@cicerone imposter,
By part 3 it's talking about Yale, George Bush and The Wall Street Journal, it's very much American Conservatism.
Better still if it really applies to US politics. It becomes more of a mystery why so many Americans prefer conservatism over anything else, sine most of them will be lead by the "aristocracy."
"Less government control" under conservatism is an oxymoron.
Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail
GOP and their "culture of corruption"...
(Photo: Travis County Jail)
One repug we won't have to vote out of office.
I'm just wondering if his veto was actually an offense legally.
Isn't the power of the governor public information? I wonder what the problem is.
@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Isn't the power of the governor public information? I wonder what the problem is.
Who is that under your desk President Clinton? Schmuck
@cicerone imposter,
Because the american student isent taught to think for himself. He is supposed to listen to his betters and do as he is told. Thus people who cant think.
Hidden behind economic sanctions against Russia is the role of Wall Street banks in propping up Putin. Morgan Stanley, for example, earned an estimated $360 million in investment banking fees in Russia from 2002 through 2013. The bank lead the $10 billion initial public offering for Rosneft, Russia’s giant state-controlled oil company, and has helped transform it into the world’s largest publicly-traded oil producer. Putin even put Morgan’s CEO on Rosneft’s board, according to Bloomberg News. As Rosneft has expanded (partly by buying assets Putin forced an imprisoned political opponent’s company to sell), it has become one of Putin’s favorite tools for extending Russian influence abroad. And the relationship between Morgan Stanley and Rosneft continues. Rosneft has agreed to buy Morgan Stanley’s oil trading, storage and transportation businesses for an undisclosed sum. The sale is still pending. Is there anything Wall Street banks won’t do to make more money?
Robert Reich
The City Of London is just as bad. Russian oligarchs own most of the prime real estate in Mayfair, and send their offspring to exclusive fee paying schools in England.
For all the talk of sanctions neither of our counties wants to hurt the filthy rich.

Think Greg Abbott's hands are clean in the wake of Rick Perry's indictment? Not so fast.
Connect the dots and share — Texans deserve to know Perry's true motive for coercion and abuse of power.
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
I'm just wondering if his veto was actually an offense legally.
Isn't the power of the governor public information? I wonder what the problem is.
The issue isn't that he vetoed anything. The issue is he used threats of veto to try to coerce resignation of a public official. He then carried through on the threat and vetoed the funding. After he vetoed the funding there is a claim he then attempted to bribe the official by promising a better job and a restoration of the funding if she resigned.
The biggest issue here is that the official was in charge of investigating corruption and was investigating croneys of the Governor at the time she was threatened. I don't know whether his actions were legal or not but they certainly have a stench of wrongdoing.
The problem was her getting arrested for Drunk Driving. She was the lead of the ethics board and refused to step down after being arrested and serving jail time. He didn't think it was right for someone to run the dept under these circumstances. That is why she was asked to resign and that is why they have now filed charges against him.
I heard David Axelrod threw his support behind Perry and said the charges were bogus. If this is true then the Dems in that area must not really have a leg to stand on.
No, she wasn't the lead of the ethics board. She was a county DA. Perry didn't ask the other 2 county DAs that were arrested for drunk driving before her to step down.
Duke Energy Spilled At Least 5,000 Gallons Of Diesel Into The Ohio River On Monday
Vote out the GOP!
Yeah. Mitch Mc Connell spilled that oil. What a joke.
All armed protests are illegal... This is a democracy where votes are our greatest second amendment arms. rr

Max Childress shows off the filters used to clean his well #water. Nearby #fracking contaminated two wells he dug; companies have promised him clean water but have reneged.
Check out more stories from Pennsylvania at
Berks Gas Truth Damascus Citizens for Sustainability Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition (GDAC)