I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe that a beautiful woman is not being asked for dates. These interviews that you read. Were there pictures of the women?
It was quite some time ago and it was an interview with someone who was well known. She said she rarely got approached for dates because she felt guys were either too intimidated or felt she likely was already "taken". I have subsequently read or heard similar comments from other beautiful women. I can't say how prevalent it is, but it makes sense to me.
Okay, I'll go with that. But I'd guess that it is more of an exception than the rule.
Well I'm not saying it's true of all beautiful women, just that it does happen. Certainly there are women who think they are just too good. But I know that isn't every woman either.
One other thing. I hate to betray my gender, but I know women will lie or avoid the real truth to spare the feelings of the guy. But from what I've been told, a guy would rather have a woman be blunt and honest than be evasive. The latter leads him to believe he has a chance.
Very ture. Like or not. Don't beat around the bush. So to speak.
I guess women could say the same thing to a guy.
Well yeah, women want honesty but it all depends on the context and if it's a worthwhile bit of honesty. For instance saying "gee sweetie you need to cut down on the twinkies you're getting a fat ass" while honest, is not appreciated.
i just saw an ad for the latest reality show here. Something to do with a group of couples fixing up a restaurant. What was most noticable was the incredible bodies on every one of the women in the show. They obviously had a modelling competition to choose the contestants. Reality? Friggin' bullsh!t.
Did anyone watch the last show? I was kind of sad to see that Michael guy go. I liked the fact that he was not a phony, and he seemed to me like a decent guy. It seems like when you get right down to it, the stud guys aren't all so bad. There were a few complete shitheads, but as they get whittled down, you get to see that whether a person's an "average Joe" or a "hunk", there's still a person under there, and you can't tell who that is just by looks.
Is anyone watching "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee?" I love that show. And the "bride" is so damn hot!
Very intresting and funny and she is very attractive. She burped. That got me there. She had me at burp.
As for Michael. I am so glad he is gone. Saying sorry is good but having to say it often is not.
Oh my god I'm going to puke blood if Larissa doesn't pick that Brian dude. I can't believe I got roped into actually caring about these f*cking people again. Dammit!
So much for feeling hungry.....
click here
I'm truly sorry for my disgusting analogies. You should check out my new thread. I think you might like it.
Now go get yourself some "groceries".
It's just the way you're built kickycan...a horndog with a disgusting way of expressing yourself.

*L* Groceries? Yeah, there are a few goods I'd like to sample.
Caprice, did you see the "big fat obnoxious finale"? Did you like the twist? I think your twist would have been better, personally.
Thanks for ruining it for me kickycan! I taped it 'cause I watched Fear Factor and Average Joe Hawaii instead.
I'll let ya know tomorrow.
I was suprised she got rid of that one guy. She gave a great deduction as to why too.