@reasoning logic,
These are my questions....
What do you believe about all the things he says have no evidence are speculative?
What do you believe about when he says that with the 3 theory's, that a multi-verse has to have a beginning, and ANY expanding universe has to have a beginning?
And ever oscillating system, and structure string theory, and higher dimensions or otherwise, has to have a beginning?
What do you believe, about him saying before physics began, there was no physical time? No Physical reality? Prior to that moment the physical moment is nothing?
What it means is nothing, is nothing, and there is no such thing as nothing?
There is no such thing as a vacuum, No such thing as not space, nothing is not empty space, Nothing is not what Steve Hawking Says about a low energy state, (that is like saying I don't have a bank account because my account is at zero?
The only thing nothing can do is Nothing.....
What do you think of this, that he says?
What is the point? The Universe, Couldn't do anything before the beginning point, because it was nothing, and nothing can only do nothing, then there is only one conclusion, the universe could not have created itself and the universe before it was nothing??
It could not have brought itself from nothingness to somthing-ness, because that would imply it could do something?>
Well, what does that mean? that you better think about God, and every physicist who understands this, knows this??
What would you say about what the 2 physicist said about as long as a universe met 5 conditions it would have to have a beginning...If it did not it would not matter, and there is no such thing as past time incomplete??
What do you believe about what he says that the man who is the high arck, for MIT (Guth) said he studies monitory inflation of the universe, and after trying to map out every way, science and math can ONLY explain the future, but not the past?
It must always have a beginning....
What about the 3 getting together and forming the BVG theorem....Which is that all universes, whether, ours, oscillating, expanding etc....Are based on one condition, and that condition, is that the average expansion Huble of our universe, and the other universe, multi, string, etc...that the average Huble expansion be greater than zero, NO MATTER HOW SMALL.....
(it is the rate of the expansion of the universe as a whole)
It would prove ANY universe would have to have a beginning....
To this date, NO ONE has found An EXCEPTION.....
To BIll:
So long as the expansion is greater than zero, no matter how small, that muti-verse, string universe, oscillating universe etc...we can conceive of in an inflationary condition, would have to have a beginning??
And with all the universes applying to the BVG theorem, because it has one cause...then all universes would have to have a beginning....
What do you believe about what he says about the bit on thermodynamics of the universe??
(It is around 33 min...)