Heh. I have had a friend who opened the London Bridge Chinese Restaurant, in Lake Havusu, Arizona. Haven't talked to him in years, hope he is well. He was a boat person from Vietnam, and when we first knew him, he held three jobs. My favorite time was when he owned, and cooked at, the vietnamese restaurant, Sing Sing, on Hollywood Blvd. Later, he went back to his chinese roots, thus the Lake Havasu move.
I don't remember seeing the bridge when we visited him there (he insisted we cancel our hotel and stay at his house - a dear man). I do remember the speed boats on the Lake where our hotel was were too noisy to bear.
Anyway, the idea of the bridge being brought to the desert was always total nonsense to me. On the other hand, our friend's cooking was still fantastic. I'll hoist a small virtual class of exceptionally good cognac in his memory (he called it, special tea).