Okay, Thanks ossobuco but,
I was just saying what I remember about the video we watched in class. I have it early in the morning and I was kinda tired so I could have got confused a little but I think most of what I said was right. The video was called 'overview of America and its at JPS.org (our teacher has a link on our eBoards). You should be able to watch it on youtube too. I wasnt trying to say things wrong about political stuff, its just what I was taught.
Yea, I suck at religion. Im still trying to learn some stuff about that.
I guess I do say stupid things sometimes. I just type whatever comes in my head or whatever I'm thinking.
I like people because they're nice to me. Not becasue they give me attention. I dont want attention, well maybe a little, but I mostly just like talking to people here. I cant really talk to them about their threads because most people talk about serious stuff or stuff i dont know about. So, I just ask my own questions. But I answer other peoples questions too, sometimes.
But, yea, I'll try to engage and hold back on the enthusiasm.
Im not always bored. I like it here, I like talking to people here. But I guess the asking a ton of questions will get old too.
This is a looong post. Haha! But Im not trying to be annoying, or insult people because I say weird or wrong stuff or ask lots of questions. Sorry guys!
And I like you too ossobuco!
I'll shut up now. LOL And no, my dad knows I have an a2k account, but he doesnt have my password or anything so he doesnt really check stuff. He's barely home on weekdays anyways. He asked me why Im on this website about a month ago and I just told him I was asking stuff about school, or girl stuff, or if other people's mom's had left. Which was true at the time. After that he never asked again. I dont think he cares really.