Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 12:15 am
I will look at it first thing tomorrow!

That will be cool. Cool

I hope that you will spend at least half the time thinking about it that you would spend on something that you think is religiously motivating. Idea
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 12:41 am
@reasoning logic,
I question most of what everyone has to say especially if it is on a subject of myths.

So then, is what Hawking said, if true...a low energy state is nothing, is that a myth to you? You seem to agree about what Spitzer said about this...

" It could not have brought itself from nothingness to somthing-ness, because that would imply it could do something?"

Same as above but to be honest with you I see it how you see god, things just have always been and there is no such thing as nothingness because itself is something. It is some sort of spooky magical thing that we may never understand but I can be wrong about that.

So do you believe that Hawking could be pro-porting a myth??

We all want attention don't we?

We all do like attention....But we all do not want attention bad enough....To try to deceive people, or act sociopathic....Some definitely do...Most definitely do not....

I make mistakes just like anyone else so yes I trust that I "myself" will get some things correct and other things wrong. I shared a video with you about that but I do not think you found value in it.

I am sorry, Its not I don't/won't find value in it, I find more value in you, than a video....But I am more interested in you explaining to me what and how you feel....Not what a video describes it as.....Even if I watch the video, I will not totally get 100% your perspective....

Do you believe you are a sociopath or not?

If you don't, why do you believe that others are??

And if there are sociopaths....(with which I agree) Why do you believe that most are? Rather than most are not, with some people being a sociopath?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 12:47 am
@reasoning logic,
That will be cool. Cool

I hope that you will spend at least half the time thinking about it that you would spend on something that you think is religiously motivating. Idea

Of course I will! Why would I not do such a thing? When I told you I would talk about your link, if you talked about mine.... 2 Cents Cool

PS...Thanks for finding a Youtube video on Spitzer....I posted his links way back when I was fairly new here....anyways if your ever interested....If you go back to that link I originally posted on page 25 or whatever....I think it has close to 2+ hrs of him talking....Because it is 9 clips or so, with each one being like 10 minutes long or so....Just in case....The only thing that sux is you can not see him, and it is all sound bites of him speaking....
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 02:19 am

Hiya long time no here.


What did you believe as a child?

Curious Smile
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 02:53 am
I was raised Catholic....Then denounced it...Was atheist...Had an epiphany....Search every major religion I could think of...And found it was Christ calling a sheep back to the Shepard again!

Funny thing is...A miracle happened, right where I live too!, and when I was young...

About 3 days after me, my brother, and cousin made our communion....An image of Jesus Christ appeared in a tree, in a park, that was dead center of a park, not more than 400 feet from the church we were going to was, and made our communion....

The image on the tree looked exactly like Christ did on the cross....

When you were about 500 feet away up to about 1 foot away....and it lasted for about 20 plus years, and is finially fading now....

It was about 30-40 feet in size....

And the arms of Christ, were 2 big branches....and his head was the way the tree formed, but it looked exactly like Christ does on the cross.....

And the best part of it all, is that it was in a rough town, and after that appeared, people were going out of their way to talk to one another, and sing, and dance, and being nice....Similar to the way people were in New York after 9/11....

I think sometimes those things happen to also bring people together...And unite....

I believe people who are lost, are sacrificial angels....and it is a message from God....

I think the Devil, does the act thinking he will bring them down, and God shows the unite, and defeat him, when tragedies occur....

If I can ever find a picture of it, I will show it to you!!
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 02:57 am
A marvelous example of self-delusion. We have no basis upon which to believe any of this, other than you claims.
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 02:59 am

Here it is!!

But it looked even more real in person!

I forgot the part that the person who first saw it was going blind, and was deaf!

BTW: I am Christian now, I am not Catholic....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:04 am
A marvelous example of self-delusion. We have no basis upon which to believe any of this, other than you claims.


Here it is!!

But it looked even more real in person!

I forgot the part that the person who first saw it was going blind, and was deaf!

BTW: I am Christian now, I am not Catholic....

Can you say insert foot in mouth>?? Wink Wink Wink Very Happy Very Happy 2 Cents

Would you like me to somehow show you where I live? So that I can show you this happened not 20 minutes from where I currently live??? 2 Cents
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:09 am
I looked at your link, already, it doesn't prove anything. I see no "Jesus" in that tree, and the article does not confirm that the woman who is said to have spotted it was going blind, nor that she was deaf--one wonders what being deaf has to do with seeing anything. Nor does your link confirm that bullshit about the effect on peoples' behavior.

By the way, Catholics are christian--it's only the extremist, fundamentalist fanatics who behave as though they are not. Just more of the kind of hatefulness one can expect from your crew.
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:13 am
Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

Whatever! You ain't gonna bring me down from this high! You did not read my link before you posted, as it was not up there....Yours is before mine!

Notice how it happened in 1992...I am 30....So I would have been 10....Right around the age one makes communion....And I have said on here before, I live in CT USA!!!

All that other **** you said, was just a way of trying to bring me down, after you look like a jack ass!! Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green 2 Cents

I feel great! Yep I do!!!

BTW: your comment of it not looking like Christ....that's fine....If you notice, I said it is fading now....

And that image was taken in 2009....Go read the link again.....It still looks like Christ....On a tree...All that other **** that that (probably atheist person said) about Buddha, Mohammed, Joe Willie Nameth....Is just their own perspective....I guess maybe if they saw it when it first happened and not 17 years later, they would have been able to see it even better!

Back 20 years ago, it was even more real than it is now!!
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:23 am
I read the link before you responded to my post, bright boy--try to stay coherent. Your "high," like your "miracle," is a product of self-delusion. I notice that you cannot resist immediately initiating the name-calling. You have also failed to address your hateful inferential claim that catholics are not christians. You're not just self-deluded, you're a hateful fanatic.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:27 am
The text you added while i was responding to your post is hilarious. It does not "look like christ." I'm not worried about convincing you of anything, i know the self-deluded are boyond a cure. I'm just keeping the public record straight.
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:37 am
Spades, thank you for answering, I was really curious because I wondered why your mission is so huge, so what did you believe in as a child.

Your answer was interested.

As far as the photo you provided goes and I haven't totally read the article and I will, I can see how the branches do look like arms spread and even the body in blood, fn hate your avatar but you know that.

But, don't shoot me, the face looks to me like a dog.

But I get the picture.

I can imagine, if someone who was "searching" saw that in his/her hometown that they would then feel that they have seen or been provided with some form of proof that the person named, Jesus exists. And, so onto your new journey.

I have seen some amazing vegetables that um, look quite unique, time permitting tomorrow I'll post them just because.

But to believe it has to have gone from there.

That was your first "thought" on changing your mind, something else must have added.

Like clouds produce amazing things if you look close enough but they are clouds.

What else happened after?

Hi Set Smile
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:46 am
Whatever Set! You ain't gonna bring me down! No matter how hard you try or claim your not trying too!

Your time reads 2 minutes before my reply!

The wicked and unjust will be caught by the snares of their feet!

Have a great day or night Set!!! Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:49 am
That was your first "thought" on changing your mind, something else must have added.

Like clouds produce amazing things if you look close enough but they are clouds.

What else happened after?

Can you explain what you mean by this more easily for me please?
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 03:53 am
What a fuckin' idiot. I'm not trying to "bring you down." News flash, you're not the center of the universe. My reply was seven minutes before you posted your reply to me. As i said, try to be coherent.

You babble on with your hilarious bullshit for pages and pages without getting any comment from me. I only jump in when you post utter bullshit--or when you're spreading your typical hatefulness. Try to deal with that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 04:01 am
Sure, so you became a non believer... But then you saw an article? And went and looked at the tree? Yes? And it changed your thoughts back to believing?

I am then saying, I can look at clouds and see a form that appears to look for instance as my dog, smile and go frig.. But, it just happened to resemble her, or was it her. It couldn't have been her as she is still alive, or could it?


I see, the arms stretched, I see the look of a body, I see the face of a dog.

In your picture.

But, I see how you can relate that to a sign, I honestly do, as two out of three ain't bad.

So, with that sighting, I am asking you was that it? That was all you needed? Or did other things happen after as a result?
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 05:09 am
Got ya...

Sure, so you became a non believer... But then you saw an article? And went and looked at the tree? Yes? And it changed your thoughts back to believing?

No, I was raised Catholic....When I was 10 years old, and about 3 days after I made my communion, is when that image in the tree appeared....It was very prominent then....That webpage picture must be what it looked like in 09' that is 17 years after it first appeared....It looked a lot more Christ like than it does in that picture....His face did not look like a dog back then....Even if it is a miracle....It will not remain forever....and the tree has probably faded quite a bit from then....So it does not surprise me, if it does not look exactly as Christ does today....Just go back and look in the picture of the left arm, right side in picture, and look at the feet, and look how it looks like a foot on a foot just like on the cross....

I was not able to find a link or article for years....The last I looked for it was probably in like 04 or 05 and could not find one....That website I put up, was put up in 09 I think it said....I doubt you will ever find one with a pic from what it looked like in 1992 and clear enough to see it....Basically you would have to see it in person, to understand it fully...Even though I know you can kinda see it by looking at it now, 20 years later....

That is not what changed me from a doubter to a believer....I was Catholic till I was 17 or so....then denied God existed....and basically did whatever the Hell I wanted....

After a very traumatic, and graphic, vivid, and strong epiphany.....Which I am not honestly going to go into detail about....I converted back toward Christ....

First, I felt God protecting me, and could feel his wrath and anger....and all I was doing was begging and prying, day and night....

I searched every major religion I could grasp....and think of....and tested them all....

Not one answered my prayers, till I sought after Christ again.....

When I was praying for about 3 hrs straight one day, on my knees...

I was praying to Christ....As I was doing so, I saw the Holy Spirit of God come thru the top of the door, and I knew by the presence alone, it was God that was with me....There was no doubt, and no way to deny it....

So I was crying, and praying, and begging to it....Not really knowing what was gonna happen....

I saw it come thru the door, and in seconds it hit me, and when it hit me, it knocked me over, I was instantly on the ground....When I rose back up....it was leaving, and I could hear, and see God....then talking with God, I knew it was the Holy Spirit that was there....I did not know much about the Christian faith....Only what I searched to know....When I was talking with God, (the Spirit) he would tell me things that not everyone knew...but I did not understand what was happening....I started having dreams, but did not know why etc....So I decided to embrace Christ more....and pry for him to tell me why....I started to read the Bible, and have more and more prophetic dreams, till the point where I had dreams where the Word Prophet, and Apostle was carved into my back, then I understood, what exactly had happened....I was hit by the Holy Spirit....It is said in the Catholic faith, that the Holy Spirit speaks thru Prophets....Even though I did not know this, but knew it was the Holy Spirit of God, who I was in the presence of....and then I understood, that what I could see and hear, where in fact the gift of prophecy....And then I read the entire Bible, went to church all the time, preached the words of God....I went from a weak to a strong one...Like the Bible says....

To the point now, where my life is centered around Christ, and I pry about 6-8 hrs a day....

I had visions and dreams like the Prophet Daniel since 03' but kept the visions and dreams, and things God revealed to myself till last year....except preaching here and there....Which I have seen 3 people converted....

Till last year, God told me, in a convincing way, that I could not deny....Go and tell my words to the people of the world....

If you do not, there is no point in you knowing the mysteries of I.....

And then I came on here last year...And have spread Gods words Global....

And have held nothing back, but a few things God says to...to anyone....It is a bit different than the Bible, or Catholicism etc.....

But it is exactly what God tells me to speak in his name....

At times I listen to my own mind, and you can see it, if I am saying negative things or something....But the messages I spread about God, are from God....to the people of the world.....

And lastly, there are a few things God wants me to do....

Write all my dreams down and scribe them, which I do, and am up to book number 17....

Bury them one day, or sink them.....

Translate in my own words the book of revelations, which when finished, I will publish on here....

And write a letter to the Pope....

God tells me, his spirit will not leave me till the day I die....


I see, the arms stretched, I see the look of a body, I see the face of a dog.

In your picture.

But, I see how you can relate that to a sign, I honestly do, as two out of three ain't bad.

So, with that sighting, I am asking you was that it? That was all you needed? Or did other things happen after as a result?

I think I covered it all above....
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 07:01 am
@reasoning logic,
Here is a copy and paste for you.

The text is merely a discussion of various labels and thus tautological and, as such, takes us nowhere.

When Evelyn Waugh said that what he liked about Americans was that they didn't expect anybody to take any notice of what anybody said it can only have been the result of their constant experience of nobody taking any notice of what anybody said as a fact of American life.

Why would anybody expect anybody else to take any notice of what they said if they had discovered that nobody in fact did take any notice. Discovering by experience that nobody takes any notice of what anybody else has said as a fact would make expecting them to take any notice as silly as expecting them to fly away into the night sky.

Aldous Huxley, who, like Mr Waugh, spent a considerable period in the US, came to a very similar conclusion. So also did Sir Winston Churchill and Sir Anthony Eden. And Mr Putin.

In the case of the last mentioned, it can be argued, it has been argued, that this propensity, obviously born of hubris, has had disastrous consequences which trouble the world on a continuing basis.

This thread provides plentiful evidence that such an attitude prevails right through the social hierarchy. Indeed, there are some who will not even pretend to be listening to anything which they anticipate will contradict their settled viewpoint and one can only assume that such people spend their whole lives in a little world of their own where everything they say and think is a non sequitur. "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

Which is fair enough and on the 'proof of the pudding is in the eating' principle, American economic success, perfectly justifiable as long as the economic success is a function of such an attitude rather than of the bounteous nature of the previously unexploited natural resources in the American territory combined with the technological facilities imported from Europe and that the attitude will continue to serve American utility into the future.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 07:14 am
There is a well known theory that Jesus was nailed to a tree and there are a very large number of trees with the sort of configuration shown in the picture. Any one of them pregnant with the possibility of someone susceptible to such a suggestive configuration of trunk and branches coming along and having an epiphany of the sort being considered.

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