Here is, I think, what started this all:
wandeljw wrote:It occurred to me that Chai and Arella's reactions may be connected to unfortunate personal experiences in their own past. I do not want to devalue their honest personal feelings.
Followed immediately by this colloquy:
hingehead wrote:Again it's my personal reaction but I find that remark condescending.
wandeljw wrote:(It is not necessary to give your opinion on my remark about Chai and Arella having honest feelings. Chai and Arella can speak for themselves on that.)
hingehead wrote:As I said, it's my opinion - and I'm sure you meant it with the best of intentions but I read it as condescending - as in 'you must be damaged by some past experience to think a picture of a women with that expression, alone with a dozen men staring at her is in anyway creepy'.
After which we get this unsolicited comment:
Setanta wrote:That was a really shitty, patronizing thing to have said. Congratulations, Bubba . . .
To which the original poster replied:
chai2 wrote:Thank you set.
I wanted to say something just like this, but I couldn't think of how to phrase it where I wasn't going to get the responses of "you don't know that"
And this fillip:
chai2 wrote:Actually, I found the remark insulting as well, and condescending.
After which we have this:
Green Witch wrote:Staged or not, I think we project our own life experiences onto the interpretation. As a woman, especially when I was in my teens and 20's, being leered at made me feel uncomfortable and soiled. It was not flattering or fun.
Of course, at this point all hell broke loose.
Green Witch's condescending statement that women might view the photo differently from men because of their own personal experiences was met with a hailstorm of protest. She was accused of being "patronizing" and "contemptuous," and advised to precede all of her remarks with "in my opinion" so that she wouldn't appear to be speaking for everyone. Her remarks were called "offensive" and "abusive," and she was even called a "troll" and told she was acting like an ass.
Oh wait, no, none of that happened.
This is what happened:
chai2 wrote:Greenwitch is so right when she says a lot of men just don't get certain aspects of this.
So what have we learned here today, kiddies? When a woman says that her interpretation of a piece of art is informed by her personal experience, that is "so right." On the other hand, when a man concedes that a woman's interpretation of a piece of art might be informed by her personal experience, he's shitty and patronizing.
Did I say that this was the funniest thread ever? I mean it was the
most educational thread ever!