Sun 26 Jun, 2011 08:50 pm
for a while now ive been pretty lost and confused with life. I drink everyday and thats the only thing to look forward to when i get up each morning. I feel as though i only have my man drinking and fear itself to keep me going in life and now hes gone.
Each day feels like the same thing to me and its hard to figure out what to do, its hard to find a purpose. Why do i need to share this? im scared because im so numb to all of it that its impossible for me to force out even one tear.
the bottle is a one way friend...
sounds like you could use someone to talk with.
any friends or family that would listen a little?
welcome to a2k...
Well, what do you think is the source of the problem? What caused you to drink like this and lose yourself?
I'm listening if you need someone to talk to. That question is a good place to start.
Yes, drinking does numb feelings.
for a while.
What is so fearful about feeling?
It's not reality. It is feelings.
So be sad or fearful.
But do it sober.
drink hard as much as you can drink each day till you find an answer, be safe at it dont drive or be around cars...
but eventually u will find sorrow and find the solution of your problem if you direct your mind in beingsad of your circumstance and existence.. just wallow in it till an answer and solution finds itself, elsewise u havnt drunk enough yet... try red wine rather beer or liquire altho liqure might do the same trick but be unproductive since its so strong in its way to drink... thats my recommendation to you.. as one who has been in a similar situation before...
That's some of the worst advice I have ever seen on this forum, and I have been here since day one.
Way to get someone killed.