Other atheists are not my "fellows." When the only thing people have in common is what they don't believe, that doesn't make them fellows. I wouldn't care if you linked it or not. A few people saying something like that is not exemplary of all people who are described as atheists.
The word you wanted was "you're," the contraction of you are, not "your." How you expect to be taken seriously when you can't even write simple words in your own language is beyond me. I see you can't resist calling names--that's part and parcel of your hatefulness. You might have meant 15-20% of the U.S., but you didn't write that. I can't read minds, and even if i could, in your case it wouldn't happen, because i'm not interested in comic books. This is what you wrote:
Quote:It is not, but there is currently close to 15-20% Irreligious here
Here, not in the U.S. It's hardly my fault that you're incoherent.
You are completely incapable of understanding the significance of the 30%, aren't you? I conceded the point about the foundation of university if you only meant people of religious faith, but that leaves you with the preposterous inference that 30% of American universities were not founded by people of religious faith--and that's hilarious. You're the one who is attempting weasel here.
So if you're saying that 76% of Americans are christians, and the rest irreligious, does that mean you're saying Jews are irreligious? Are you saying Muslims are irreligious? You are an idiot. Probably racist, too.