I'm in the same camp as you; we need to have the government spend more on public works projects - not less. That's the only solution to the dismal employment picture we have in this country - as we watch more companies let workers go by the thousands. This is the only sure-fire projection from any austerity program - more layoffs.
It certainly isn't about more tax cuts for the wealthy; they don't need it. They gained 23% just last year, and the divide between the haves and have nots are getting wider every year. That's the only message from the GOP-tea party; tax cuts will create jobs. I guess this works if you're in the top 10% of the employed in this country. You can't bleed a turnip no matter how hard you try.
The stress level for the middle class and poor are increasing at an alarming rate; this will result in worse health and cost to our economy.
The politicians in Washington DC would rather play games than work for the American people. They need to be removed, and I believe that will happen next year when people realize how much this gamesmanship is costing everybody - including themselves. Many will win the politics, but lose in their jobs, homes, and investments.
That's got to matter no matter how anyone wants to spin it.