bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 06:43 pm
Nope no racist here!!!!

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002

Posted: 12/29/2014 4:12 pm EST Updated: 14 minutes ago

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) participates in the press conference announcing House GOP leadership for upcoming session of Congress on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014. (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

Twelve years before he was elected by his colleagues as House majority whip, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a conference hosted by the white supremacist group European-American Unity and Rights Organization.

Louisiana political blogger Lamar White Jr. dug up a number of posts on Stormfront, one of the original white supremacist websites, that place Scalise at the 2002 EURO gathering. According to one user who attended the conference, Scalise -- then a state representative -- spoke to the organization at a workshop "to teach the most effective and up-to-date methods of civil rights and heritage related activism."

According to another Stormfront post, the National/International EURO Workshop on Civil Rights was held from May 17 to 18, 2002, at the Landmark/Best Western Hotel in Metairie, Louisiana. The conference was also listed on an Anti-Defamation League list of extremist events for that year.

"Throughout his career in public service, Mr. Scalise has spoken to hundreds of different groups with a broad range of viewpoints," Moira Bagley Smith, a spokeswoman for Scalise, said in a statement. "In every case, he was building support for his policies, not the other way around. In 2002, he made himself available to anyone who wanted to hear his proposal to eliminate slush funds that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars as well as his opposition to a proposed tax increase on middle-class families. He has never been affiliated with the abhorrent group in question. The hate-fueled ignorance and intolerance that group projects is in stark contradiction to what Mr. Scalise believes and practices as a father, a husband, and a devoted Catholic."

An aide to Scalise noted that at the time Scalise had only one aide and that he was speaking to any group that would listen to his argument about "slush funds." According to a contemporaneous Stormfront post, Scalise referenced such funds in his remarks to the EURO conference.

"In addition to plans to implement tactical strategies that were discussed, the meeting was productive locally as State Representative, Steve Scalise, discussed ways to oversee gross mismanagement of tax revenue or 'slush funds' that have little or no accountability," user Alsace Hebert wrote on May 21, 2002. "Representative Scalise brought into sharp focus the dire circumstances pervasive in many important, under-funded needs of the community at the expense of graft within the Housing and Urban Development Fund, an apparent give-away to a selective group based on race."

The same user also referenced Scalise's remarks in a post on Feb. 2, 2004.

"It was just announced that Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson will enter the race in the 1st Congressional District," Hebert wrote. "Those that attended the EURO conference in New Orleans will recall that Scalise was a speaker, offering his support for issues that are of concern to us."

Two years after speaking at the conference, Scalise was one of just six state representatives who voted to oppose making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a state holiday in Louisiana. That was at least the second time Scalise had voted against an MLK holiday. He was one of three lawmakers to vote against it in 1999, too.

Founded in 2000 by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke (who served as a Louisiana state representative from 1989 to 1992), EURO seeks to fight for "white civil rights." The group is recognized as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. As the SPLC notes, the group is largely inactive, serving primarily as a vehicle to promote Duke's books.

"EURO already was well known as a racist hate group at the time that Steve Scalise apparently spoke to its workshop, and it is hard to believe that any aspiring politician would not have known that," Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a statement to The Huffington Post. "In any case, it's worth noting that Scalise apparently did not leave even after hearing other racist speakers spouting their hatred."

While Scalise's office says he was unaware of EURO's politics at the time of the convention, other groups knew the background of the group. A newspaper archives search on found that The Des Moines Register noted at the time:

The Iowa Cubs have changed hotels for their trip to New Orleans this month because of the meeting of an organization headed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

The Cubs were scheduled to stay at the Best Western Landmark Hotel in Metairie, La., while playing four Pacific Coast League games May 16-19. The hotel also booked a workshop during that period for an organization called EURO -- European-American Unity and Rights Organization.

According to the Gambit Weekly, via the Nexis archives, the hotel hosting the conference wasn't pleased either:

The Best Western Landmark seems unhappy about the workshop as well. "A contract to book this event was made some time ago, and it is our practice to fulfill our contractual obligations," a company spokesperson says. "Our company does not share the views of this organization." In the past, David Duke has held campaign events at the hotel, and "we have never had any trouble there," claims EURO national director Vincent Breeding.

And many conservatives aren't buying Scalise's story. RedState's Erick Erickson writes that he finds it highly unlikely the congressman would not have known this was a Duke organization at the time of the event. And then he sticks in the knife: "Trent Lott was driven from the field in 2001 for something less than this."

But the Republican Party of Louisiana dismissed the news of Scalise's speech at a white supremacist meeting as a "manufactured blogger story."

“For the 25 years that I’ve known Congressman Scalise, he has been an aggressive advocate for conservative reform. He has been willing to bring this message to anyone who would listen and has spoken to thousands of groups during his career in public service. I’ve also known Steve to be a man of great integrity who embodies his Christian faith in his daily life. This manufactured blogger story is simply an attempt to score political points by slandering the character of a good man," Louisiana party chairman Roger Villere Jr. said in a statement.

White supremacy runs deep in the Louisiana region Scalise now represents in Congress. The 2004 race for Louisiana's 1st Congressional District included Democrat Roy Armstrong, an ex-Ku Klux Klan leader and spokesman for Duke. Duke himself had mulled a run for Congress that year, having just been released from federal prison, but ultimately Armstrong ran instead. Republican Bobby Jindal, who is now the governor of the state, won the race in a landslide, but Armstrong managed to pick up more than 19,000 votes.

Sam Stein contributed reporting.

This article has been updated with statements from the SPLC and the Louisiana Republican Party, passages from publications about the 2002 conference, and a quote from RedState.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 06:45 pm
There you go again, speculating about someone else's sausage. This time mine. What's the matter, Buttercup, you must wanna kiss it and make it all better.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 07:00 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 07:26 pm
Surprise! The two racist Coatesville School officials were corrupt too

Previously, the Coatesville School Superintendent and Athletic Director resigned their jobs when it was discovered they were sending racist messages back and forth to each other. Now, they are charged with felony corruption. The Inquirer editorial below is worth reading to the end.

"The incompetence of the Coatesville school board rivaled that of those it empowered to run Chester County's poorest school district.

A grand jury report suggests that the board allowed former Superintendent Richard Como to run the district as a petty dictatorship, bullying employees who would dare question him as he allegedly stole public funds and hired unqualified relatives, friends, and felons to work with children. Several of Como's hires had a record of drug, weapons, assault, and child endangerment offenses.

Chester County District Attorney Thomas Hogan last week also announced numerous counts of theft and other offenses against Como's familiar, former Athletic Director Jim Donato, who is accused of using district cash to buy himself a Range Rover and cover his gambling debts. Como, meanwhile, allegedly submitted fake expense reports, created a slush fund, and squandered sparse district funds on football rings and iPads."


"The arrest of two former Coatesville Area School District administrators on Monday added a new chapter to the texting scandal that engulfed the district last year, but the grand jury report that led to the arrests also indicated one of the investigation’s main targets remains uncharged.

The report accused James Ellison, who served as the school district’s solicitor until October, of a wide range of improper conduct that included fraudulent billing practices and leading the district’s school board in an attempt to conceal the exchanges from the public.

Former superintendent Richard Como and former athletic director Jim Donato were both arrested on felony theft charges Monday, but no charges were filed against Ellison. However prosecutors were clear that the former solicitor remained a target for investigators."
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 07:52 pm
Michael Grimm has decided to resign from Congress days after pleading guilty: sources

Source: NY Daily News

WASHINGTON — Rep. Michael Grimm has decided to resign from Congress in the wake of his guilty plea on a felony tax evasion charge, sources told the Daily News Monday night.

Grimm (R-S.I.) said after he entered his plea last week that he planned to continue serving in the House.

But he reversed course after speaking Monday to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who has taken a hard line on GOPers facing ethics charges.

Grimm plans to announce his resignation on Tuesday or Wednesday, sources said.

Read more:
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 07:55 pm
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 07:58 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Why is he on food stamps?
bobsal u1553115
Mon 29 Dec, 2014 11:19 pm
Because he's a lazy assed socialist depending on working stiffs like you to keep his entitlements funded?

Nearly 1 Million Vets Face Food Stamps Cut

commissary checkout 428x285 Oct 29, 2013 | by Richard Sisk

About 900,000 veterans and 5,000 active duty troops face cuts in their food stamp benefits beginning Thursday as $5 billion is automatically trimmed from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program for low-income families.

"The coming benefit cut will reduce SNAP benefits, which are already modest, for all households by 7 percent on average, or about $10 per person per month," according to an analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

"Nationwide, in any given month, a total of 900,000 veterans nationwide lived in households that relied on SNAP to provide food for their families in 2011," according to an analysis of census data, the Center's report said.

The SNAP program received a boost under the 2009 Recovery Act, or stimulus bill aimed at lifting the nation out of recession, but that temporary increase will expire Thursday as Congress continues to debate a new farm bill which would separate farm subsidies from food stamp benefits.

In addition to the 900,000 veterans, the cut in SNAP benefits would impact about 5,000 military families that currently receive food stamps, mostly from the junior enlisted ranks, according to the Defense Department.

A Department of Agriculture report last year showed that more than 5,000 of the total of 48 million Americans receiving SNAP benefits listed their employment status as "active duty military," Pentagon officials said.

The SNAP program currently costs about $80 billion per year and provides food aid to 14 percent of all U.S. households, or about 48 million people.

Thousands of veterans from every state would be affected by the food stamp cuts, ranging from the 109,500 in Florida and 105,700 in Texas in the SNAP program, to the 2,200 in North Dakota, according to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

Of the active duty troops, "military members who receive SNAP tend to be made up of members in junior pay grades with larger than average household sizes," Navy Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a Defense Department spokesman, said in August in commenting on the potential for benefit cuts

"Military members normally ‘promote out' of the need for additional subsistence benefits, due to the corresponding raises in basic pay and other allowances as one moves to a higher pay grade," Christensen said in an e-mail statement.

"It's a small population but it's a vulnerable population," Joye Raezer, executive director of the National Military Families Association, said of the active duty military families receiving food stamps.
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Veterans Assistance Veterans Richard Sisk
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 12:11 am
Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Calls GOP Majority Whip Scalise a ‘Fine Family Man’
Source: Mediaite

Here’s an endorsement House Majority Whip Steve Scalise probably wasn’t looking for and doesn’t want. In a comment to The Huffington Post, white nationalist and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke called the Republican congressman “a fine family man and a good person.”

Duke was responding to a recently unearthed story that revealed Scalise had given a keynote address at a 2002 event hosted by the neo-Nazi’s white supremacist group.

While Scalise’s office first said they were not sure if the congressman had spoken at the event, they admitted Monday that he had but does not endorse the group’s message. “He has never been affiliated with the abhorrent group in question,” spokeswoman Moira Bagley told the Washington Post. “The hate-fueled ignorance and intolerance that group projects is in stark contradiction to what Mr. Scalise believes and practices as a father, a husband, and a devoted Catholic.”

But even as Scalise is working hard to distance himself from the neo-Nazis, Duke apparently has no problem endorsing him.

Read more:

GOP minority outreach continues...
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 12:27 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Calls GOP Majority Whip Scalise a ‘Fine Family Man’

And your man Sharpton is Obolas best bud.
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 02:00 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 08:27 am
So what? Sharpton isn't the Minority Whip. Don't you even think that **** out before you spew it?

In Steve Scalise's defense ...
... it's hard to tell a KKK rally from a GOP rally.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 08:35 am
bobsal u1553115
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 08:40 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 08:42 am
0 Replies
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 11:13 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Liberals are hypocrites on Steve Scalise
All you need to know about Steve Scalise in two words: Bob Byrd.

Liberal journalists want to run Steve Scalise, a Republican congressman from Louisiana, out of power because he attended some meeting 12 years ago of the "European-American Unity and Rights Organization."

Byrd organized Ku Klux Klan terrorists as an Exalted Cyclops a mere 7 years before he entered Congress -- and he lied about it. He was not merely at the wrong place at the wrong time, but rather he was actively recruiting white supremacists who were anti-black, anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic.

And yet Democrats elected him Senate Majority Whip (heir apparent to the majority leader) in 1971 -- 7 years after he filibustered and opposed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. Subsequently, Bob Byrd became majority leader -- the highest ranking klansman ever in the United States Senate.

Glass houses, and the forever stupid Bob.
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 11:35 am
0 Replies
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 05:13 pm
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 05:38 pm
Early Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Much love, health and prosperity in the new year to you and yours! Peace on earth, brother and sisterly love towards all!
0 Replies
Tue 30 Dec, 2014 06:45 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Democrat Rep. Donates Cash To Hamas-Linked Group

A Democratic congressman has donated funds to a political group that was implicated in a criminal fund-raising operation for the jihad group, Hamas.

“Thank you Congressman James Moran for his generous personal donation to @CAIRNational at #CAIRturns20,” said a tweet from Linda Sarsour, the host at a Sept. 27 fund-raiser for the jihad-linked Council on American Islamic Relations

And look here...
We have a democrat congressman speaking at a meeting of known terrorist front groups, That must mean he is a terrorist also.

Indiana Representative Andre Carson (D) took part in a major Islamic convention in Chicago this past weekend. The convention was hosted and sponsored by the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Muslim American Society (MAS) were included in an approved list of designated terrorist organizations under an anti-terror law issued by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emirates News Agency reported.

Executive director of MAS, Mazen Mokhtar ,who is known to be operating an Al Qaeda website and raising funds for the Taliban was also on the panel. Mokhtar was connected to a UK based Al Qaeda fund raising website, as well as for other terrorist organizations, in a 2004 federal investigation.

Mokhtar’s activities were identified in an affidavit released Friday by the U.S attorney’s office in Connecticut. According to the affidavit, the websites solicited funds for the Taliban and Chechen mujaheddin, and is an exact replica of sites run by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested in England last week on a U.S. extradition warrant.

It is presumed that Carson knew of Mokhtar and his affiliations and accusations, as well as his fund-raising efforts by extension for the Muslim Brotherhood.

So Bobsal,
Lets see you spin this so that this congressman isn't a terrorist.
According to your logic, he has to be a terrorist.

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