New York New York!

Wed 11 Feb, 2015 01:15 pm
I'm no fan of Romeo's, but I don't think he ever denied the Holocaust.
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Fri 13 Feb, 2015 06:57 am
Is there an honorary twat badge that can be awarded by A2K?
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Fri 13 Feb, 2015 07:06 am
The sad truth is that pieces of excrement like you are only accepted by other pieces of excrement.

Human beings have no time for such inbred filth.
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Frank Apisa
Fri 13 Feb, 2015 07:21 am
I have nothing against the will of an individual to choose whatever he wants to do with his body...

So you think that because you have chosen not to "succumb" to your desires for sex with other men...all men must do that?

I guess I am luckier than you or the others like you who have to deal with that choice. I've never had desire to have sex with men...or to offer myself for sex with them as you've had.

I've always thought it was not a choice at all.

Since you apparently know it is a choice personally...you must deal with it as you will.

I really wish you would not gratuitously include me, or the others here, in your in your insistence that all of society mocks homosexuals.

I don't...although I will acknowledge that I enjoy mocking you and your thinking on this issue.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 05:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
I've never had desire to have sex with men...or to offer myself for sex with them as you've had.

Neither have I, and that explains a lot about Carlos. His homosexuality has lead to self-loathing, and deceit. Instead of being honest about what he is, he decides to prove he's not by being a bigot.

The only person he's fooling is himself. A gay friend of mine who suffered queer bashing back in the day when homosexuality was still illegal told me the most vicious attackers were men he'd had sex with just a few days previously.
Frank Apisa
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 07:27 am
Exactly, Izzy.

The only reason I can see for gay-bashing is the notion of self-loathing gays.

We can all be thankful that humanity has come to the point where gays who are happy with what they are...can be a part of society without having to hide...or feel shame for some so natural.

Would we actually bash people who are left-handed???

I think humanity would be much better off if there were fewer humans anxious to bash people for loving other people (no matter gender or other variable)...and save their bashing for people who hate others for the silly reasons they hate them.

Hate is what we have to guard against...not love.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 07:30 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Would we actually bash people who are left-handed???

They prefer to be called southpaws. You can try bashing him if you want, but leave me out of it.

0 Replies
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:04 am
@Frank Apisa,
Quote of another deleted message of mine.

I have nothing against the will of an individual to choose whatever he wants to do with his body...

You are replying to a non existing message of mine. Lol

So you think that because you have chosen not to "succumb" to your desires for sex with other men...all men must do that?

I guess I am luckier than you or the others like you who have to deal with that choice. I've never had desire to have sex with men...or to offer myself for sex with them as you've had.

I've always thought it was not a choice at all.

Your strategy of implying that one may be a homosexual in the closet attacking other homosexuals is a fade, it did work in the past, but today, heterosexuals don't care about that false implication and talk freely what their opinion is about homosexuality and the rest of society.

Question is, why a small group od dudes want to impose homosexuality in society?

My messages expose the hypocrisy of society faking respect to homosexuals but in reality it is mocking on them what people do.

My messages can be called "not suitable" by some defenders of homosexuals, reality is that nothing will stop the current crude reality.

When my messages are deleted we know that here in able2know forums we have some Kim Jong-uns in the closet... lol

Deleting my messages are the excellent proof that what I say is what it is.

There are no victories of homosexuals when acquiring marriage licenses, they are only increasing mocking on them by the rest of society.

Accept this reality and learn to live with it.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:08 am
You've already admitted to having desires for men. You have absolutely no credibility whatsoever, so shut the **** up you low life bigot.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:15 am
carloslebaron wrote:

Quote of another deleted message of mine.

I have nothing against the will of an individual to choose whatever he wants to do with his body...

You are replying to a non existing message of mine. Lol

So you think that because you have chosen not to "succumb" to your desires for sex with other men...all men must do that?

I guess I am luckier than you or the others like you who have to deal with that choice. I've never had desire to have sex with men...or to offer myself for sex with them as you've had.

I've always thought it was not a choice at all.

Your strategy of implying that one may be a homosexual in the closet attacking other homosexuals is a fade, it did work in the past, but today, heterosexuals don't care about that false implication and talk freely what their opinion is about homosexuality and the rest of society.

Question is, why a small group od dudes want to impose homosexuality in society?

My messages expose the hypocrisy of society faking respect to homosexuals but in reality it is mocking on them what people do.

My messages can be called "not suitable" by some defenders of homosexuals, reality is that nothing will stop the current crude reality.

When my messages are deleted we know that here in able2know forums we have some Kim Jong-uns in the closet... lol

Deleting my messages are the excellent proof that what I say is what it is.

There are no victories of homosexuals when acquiring marriage licenses, they are only increasing mocking on them by the rest of society.

Accept this reality and learn to live with it.

I have no idea of why your post was deleted. Even though I think your thoughts on this issue are reprehensible, .and as far as I am concerned, deleting your comments for ANY REASON is every bit as reprehensible.

However, I cannot comment on what I cannot read.

I stand by what I said in reply to the one sentence I quoted.

If you think homosexuals are "choosing"...it has to mean that you are "choosing." If it is not a choice in your case...how can you be sure there actually is choice involved? Like I said...it is not a choice for me. I simply am not sexually turned on by men. So explain how you come to the conclusion that it is a choice...unless you have such a choice.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:16 am

Neither have I, and that explains a lot about Carlos. His homosexuality has lead to self-loathing, and deceit. Instead of being honest about what he is, he decides to prove he's not by being a bigot.

The only person he's fooling is himself. A gay friend of mine who suffered queer bashing back in the day when homosexuality was still illegal told me the most vicious attackers were men he'd had sex with just a few days previously.

Please, keep going, because you are proving my point.

When weird people hates an individual, their first action is to insult.

We have plenty examples that calling "homosexual" to the enemy is an insult.

Reading the Enquirer, we can read lots of publications where the "enemy Saddam Hussein" was posted as homosexual.

Even for you Izzithepush, you can find lots of publications that Hitler was homosexual, and the ones who wrote such publications were people who hatred Hitler.

So, there is no doubt that you hate me because I don't buy the theory of the existence of gas chambers in Nazi concentrations, and now you are implying that I may be a homosexual, because such is your way of insulting me

See? you are implying that homosexuality is bad when you use it as an insult.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:20 am
Your point is redundant, only idiots like you fall for that old cobblers.

You're so uptight because you need a damn good shagging, from a big hairy man, you frustrated bitch.
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:23 am
Your point is redundant, only idiots like you fall for that old cobblers.

You're so uptight because you need a damn good shagging, from a big hairy man, you frustrated bitch.

Oh, please, don't expose your personal inner sexual desires in public... Lol
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:33 am
Is that the best you can do? It's hardly surprising since you've just demonstrated you're too thick to find your own posts. Bigotry and stupidity go hand in hand, and you're a textbook example.
0 Replies
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 08:34 am
@Frank Apisa,

I have no idea of why your post was deleted. Even though I think your thoughts on this issue are reprehensible, .and as far as I am concerned, deleting your comments for ANY REASON is every bit as reprehensible.

However, I cannot comment on what I cannot read.

I stand by what I said in reply to the one sentence I quoted.

If you think homosexuals are "choosing"...it has to mean that you are "choosing." If it is not a choice in your case...how can you be sure there actually is choice involved? Like I said...it is not a choice for me. I simply am not sexually turned on by men. So explain how you come to the conclusion that it is a choice...unless you have such a choice.

About the deleted message of mine, the message still is there, but I'm glad you are against the deleting of messages in forums. In some websites, in their forums, the comments that might cause some concern are not deleted but hidden. One can click the box and one can read the hidden message. I think that this is a better way to maintain freedom of speech at its desired level. From here, no discussion is cut off and one can read the thread without vacuum between messages.

But, I can see that finally you want a reasonable conversation about why my opinion about homosexuality is that this sexual behavior is a choice against nature.

First of all. We must check what caused psychologists and psychiatrists to conclude that homosexuality is a "normal behavior"

Do you think we must continue with this path?

Do you think that we must opt for another path of discussion?

I want to review the "tests" made by psychologists on homosexuality in order to verify their validity. I think that this is the best way to come out with conclusions.

I'll hope you want to participate in this research, instead of attacking one to another never knowing the roots of the points from each one of us.
Frank Apisa
Sat 14 Feb, 2015 09:00 am
carloslebaron wrote:


I have no idea of why your post was deleted. Even though I think your thoughts on this issue are reprehensible, .and as far as I am concerned, deleting your comments for ANY REASON is every bit as reprehensible.

However, I cannot comment on what I cannot read.

I stand by what I said in reply to the one sentence I quoted.

If you think homosexuals are "choosing"...it has to mean that you are "choosing." If it is not a choice in your case...how can you be sure there actually is choice involved? Like I said...it is not a choice for me. I simply am not sexually turned on by men. So explain how you come to the conclusion that it is a choice...unless you have such a choice.

About the deleted message of mine, it is very simple, you will find no posting of mine where such quote of the original phrase exists.

The message has been deleted for whatever reason...so I cannot verify that the quote ever was there.

Are you saying that you never wrote:

I have nothing against the will of an individual to choose whatever he wants to do with his body...

But, I can see that finally you want a reasonable conversation about why my opinion about homosexuality is that this sexual behavior is a choice against nature.

If we have a reasonable conversation, it will be about whether or not homosexuality is a choice. This "against nature" addition is an intangible that is unnecessary.

First of all. We must check what caused psychologists and psychiatrists to conclude that homosexuality is a "normal behavior"

No we don't. I am not questioning psychologists or psychiatrists...I am questioning you. You apparently are saying that homosexuality is a choice.

I say it is not, because there is no way it is a choice for me. Men simply do not turn me on sexually.

Is it a choice for you or not?

Do you think we must continue with this path?

Do you think that we must opt for another path of discussion?

I want to get past my first question before going on to others.

I want to review the "tests" made by psychologists on homosexuality in order to verify their validity. I think that this is the best way to come out with conclusions.

Are you a trained psychologist...with a specialty in homosexuality? If not...your notions of being able to verify any of their conclusions seems grandiose on your part. Do you not agree?


I'll hope you want to participate in this research, instead of attacking one to another never knowing the roots of the points from each one of us.

Respectfully as possible, Carlos, if you want to do research into why so many golfers who should be shooting in the high 70's to low 80's often end up shooting in the 90's...I'm your man. If you are going to research psychology as complicated as this...or rocket science...I will have to excuse myself. I suspect you ought to do the same.
Sun 15 Feb, 2015 04:01 pm
Was it the sign of the anti christ all these many generations of gays baking wedding cakes for haters, for christians? Was it an antichrist event when gays designed wedding dresses, did flowers, made invitations and decorated event halls, or was that just a ******* blessing?


Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, says acceptance of homosexuality is paving the way for the Antichrist.

Appearing Monday on The Janet Mefferd show, a nationally syndicated Christian radio show, Jeffress said same-sex marriage and the "persecution of Christians" are among signs the world is experiencing "labor pains" before the second coming of Jesus. Other signs include the popularity of the book and movie Fifty Shades Of Grey, which Jeffress calls "Fifty Shades of Perversion."

0 Replies
Sun 15 Feb, 2015 07:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The message has been deleted for whatever reason...so I cannot verify that the quote ever was there.

Are you saying that you never wrote:

On the contrary. I would like all my messages where the video is shown to be posted again.

If we have a reasonable conversation, it will be about whether or not homosexuality is a choice. This "against nature" addition is an intangible that is unnecessary.[/quote

Is this is the case, then first explain what homosexuality is for you. Please have an ordinated response with plausible background and efficient fundament.

[quote]No we don't. I am not questioning psychologists or psychiatrists...I am questioning you. You apparently are saying that homosexuality is a choice.

Well, you must learn that in the past psychologists and psychiatrists accepted homosexuality as a mental condition to be treated. For this reason, it is important to find out what made them change their minds.

It must be a valid discovering, a valid reason for such a change.

I say it is not, because there is no way it is a choice for me. Men simply do not turn me on sexually.

Is it a choice for you or not?

The reason you and I do not have such a choice is because by nature and reasoning we follow our human condition and respect for our gender identification.

On the other hand, many homosexuals didn't want to become as such but they suffered of sexual violation, and they are in mental disequilibrium. A similar status or condition is found with women who were sexually violated when they were young, and when they become adults they seem to have sex with tens or hundreds of men. Both cases are in need of therapy.

Other kind of homosexuals are just pervert, like dudes who have inclination to steal or kill. Even when they know that their desires are against society, they choose to continue with their negative behavior. The same applies to homosexuals who swear that they were born this way.


I want to get past my first question before going on to others.

Your question has been answered. We can pass to the others.

Are you a trained psychologist...with a specialty in homosexuality? If not...your notions of being able to verify any of their conclusions seems grandiose on your part. Do you not agree?

You don't need to be a physicist to declare that the theories of Relativity are just fantasies. A simple scrutiny on their doctrines and simple explanations on the different phenomena debunks the whole crap of those theories.

The same a well, a scrutiny on the tests made by psychologists on homosexuality can easily demonstrate that the tests have no valid experimental background.

I know about scrutiny, troubleshooting has been my master knowledge, and I can use this knowledge of mine in different fields. Just try me.

Respectfully as possible, Carlos, if you want to do research into why so many golfers who should be shooting in the high 70's to low 80's often end up shooting in the 90's...I'm your man. If you are going to research psychology as complicated as this...or rocket science...I will have to excuse myself. I suspect you ought to do the same.

Well, I can show you that the tests made by psychologists were so simple and definitively stupid, that you won't need anything but to establish a basic rule which is ignored by them, and all their "studies" are found invalid.

If I say that homosexuality is a choice and a mental condition that must be treated, is because I have found that the methods used by psychologists to consider homosexuality as a normal behavior are not only incomplete but ridiculous.

Sun 15 Feb, 2015 08:06 pm

Regarding your quest to have your posts restored, no one here can do anything about it for you even if we wanted to. As I've said before, use the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page and direct your request to the site administrator.

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