Sat 18 Jun, 2011 10:52 am
It appears to me a very un-necesary and very detrimental and erronious intent to promote the freedom for homosexuals to be activelly sexual in any form of OFFICAL marriage status ...BECAUSE...
the very nature of homosexuality is destructive and NOT healthy .....
It is contrary to proper use of human body,and is a insult to any president of any type of private or government office to be forced to promote homosexualit wheather in secret or openly cohierst to promote homosexuality.
I(me) believe that hte are extenuateing circumstance ,in foreseeable and unknown personified variables that some how have trick the prsidents to presume it a matter of just only a innocent diference of sexual orientation..when in reality homosexuality is a grave and serious danger for any normal heterosexual community to allow homosexual be within the ranks and files of our heterosexual armed forces and within our political government agencies...BECAUSE ..if they are ill mined enough to feel confortable with homosexuality then the same class of people are propense to be sabotageing in secret every aspect of normal heterosexual civilization every time it notice most persons NOT interested in haveing sex with homosexuals.