Yeah, I almost felt sorry for him for a second there. Just for a second though.
Yeah I gave him a second also.
What was the idea for a twist for the obnoxious finale? I watched that too. I liked it. I could understand not wanting to feel stupid--so it was cool what he said to make them feel better.
This guy couldn't hold a conversation! He kept saying that he was tired of people thinking he was stupid because he was hot-looking. Unfortunately for him, it was true!
The other blonde guy is not shaking the leaves out of her tree either. Unless he picks up the pace big-time next week, and shows some friggin emotion, then he's getting the boot.
This leaves Brian, who may just knock her sox off during their trip to Boston. He is perfect for her personality-wise. I would be impressed if she picked him. He's no pretty-boy but he's a fabulous guy who would treat her so well - with fun AND stimulating conversation.
Unless it's all been edited to make it seem that way. Boy am I gonna be "wicked" pissed off if that happens!