OmSigDAVID wrote:
Freedom is good.
Freedom is also dangerous. Thats why children arent allowed to do whatever they want =)
Linkat wrote:
Well what about Freegans - they eat all types of food, but only those that have been thrown away by some one else.
Never heard about em before, seen to be a bit less anoying.
Linkat wrote:
Actually, no, quite the opposite she is very even tempered. She is a marine biologist and spends a good amount of time saving whales and working with whales. She said to me that whenever she had eaten meat, she would envision the animal it came from and it made her feel ill. She used to eat just fish after that, but then began feeling she couldn't eat fish as she worked so much with marine life.
It sounds more like her reason is disgust though, not finding it ethically wrong. People who dont eat meat due to not liking it or finding it disgusting are fine by me. My problem is with those who think it is ethically wrong and go around pushing that view into others.
Thomas wrote:
On balance, then, if you could go back to 1776 with enough machine guns to change the balance, would you fight on the side of the rebels or the loyalists?
I would take the loyalists' side in a heartbeat. I relish the thought that all of North America could be united today, under a political system similar to Canada's. The benefit of abolishing slavery decades earlier would be well worth a few tax increases to me. And if our favorite team today was called "The New York Tories", and if it played cricket rather than baseball---so what?
There is no way to predict how the world would turn out to be if you changed such a massively important thing of the past. It could very well turn out to be far worse, or far different without being necessarly better. Also, time travel screws everything up =)