Wed 1 Oct, 2014 01:32 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Republicans have an overwhelming advantage over Democrats when people are asked which party they trust to handle national security issues. In the latest CBS poll, Republicans have a 20-point lead on this question and respondents have elevated national security issues to their second-most important concern.

Given all that the Bush lead invasion of Iraq cost us for nearly zero gain at all this is preposterous. What is the answer? It won't be given by the antithesis of the problem

President Obama's "victories" have note been shown, the killing the swine Bin Laden and thousands of economic benefits of the middle class? Either the House has diverted any and all progress?

A few low life of the deep south and the racist need to be killed too President Obama! Just like Bin Laden so they know the power of our government!

Kill Bin laden and kill traitors too, they are not voters they are haters of democracy. Just exactly like Bin Laden. "exactly"

Any dead religions fanatic is a celebration!
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 01:44 am
Just like George W. Bush beheaded Saddam Hussein, let's behead the GOP for their political terrorism and apostasy against liberty and freedom! They are terrorists! I accept this and let's set the military against them now! Generals and privates let's set ourselves against the oligarchy and uphold our U.S. Constitutional bill of rights! The oligarchy should not buy democracy so they can pollute and rape our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 02:03 am
Just like George W. Bush beheaded Saddam Hussein, let's behead the GOP for their political terrorism and apostasy against liberty and freedom! They are terrorists! Liars and Fox news propagandist alike... Al Qaeda. I accept this and let's set the military against them now! Generals and privates let's set ourselves against the oligarchy and uphold our U.S. Constitutional bill of rights! The oligarchy should not buy democracy arrest court phonies so they cannot pollute and rape our country! Arrest the Koch brothers now for supplying subversion of democracy!

Behead the racists like George W. Bush did to Saddam! String them up to a rope and kill them like those who deny healthcare and those who deny votes to poor people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arrest the GOP and corporate subversives and use generals to do it.

Apparently the U.S. generals did not defect so they can now start by arresting supreme court lobbied judges...

I am sure the NSA has the **** on you sold out GOP bastards!!! If not, it is obvious who you serve... Not "we the people, the earth and ecology" just your ******* shareholders.. Just like Saddam! Completely deserving of his same fate!!!

And Saddam was not even religious like you self proclaimed greedy Tea Party Christian hypocrites which only make you even "more" deserving as your radical Muslim counterparts of death.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 02:31 am
In a surprise move, re-swear the generals and all service members to the constitution emphasizing the vote and we the people! Give our military some education about ours and their democracy. Remind generals and privates there is an corporate insurrection waiting and plotting within and if it comes, the troops are to side with "we the people" democracy and not a CORPORATE militant lobbying force!!!
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 02:35 am
Never relinquish the military to any private concerns ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

E pluribus secular social unum

Rex loves the world
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 03:08 am
0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 03:18 am
How many Tea Party preachers in America have called for the deaths of gays? It is time for the sake of pride to counter call for the same. These people are not preachers they are violent sociopaths. Happiness is guaranteed in the U.S Constitution. It is a right and they deserve not to take it away or diminish your right and your family. In a world of tax payer tanks and bombs it is time to not forget we are the progenitors of our own personal liberty. Liberty is only possible with universal government (not private) statutes!
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:06 am
What a useless statement. Here, let me make one just like it: The amount of STDs suffered by the GOP is frightening. Or everyone knows Fox news is under the sway of the Kremlin.

If you're going to accuse the White House of corruption you should be specific and factual. Name how the White House is corrupt and cite a fact or two.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:11 am
And point out where in Rex's statement he said 'racist' or 'hater'.

That's like me telling you to make a statement without mentioning 'self-abuse' or your 'prince albert'.

At least when Rex says 'racist', he cites an example of racism.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:13 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:19 am
What's the matter can't answer my question: demonstrate how unshovel ready projects wasted any money at all, even $.01.

You loved it when Bush did it, you hate it when Obama does it. Explain that, please. Particularly when you and Fox waste a lot of time condemning Obama for doing things that no other President did (even though other Presidents most certainly did.

You guys falsely compare him to other Presidents all the ******* time. Why don't you stop that?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:20 am
Why do you act in racist ways?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 05:39 am
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 06:03 am
How right-wing conservatives are dog whistling about ISIS — and Latinos, too
Moyers & Company
01 Oct 2014
Ted Cruz speaks to ABC News
Ted Cruz speaks to ABC News
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This story first appeared at

This is the third in a series of posts that Ian Haney López, the author of Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class, will be writing in the weeks leading up to the November election.

Using severe orthodoxy to justify barbarous violence, the Islamic State in Syria is a major destructive force in the Middle East that demands the attention of the United States, prompting political leaders from President Obama on down to warn the American polity of the danger posed by ISIS.

Strikingly, though, many Republicans have been depicting ISIS not primarily as a foreign concern, but as a domestic threat that may portend the invasion, and even the potential collapse, of our country. Especially in the repeated linkage of ISIS to security on the Mexican border, conservative warnings on ISIS seem to constitute a new form of dog whistle politics, the dark art of using coded terms to stir racial anxiety among voters.

First, the claims:

Representative Trent Franks, a Republican from Arizona, warned earlier this month: “It is true, that we know that ISIS is present in Ciudad Juarez or they were within the last few weeks.” He continued: “So there’s no question that they have designs on trying to come into Arizona… If unaccompanied minors can cross the border then certainly trained terrorists probably can to. It is something that is real.”

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in a CNN opinion piece published on September 10, explained how the nation must prepare to confront ISIS: “First and foremost, Washington should resolve to make border security a top priority finally, rather than an afterthought . . . in light of concerns about potential ISIS activities on our southern border.” First and foremost, we should combat ISIS by focusing on our southern border? Yes, Cruz explained, for “[a]s long as our border isn’t secure, the government is making it far too easy for terrorists to infiltrate our nation.”

Many other Republicans have pounded out the same dire warnings about ISIS on the Mexican border, including conservative luminaries such as Texas governor Rick Perry, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

But perhaps the clearest evidence that stoking fear about ISIS in Mexico is now standard Republican fare comes from a just-released television ad entitled “Protecting America’s Freedom” by moderate GOP politician Scott Brown, running for office in New Hampshire, far from the southern border.

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bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 06:55 am
1. How much you wanna bet that there are members of the Secret Service who want Barack Obama dead?

2. Khorasan Group? Yeah, right. Prove it.

3. Any motherfucking politician or pundit who had no problem with Attorney General Alberto Gonzales needs to shut their lying cakehole mouth about resigning AG Eric Holder.

But if you thought Gonzales was a cockknob, then, fine, have at Eric "Prosecute a Banker? Me?" Holder.

Any motherfucking politician or pundit who had no problem with President George Walker Bush needs to shut their lying cakehole mouth about President Barack Hussein Obama.

4. Yeah, well, ****, Bridgegate probably was something but those creepy Christie cronies made sure they protected their boss like he was a Sicilian godfather in the wrong pasta joint. So **** us all for being hopeful that it would do the governor in.

4a. Don't fret, though. There's a ton of other **** that'll sink Christie before his sausage-greased fingers ever touch the presidency.

5. This sense of a forced march to the Hillary Clinton nomination is what Republicans must have felt in 2008 when it was McCain's "turn." (Yeah, yeah, shut the **** up. We'll all vote for her if given no better choice by either party.)

6. When Ebola is gonna make us all **** out our organs, why should we worry about ISIS? Isn't Boko Harumthe same size as ISIS? Didn't Nigeria just shut it down without the panic the west is going through???

7. It's impossible to get rid of that sinking feeling that we've created an untenable, almost wholly unregulated capitalist system that is going to collapse on itself if it doesn't end up killing us through poison, climate change, or sleeping semi-drivers.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 07:18 am
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:18 am
Voter Fraud Is Real, And It’s All Republicans
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by Kaili Joy Gray
Oct 01 10:36 am 2014

Sometimes you just forget you already did that

Republican governors and secretaries of state are determined to stop the scourge of Voter Fraud, by ensuring that the wrong kind of people can’t vote. (Poors, minorities, Democrats — you know the type.) Sure we laugh at them, but it’s no laughing matter. Voter fraud is a real problem. Among Republicans, anyway.

Arkansas Online reports this disturbing discovery of one such Republican voter, Leslie Rutledge of Arkansas (sometimes) and former legal aide to good ol’ Mike Huckabee, who wants to vote in ALL the elections: the Arkansas ones, the Washington D.C. ones, and maybe Virginia too. The best part? She’s running for attorney general of Arkansas.

Ms. Rutledge was apparently registered to vote in Pulaski County, as well as in Washington D.C. and (possibly) Virginia. Because the D.C. registration was subsequent to her transferring her Arkansas registration from Independence County to Pulaski County in 2006, her Pulaski County registration was subject to cancelation for having moved outside the county.

On Tuesday, after confirming that Rutledge had registered to vote in D.C. in 2008 and yet cast an absentee ballot in Arkansas that same year — weird! — the Pulaski County clerk canceled her voter registration, which, according to Rutledge, is nothing more than “Chicago-style” politics by dirty Democrats who are trying to smear her good name and rig the election, OF COURSE:

Democrat County Clerk Larry Crane of Pulaski County has displayed a total lack of integrity by using desperate Chicago-style, partisan politics to disenfranchise me–a qualified voter in Pulaski County in an attempt to illegally secure the election for the Democratic Party. This lower-than-low act of political desperation shows just how far the Democratic Party and my opponent will go to try and win an election that they know they are losing.

Rutledge insists it was the clerk’s job to inform all the other counties where she’d also registered to vote that she would be voting in Pulaski County from now on. Which appears to be true, except for the part where she subsequently went and registered to vote in those other counties anyway. But it’s not like it’s her job to know that sort of thing, because the people of Arkansas haven’t elected her attorney general yet.

And even if they do elect her, well, the Arkansas Constitution says she wouldn’t be able to serve anyway.

No persons shall be elected to, or appointed to fill a vacancy in, any office who does not possess the qualifications of an elector.

Darn the luck!

This isn’t the first time a real live voter frauder person has been busted for trying to do voter fraud. In 2013, Republican Jack Villamaino, who had been running for a Massachusetts state House seat when he was busted for all kinds of voter fraud, pleaded guilty and got himself four months in jail.

There was this charming Wisconsin fellow, a big supporter of Gov. Scott Walker, who was charged with 13 felonies for, you got it, voter fraud.

Monroe cast two ballots in the April 2011 Supreme Court election, two in the August 2011 Alberta Darling recall election, five in the Scott Walker-Tom Barrett recall, one illegal ballot in an August 2012 primary, and two ballots in the November 2012 presidential election.

In the presidential election, Monroe cast an in-person absentee ballot in Shorewood on Nov. 1 and drove a rental car to Lebanon, Ind., where he showed his Indiana driver’s license to vote in person on election day, Nov. 6, the complaint charges. Monroe owns a house there, according to the complaint.

But he had a really good reason for trying to vote all those times for all his favorite Republicans: amnesia. He simply couldn’t remember that he had already voted for Gov. Walker and Mitt Romney and Republican state Sen. Alberta Darling all those times before. Don’t you just hate when that sort of thing slips your mind?

And then there is Mr. Liz Cheney, who was registered to vote in Wyoming — where Liz has always been from — and Virginia, “even though he signed a document in Wyoming saying he was not registered elsewhere.” It probably just slipped his mind too.

Maybe Republicans who want to impose burdensome voting restrictions have a point. There are bad people out there who are trying to cast fraudulent votes, and the last thing we Americans want are the wrong kind of people stealing our democracy. You know, the lying cheating voter-frauding Republican kind.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:27 am

Mitt Romney Finds Entirely New Explanation For ’47 Percent’ Remarks, In Own Ass
by Kaili Joy Gray
Sep 30 3:30 pm 2014

Now that Mitt Romney has let it be known through “supporters” and “his wife” that he is definitely serious about not winning the White House at least one more time, he is also letting it be known that he has learned some things from the last multiple times he did not win the White House.

For example, as the New York Times reports from its knees so as to be just the right height to fellate the multi-time loser, the Romneys have learned to live more modestly and limit themselves to just owning a few homes throughout the country instead of ALL the homes throughout the country. Why, they might even put their tear-down beach mansion — the one with the car elevator and private lobbyist — on the market! It’s the kind of noble sacrifice the Romneys are willing to make to demonstrate just how much they want to be humiliated again in 2016.

We also learn the real reason Mitt accidentally and “not elegantly” mentioned to his rich donors when he thought no one else was listening, or recording, that the (skewed) 47 percent of Americans who would never vote for him were a bunch of moocher taker losers “who are dependent upon government” and think “they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it” and don’t even pay their taxes. Turns out, it’s because he was just answering some jerk and forgot people were listening — a mistake he will not make again.

“My mistake was that I was speaking in a way that reflected back to the man,” Romney said. “If I had been able to see the camera, I would have remembered that I was talking to the whole world, not just the man.”

Next time, in fact, Mitt has a whole strategy for assuring he does not say stupid things every five seconds.

“I was talking to one of my political advisers,” Romney continued, “and I said: ‘If I had to do this again, I’d insist that you literally had a camera on me at all times” — essentially employing his own tracker, as opposition researchers call them. “I want to be reminded that this is not off the cuff.”

Great plan!

Also, too, Mitt is still pretty bitter about that whole President Obama beating the crap out of him in 2012 thing.

He spoke dismissively about his visit to the White House shortly after the 2012 election — the cursory meeting in which the former combatants are supposed to play gracious, take pictures together and make noises about issues on which they might work together in the future. “It was intended to check a box,” Romney said of the president’s invitation. He was not offered any follow-up, which was typical, Romney said, according to what he heard from some of his executive friends. “No one gets the impression that what they are saying is being incorporated,” he told me. “I won’t mention who it was, but I met with one of the nation’s top Republican leaders, and he said, ‘You know the strange thing is that the president seems to answer to only two people — Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama.’”

Stupid Obama wouldn’t even take him seriously when he was invited to the White House to share all his winning ideas for how Obama should president like Romney would president if anyone had wanted Romney to be president, which they did not.

We also learn many other fun facts about the Romneys that make them just as unlikable and awkward as they have always been. Like, for example, that Romney Lunch Hour involves “a small buffet of sliced turkey, corned beef, two loaves of Pepperidge Farm bread (white and wheat) and a selection of both mayonnaise and Miracle Whip.”

Mayonnaise and Miracle Whip. So fancy! Guess there are some luxuries the Romneys aren’t quite ready to give up.



0 Replies
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:47 am
How many Tea Party preachers in America have called for the deaths of gays?

bobsal u1553115
Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:50 am
0 Replies

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