David wrote:Government was never granted power to interfere
with the citizens as u advocate.
Thomas wrote:That's simply not true.
Government is instituted among people to protect their inalienable rights, including the right to life.
Including the right to
eat food that u own.
Thomas wrote:Obviously this entails the power to interfere with citizens who would prematurely end someone's life.
Homicide is
NOT a federal offense,
(except under narrowly limited circumstances).
Thomas wrote:Some citizens prematurely end people's lives by negligently running their cars into them. Other citizens prematurely end their children's lives by negligently over-feeding them to the point of a teenage heart attack. Why can government interfere with the first kind of citizen but not with the other?
Your representations r inconsistent with known historical and jurisprudential fact.
The American Revolution was a libertarian revolution
promoted by the Sons of Liberty. The Founders woud be
at the notion that the OP sets forth.
REGARDLESS of motivation, such pernicious authoritarian interference
is negated by both the 9th and the 10th Amendments.
What the citizens consume is none of government 's damned business.