It looks like the Bills will never score against the Jets. They're having a job getting out of their own half.
What's the big deal osso about two fat old codgers staggering around NYC in shorts? It's not an exercise in running. It's exhibition masochism. I read once that Yank blokes take pride in being able to soak up agony.
Useless, hard for me to trace who said that, probably the cbs blog - and it was said with surprise that he was now running up the middle, not once, not twice, but many times. I don't follow him, but that's why I said that re his now running up the middle.
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Sun 6 Nov, 2011 02:53 pm
You obviously don't know what envy sounds like osso. Envying that lot is like envying a bloke being prodded by a troupe of devils with red hot forks.
And Edgar finishes the early games at 6-1. He along with everyone except Region got the Miami @ KC game wrong. But he did pick - along with Mis Cowdoc - the Jets over Buffalo.