An Oklahoma Veteran's Open Letter to Senator Coburn
Posted: 12/23/2014 12:25 pm EST Updated: 12/23/2014 12:59 pm EST
Dear Senator Coburn,
As a veteran I find it is highly disingenuous of you to block the Clay Hunt Act because it doesn't have offset costs. As a veteran who lives in eastern Oklahoma and is a proud Oklahoman I find it despicable, dishonorable, and thoroughly against the values of everyday Oklahomans. You, sir, will be known for this for years to come. Your legacy will be one of empty values. You have misplaced the value of human life.
Throughout the years I've come to know many veterans in Eastern Oklahoma as I have spoken to them throughout the state working with the Veteran's Committee (OKDPVC) being the 2nd District's Officer on the Committee, and with the people I worked with in the Air Force. Veterans have a set of troubles the regular population does not have and because of this there must always be a challenging of the systems of protocols when it comes to the VA and how America cares for veterans. Thankfully, we have wonderful non-profits and veteran service organizations that propel the veterans to greater heights than past service members have had. These same veteran service organizations along with bipartisan support have encouraged the Clay Hunt Act.
I've known veterans that turned to alcohol and drugs because they couldn't get the services they needed from the VA. For far too many veterans suicide is the only option after they have explored every option to deal with the problems occurring in their own minds. I don't expect you to understand the problems my brothers and sisters face, Senator Coburn. I do expect you to do your best to have a bit of sensitivity when it comes to veterans issues.
As an Eastern Oklahoman who knows veterans and everyday Oklahomans who have voted for you I think they all are taking exception with your actions. Personally, I have never voted for you, and unfortunately I am glad I haven't. I would much rather it be the opposite, I would much rather you have voted in favor of the Clay Hunt Act to prove my feelings about you wrong.
You have served a long time in both the House and the Senate. Your original promise to serve no more than three terms in the House was dutifully noted when you first began, and you held yourself to that promise. You promised to only serve two terms in the Senate, and you have made good on that promise as well. You are a person who does what he says, but why haven't you ever made a promise to help veterans? There are many veterans in the state of Oklahoma, and you are doing a disservice to them by blocking this bill.
Being a veteran who has called the Veteran's Hotline in the past, been in a psych ward, and had to work incredibly hard to get myself back to the place I was before being ill due to my time in service, I can say that your actions are unforgivable to Eastern Oklahoman veterans and veterans nationally.
You have not led the charge or to my estimation done anything consequential in the helping of veterans in the Senate or during your time in the House. You offer no alternatives, and you're retiring after this year.
I, for one, will be glad when you are gone and we will hopefully have someone to work with in the Senate that gives a hoot about our veterans.
Dustin DeMoss
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