Being a Teenager With a Fetish is Possibly the Most Difficult Thing I Have Ever Had to Deal With.

Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:56 am
I'd give 10 thumbs-ups to that if I could... god yes.
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Tue 12 Jul, 2011 02:33 pm
LOL. Thank god I don't have to do that yet.
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Tue 12 Jul, 2011 02:46 pm
Spanking is the largest part of what interests me, but it's not the only thing at all. There are some other aspects of my preferences that I'm not going to put up on here because really, this hasn't seemed to be taken well. :/ And I already said I know that spanking is common, usually, but it certainly isn't where I come from. Not in my age group, anyway.

Maybe where you come from, things are more accepted. Being laughed at might have been the only problem you were faced with if you were different in high school. But the few people I've told here shunned me when I told them what I wanted. They dropped me as a friend and threatened to tell others when I tried to talk to them again.

Lastly, I know I didn't invent it. I never said that. I never said I thought that my parents were into vanilla, missionary, let's go do it in the dark and not talk sex. On the contrary, I kind of wish I didn't know about some of the stuff they did, just because they're my parents.

And if any of this seems overly defensive, I apologize in advance... It just miffs me when someone takes something that's a big problem of mine and trivializes it like this. Fetishes are just *not* okay in my crowd. It sucks having one when that's the case.
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Tue 12 Jul, 2011 02:49 pm
This is exactly it... lol. Kids are too judgmental and I really can't wait until I myself am not one. Well, more like until I hit the 18 mark and I can move away from my small, conservative town.
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Tue 12 Jul, 2011 02:52 pm
Yep, I'm looking into some art colleges like the institutes of Portland or Seattle, and Laika animation school. Smile I got to speak with one of my favorite artists through Facebook and he said those were good schools for what I want to do.

*Grin* Although I might just have to go to a more mainstream college that does sororities.
Wed 13 Jul, 2011 05:47 am
I think shewolf (who can speak for herself of course) but I think the main point was, teen universe is not the same as adult universe when it comes to acceptance.

Hell, having the wrong flare on your pant legs can sometimes get you ostracized in the teen universe.

Which sucks and is, at bottom, stupid, but it's also kinda the way it is. I doubt any of us who are adult types would ever want to go back to any of that. I was nerd girl, and remember it well although graduation was over 30 years ago.

I also attended my 30th reunion and people had forgotten. And, frankly, enough time had passed that I figured I should forget (or at least put aside) what had happened as well. But perhaps that was possible because what was done was not, in retrospect, full-on awful. Having few friends is not in the same league as being beaten up in school, for example. Now I am actually somewhat pals with people who attended Prom but I didn't (my bf at the time was truly, physically being bullied, so it was no way for both of us), who hung in the popular crowd (I was in Honor Society, International Club and, on and off, in Drama Club. I even played D & D back when it was dice and graph paper) and were sports types (I recall scaring the hell out of 'em in gym when they figured out that I was actually not a total spaz at volleyball), etc.

As is often said with gay students, it gets better. And it does.

What troubles me, though, is that this Queen Bee-type of behavior persists and continues to not have too many visible consequences. I am not saying that the world needs to be chockful of political correctness and the like but these issues (similar ones, at any rate), were around in the 70s and back in the 40s when my mother was in Jr High and HS and probably further back so WTF is anyone doing about it? Being shunned and bullied are awful things for a person -- and I don't think we're raising terribly good citizens on the other side of things, the bullies, etc. if we allow them to continue. I know that there are programs, yadda yadda yadda. But are any of 'em actually working?

Don't mean to derail this, and I hope I haven't. I just wonder why such things persist.

PS Good luck with art. I am so not a visual artist it's not funny. Just not in my makeup. My husband (he also posts here) does computer-aided design and drafting so he can visualize all kinds of things like that, whereas I look at it and say, "Look, it's green."
Wed 13 Jul, 2011 12:34 pm
No, I think you'e entirely right and I don't mind the thread being derailed at all. Wink I've been beaten up a few times and I can say right now, it's terrible. People have done things like tear up my artwork right in front of my eyes and draw disgusting things on my figure sketches. :/ I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to school at all next fall. I might just homeschool through K12 or something.

I know it gets better, and thanks for the support. Smile I think I really just needed a place to vent.

"Look, it's green..." I love that. I think I need to use that in my signature, LOL.
Wed 13 Jul, 2011 03:48 pm
I've been immortalated!
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Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:06 am
I've never heard anyone say anything bad about spanking for sexual arousal at all...in fact, it's seen as kinky (but not abnormal). I was surprised that spanking is the fetish that was being talked about, as it's not a big deal at all. Maybe it's the area that you're in?
Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:09 am
Haha I was thinking the same thing! funny how this seems like the most difficult thing ever now, just wait until adulthood! just like you downplay the problems of other teens, yours aren't that bad in the grand scheme of things...you'll see Smile
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Thu 14 Jul, 2011 01:42 pm
Yes, I'm betting it is the area I'm in. Very conservative small town...

And there's a difference between a kink and a fetish. A kink is something that you do different in the bedroom that you can enjoy whereas others might not... A fetish is basically the same thing, but to a point where you find it hard to enjoy any other sex that does not have your kink.
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Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:35 pm
jespah wrote:

I think shewolf (who can speak for herself of course) but I think the main point was, teen universe is not the same as adult universe when it comes to acceptance.

and i can see how my post may read rather bitchy.. but understand , when I am saying " teenager, high schooler" etc.. Im talking ABOUT the kids in your school. That school girl bitch mentality that makes people think ' they act like they know everything'..etc..etc.

I wrote that sort of like... telling YOU .. about them? does that make sense?

Im not at all insulting you or saying what you are going through is nothing. Quite the contrary.. what I am saying is that high school is a bitch plain and simple. Those kids think they know everything, think they own the freaking world, and those who do not follow in their footsteps are worthless. I would never ever go back to high school years no matter how much someone paid me.

But my biggest point IS that... in a little while , they will not matter any more. They really DONT matter too much right now except to make life hard. In the big picture, they are the little piece of rubber on your paper from your eraser. Wipe them too the floor and move on Smile
Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:37 pm
shewolfnm wrote:

Kids are doing NOTHING NEW in the bedroom and NOTHING NEW when it comes to sex adventures.
Spanking? thats all? Really? Its almost silly to think that people really believe they are 'bad' because they enjoy that.

^ this is a good example of what I am trying to explain.

When I said ' it is silly that people believe they are bad for that", the people I am referring to are the kids who are giving you ****. I find THEM to be silly.. not you.

hopefully that helps clear up my post. Im really sorry. it was not at all meant to be bitchy, or come across as bitchy except about high school bully types..
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Thu 14 Jul, 2011 07:21 pm
barenakedboobies0 wrote:

I've never heard anyone say anything bad about spanking for sexual arousal at all...in fact, it's seen as kinky (but not abnormal). I was surprised that spanking is the fetish that was being talked about, as it's not a big deal at all. Maybe it's the area that you're in?

I think you did not understand me. I was saying its not gonna be any sort of big deal once the kid gets away from kids....and maybe their home town, if it's small and conservative.
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Fri 15 Jul, 2011 02:09 am
Lol, I really like that analogy... I know they don't matter. It's just very difficult to be judged for something you can't help.

Anyway... Yeah. Public high school... who needs it? Wink
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Sun 23 Aug, 2015 08:53 am
If you enjoy being spanked more power to you. Have had lovers request it from me and while I always try and be accomodating it's not something I ever get into. Though very permissive sexually, I'm paradoxically quite vanilla. But my vanilla interests don't stem from navite'. Have had more than my fair share of lvoers both male and female, and so for me much of the mystery around sex has been eliminated leaving just a lot of simple 'basic' interests. I never got into all the fancier aspects of costumes or whatever and still prefer the being naked with somoene and hugging, cuddling, caressing, and touching. I like how naked bodies feel together and how they look. But ultimately I'm all about how sex itself feels moreso than how something sex(ual) might be as with fetishes and all the other stuff.

In the big scheme of things, spanking is pretty vanilla. It's not in any realm of reference I've studied considered 'deviant.' Sounds more like whoever gave you that impression was someone who thinks any sex not for procreation is 'deviant.'

Have fun.
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Thu 14 Sep, 2017 10:45 am
LOL!!! This is adorable! Leather outfits and spanking is nothing! Women with a leather strapless top, leather miniskirt, nylons, and heels is sexy! The 80's-early 90's were flooded with it. Spanking is just an "acceptable" way for men to hit women. Just watch out if she returns the favor with a dominatrix paddle. Still, not a bad turnon to have.
I wish my teen fetishes were as innocent as this.
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Wed 11 Oct, 2017 03:01 pm
Fetishes are soooooooo normal! Everyone has (at the very least) one fetish.

Which is why I think this whole thing about being scared to share them is very very lame. I've never had a problem with sharing my fetishes with friends or partners. Does that make me more comfortable with my sexuality than most? I don't believe so. My friends (and of course partners) have shared their fetishes with me as well.

Everyone loves sex, sex is good. That's why it doesn't make sense to me to be so timid about it. Sure, maybe don't tell someone you just met or that religious kid in the class. But, with your closest friends and especially your partners, that shouldn't be a problem.
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Mon 11 Dec, 2017 12:53 pm
When I was six years old, spanking had begun laying claim to my imagination. Any mention of it, spoken or written, immediately had my attention. Just seeing "SPANKING" on the cover of a parenting magazine left me spellbound. The very thought of a naughty child's bottom being bared and turned up for smacking and paddling fascinated me like nothing else ever has.

My mother and my oldest sister were my disciplinarians, and while they did sometimes threaten to spank me, I never once had my bottom warmed. I was punished instead by the withdrawal of their affection. No matter that I'd stolen, lied, been rude on the phone and played with matches, my naughtiness was never answered with a clear, discernible punishment like a good, sound spanking.

The only actual spanking I ever saw was in my Grade 7 class when a troublesome boy was taken over an imposing female teacher's lap at the back of the room for a brisk smacking on the seat of his pants. This woman's husband was our Health & Phys Ed instructor, and he once told us that what some of us needed was "a good stiff hairbrush on [our] bare bottoms."

My schoolteacher mother taught one of the younger grades, and she got a phone call one evening from the father of a boy in her class. The boy had somehow misbehaved, the man had learned of it, and he was calling to report that he'd given his son a bare bottom spanking.

My oldest sister and I were listening to Mum's end of the conversation, and when she passed on the father's comments, she wondered aloud if I might not benefit from similar treatment. My sister, with typical sisterly sarcasm, said that in my case, a spanking wouldn't register because my bum was too fat. Here were my two disciplinarians musing on whether soundly spanking my bare bottom would do any good.

The fact that I was never punished with spankings left the door wide open for spanking to become my secret fantasy playland. When I was 13, I could wait no longer to discover how it felt. I began paddling and strapping my bare backside, most often in my parents' bedroom where mirrors could be arranged to give me a perfect straight-on view of the warming & reddening proceedings.

I became addicted to the sting from a hard spanking. It affected me like a narcotic. Once I'd begun to really feel it, I just wanted more and more. Often as not, the spankings were a prelude to masturbation. The mirrors I was standing between let me fixate on the rapturous sight of my smooth, round, rosy red buttocks and upper thighs. And while my left hand soothed the spanking's sting with my mother's skin cream, my right hand brought me to gloriously shameful climax.

I was plagued by post-masturbation guilt. The idea that I was using a traditional children's punishment for my sexual pleasure left me feeling loathsome. I routinely threw out spanking magazines and books to show God that I'd repented. And within hours, I'd either reclaimed the uniquely captivating material or resolved to replace it. Quite simply, I was addicted to spanking.

As a very shy, introspective teenager, I was especially uncomfortable when called upon in the classroom. And so often with all of my social anxiety, I'd return after school to an empty home where I could medicate myself by spanking my bare bottom as hard as possible.

When I was 14, my mother privately confronted me one day with a certain paperback (if memory serves, it was "Spanking and the Single Girl") I'd forgotten in the bathroom. To my face, she asked me if I felt I'd "missed out by never getting a bare bottom spanking." As brazenly honest as I later imagined myself being, I melted in a puddle of shame and was told to "stop being silly."

I even went so far once as to steal a spanking paperback from a Hobby Shop in town. I bought spanking magazines at the local drugstore, and I ordered material through the mail with no great difficulty. Spanking was my life's passion whether I liked it or not.
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Mon 11 Dec, 2017 06:50 pm
iamzandra wrote:

What do you think about this subject? I want people's opinions and insights. Just please no comments like 'you're too young to be having sex' or the like. Truthfully, these days, if you don't know for a fact that a teenager is celibate, then it's usually safe to assume they're banging like bunnies. Where I come from, anyway.


My opinion is typically outside the usual. I personally feel that after you have established a connection with someone romantically. You should tell them about your fetish and explore both. Even if they reject you because of this. That should be absolutely fine. We shouldn't force people to accept something they don't like. However; you shouldn't live with a secret just because you are afraid they won't accept you. You should use this as a metric of acceptance. What I mean is, if a person isn't willing to accept you for your fetish, then you really shouldn't be with them to begin with. Don't suppress your desire because of fear of rejection. Because that is no life worth living.

You should never settle with a person because you are afraid of being alone and need to hide all your desires in fear they won't accept you anymore. You should put ;everything on the table, at the right time. This is the ONLY way you really know a person wants you for you, no matter how "crazy" your desires might be. When you are accepted for who you are without hiding anything.

It's worth the risk ALWAYS to reveal your fetish because one day you'll find the person who is absolutely fine with your desires. **** all those others who rejected you..
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