetic dreams, till the point where I had dreams where the Word Prophet, and Apostle was carved into my back, then I understood, what exactly had happened....I was hit by the Holy Spirit....It is said in the Catholic faith, that the Holy Spirit speaks thru Prophets....Even though I did not know this, but knew it was the Holy Spirit of God, who I was in the presence of....and then I understood, that what I could see and hear, where in fact the gift of prophecy....And then I read the entire Bible, went to church all the time, preached the words of God....I went from a weak to a strong one...Like the Bible says....
To the point now, where my life is centered around Christ, and I pry about 6-8 hrs a day....
I had visions and dreams like the Prophet Daniel since 03' but kept the visions and dreams, and things God revealed to myself till last year....except preaching here and there....Which I have seen 3 people converted....
Till last year, God told me, in a convincing way, that I could not deny....Go and tell my words to the people of the world....
If you do not, there is no point in you knowing the mysteries of I.....
And then I came on here last year...And have spread Gods words Global....
And have held nothing back, but a few things God says to...to anyone....It is a bit different than the Bible, or Catholicism etc.....
But it is exactly what God tells me to speak in his name....
At times I listen to my own mind, and you can see it, if I am saying negative things or something....But the messages I spread about God, are from God....to the people of the world.....
And lastly, there are a few things God wants me to do....
Write all my dreams down and scribe them, which I do, and am up to book number 17....
Bury them one day, or sink them.....
Translate in my own words the book of revelations, which when finished, I will publish on here....
And write a letter to the Pope....
God tells me, his spirit will not leave me till the day I die....
I see, the arms stretched, I see the look of a body, I see the face of a dog.
In your picture.
But, I see how you can relate that to a sign, I honestly do, as two out of three ain't bad.
So, with that sighting, I am asking you was that it? That was all you needed? Or did other things happen after as a result?
I think I covered it all above....