It happened toward the end of the school year to an 8th grader - it impacted her arm. I don't think they ever determined what caused it, but she was operated on and was on antibiotics for a while.
My niece was complaining of feeling sick and her ankle hurt - she went to the doctor and they said she sprained her ankle. The next night, she woke screaming in pain. They brought her to a local hospital and had a dozen doctors trying to determine what happened to her. They sent her to a bigger children's hospital in the city - they determined she had an infection and had to operate. I saw her today and she is on IV and cannot walk on her leg. She is hopefully going home in the next day or so - but they need to do further tests and most likely will also be on antibiotics for a while.
Just scary stuff - as I don't remember anything like this and seeing two girls in a short period of time going through similar things I wonder. I also read in the newspaper- now granted this had to do with some sort of amebia - a young dying from an infection.