Sun 17 Jul, 2011 04:16 pm
I would be if someone else wrote this... I hope to go in Sept when it's not AS hot... ohhh, i have a wedding in PEI mid-Sept, so maybe I'll go late Aug, early Sept... girls, let's talk! Call - you both have my numbers.
Please... let's arrange this, the sooner the better. And hey, I can check out the guys in the pool (impartial observer) and get into whatever She's been up to (a lot, if I know her, and I think I do)...
I will need advice on whether to rent a car, where to stay, etc. I'll probably just come down for a long-weekendy type of thing - 4 days or so. I was trying to get JoeBlow to come with but she has so much going on, dammit - you guys would love her. Damn it. I'm coming anyway, though...
Anybody else want to pop in for a short visit?
Okay, make that short, crazy, sarcastic, cynical, and Chai-She-like.... ooooh, sounds like a lot of fun! Bring your bathing suit because we're GOING TO THE POOL!!!
Come on down!!! We all love you
You are one lucky chica, this is good, I can see it now.
You will be slightly miserable, based on that you thought Abq was too hot in early MAY. But, I think they have real air conditioning there, and use it.
I know I'd like JoeBlow, already do.
On the pool, bring proper goggles..
What is PEI? Pacific East Islands?
The rest of us folks here will be expecting photos of the three of you posted on A2K.
Well, neither of them has called me yet so I might be visiting you, Reyn. Can I take and post pics of you and the wifey?
JoeBlow's an absolute doll. Short and sweet, well not sweet like sugar, but **** she's a lot of fun. She would hate the word 'sweet' so I have to back outta that one... but she IS short...

short like I am. I just really, really like her and g-d wish she'd think about it.
I hate to tell you this, broad, but I never think of you as short.
You don't? Me, either!! Recently, I posted a pic of me, Alex and some friends of his which showed just how short I am and I was totally shocked at how short I looked. I don't FEEL short

And you're not, either, Osso, no, you're not
Yeh, well, don't identify with it as a descriptive, unless you like it.
I spent time as a kid wishing I was shorter, like Margaret. It passed, took a while, but I remember it, a couple of years.
(Margaret is a pretty successful woman, have met her off and on over the years. We are all still ten in a way.)
Mame wrote:
Well, neither of them has called me yet so I might be visiting you, Reyn. Can I take and post pics of you and the wifey?
To wife:
"Quick, here comes that Mame and her hubby. Close the curtains and turn off the lights!"
Honestly, I'm not all that social like I am online.
And my wife would kill me if her photo showed up on the internet.
Keep us updated if you meet up with those other two!
If they don't call me, I'll just make up a visit about you and wifey. I'll post whatever pics strike my fancy and fabricate a story. You'll be sorry, then, Reyn. You wait and see. Heck, I might even do it anyway. Keep your eyeballs peeled!
um, I hate to tell you this, but September is frigging HOT.
but, come on down, if you must.
kidding, I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Should she bring a cuppa sugar?
I am jealous of anyone with friends... All I have is associates and competitors...
He only likes little boys - I think I'm safe.
So chai - is October better? Doesn't matter to me what month it is.
get off the freaking computer then and get here
If I was going to brave the heat of Sept I'd probably try to be there during ACL fest on the 18th (only day that tickets are still available)
On the other hand, if I wanted to be there at a time when hotels would be reasonably priced I'd skip that weekend altogether.
Mame wrote:
If they don't call me, I'll just make up a visit about you and wifey. I'll post whatever pics strike my fancy and fabricate a story. You'll be sorry, then, Reyn. You wait and see. Heck, I might even do it anyway. Keep your eyeballs peeled!
This is where the Psycho shower scene music cues in?